Chapter 2: Daniel

Chapter 2: Daniel

Pearl's POV

It’s been three days since that unnatural day occurred. No signs of Noctis and Yujin since then. Both Jade and I are worried sick because we haven’t received any replies from all the text we sent.

So, we decided to go back to the park…

“Do you think this will work?” Jade is standing right beside me, looking around as if she’s afraid. I admit, we don’t know anything to how and why we got to that ghost town version of our city. It just occurred in that spur of a moment.

“I don’t know. But it might somehow.” I sighed in frustration as we walk around the usual crowded park. We halted to the same spot where we got transported to the other dimension or whatever that place was, trying to figure out how to get back there.

“But what if it doesn’t work? We have no idea how in the world we even got into that place.” Jade made a defeated sigh, slumping on the ground while tracing the concrete with her index finger. Yes, it’s exactly as I thought. But I know, if we went there once, there can always be a next time. Could it be that it was only activated when Noctis and Yujin are there? But what makes them so different from us?

A sudden vibration was felt in my skirt pocket which made me instantly grab my phone. My eyes widened as soon as I saw the name of my caller. Bae <3- I mean NOCTIS. I immediately answered the call and called for his name. “Noctis?! Hello?! Where are you guys?!” I frantically asked but, as soon as I looked up the sky, it was that same dark sky we saw the other day.

“Pearl!” Jade called, “Everyone’s gone again! Does that mean we’re in?”

My eyes scanned at our surroundings. And as Jade has mentioned, everyone was gone again. The tree that has been struck by the lightning is broken as expected. Just what is this place?!

“Pearl… L…” Noctis voice came across the line but it was too static to be heard.

“Hello?! Noctis! Where are you guys?!”

“We… Fine… GO-“ The call ended with those words from him. Thunder roared across the sky and clouds cried rain, making both me and Jade drenched in rain.

“Ah! Seriously! We didn’t even bring an umbrella!” Jade complained, as we both started to run for shelter.

‘Go’ that word lingered in my mind. Noctis’ voice sounded scared when he mentioned that. But what was he afraid of? And where are we supposed to go?

Jade stopped and so did I, noticing a person in black cloak standing few feet away from us. Our hearts pounded heavily as we gaze at the mysterious entity in front of us. ‘Could it be, this is what Noctis warned us about?’ I clenched my fist and took a deep breath before I called out for it.

“Hey! Hello! Hello?! Do you mind if I ask you few questions?!” I shouted.

“Are you crazy?! What if that person is dangerous?!” She shouted in whisper at me, smacking my head for acting stupid.

“I know. But what if this stranger knows something about this dimension? I’m going to talk to him,” As I was about to leave, Jade grabbed me by the arm, making me to face her.

“Stop! You’re getting yourself in trouble! Let’s leave already!” It was as if she was begging me not to go and I know why she’s like this. I tend to do troublesome stuff most of the time, but this time, I have to take the risk. That person might know something about all of this or at least know anything about our friend’s whereabouts.

“I have to do this. That person might know where Noctis and Yujin are. Look, Just… Stay here. I’ll deal with this.” I pried her hand off me and immediately walked towards the person, ignoring Jade’s call for my name.

“Hey, umm… I was wondering if you could-“ As soon as I stood next to the person, I immediately noticed the weird outfit he’s wearing. It was metal plates all over his body, like that of a knight. I also noticed a sword hilt on his side, hidden under his cloak. “Woah…” Was the only word that came out of my mouth. I was starstruck by the person’s looks. It was immaculate. A slick back blonde hair with fallen locks framing his sharp face. Piercing ocean eye color, fair skin, tall proud nose and reddish lips tuck into a firm line. His brows were furrowed, gazing at a distance in silence.

I held my breath at how breathtaking the male was, drench in the rain but I almost jumped as soon as his eyes snapped to meet mine. It was very mysterious and ominous to gaze at the same time, very hypnotic. Those blue-colored eyes seducing you when you stared longer. My own body mindlessly moved towards him, almost leaning close our body together and I swear I could see his perfect brows furrow even more and kissable lips twitch in annoyance. I snapped when fog suddenly appeared out of nowhere, making me move away from him.

‘What was that? Why did I suddenly move towards him?’ I wondered as I glanced at him sideways, but the fog suddenly grew thicker which finally brought me back to reality alarmed. “Fog?!” I mentioned. No way could a fog appear in this city. Why is there a fog in the first place? But then again, everything about this place is already weird enough to even comprehend.

“You reek.” He spoke in a smooth, silky baritone of voice. Wait.. did he just say I smell?!

“Excuse me?!” I looked at him in disbelief, offended by his words.

“You reek in impurities. A foreign blood diluted in different races. I suggest you get the hell away from me before I cut your pretty little neck off your small body.” He unsheathes his sword and point it at me, making me froze on spot in fear. If he’s cosplaying, using real sword in a convention is illegal. But I don’t think he’s even cosplaying at this rate.

“Pearl!!!” Jade shouted in panic.

“W-Who are you?” I stammered, swallowing my saliva, body trembling in cold and fingers pruning for being wet.

“DANIEL!” A familiar voice rumbled along with the thunder in the sky. I slowly look into the owner of the voice, and as soon as I saw a glimpse of him despite the heavy fog, I sighed in relief.


“Ah, well if it isn’t the traitor. It’s been a while, old friend.” Daniel mused, smirk making its way into his pretty lips as he took off his hood. When I said he was immaculate before, he’s drop-dead gorgeous. An Adonis in the amidst of this confusing world. It makes me wonder if there are more of them in wherever they came from.

Snap out of it Pearl! How could be a hoe now when the man of your life is drenched in rain… his body… shaping through his clothes… those delicious muscl-

I slapped myself to regain my senses, making all of them look at me in surprise. “I’m fine… Please don’t mind me.” I said quietly, shrinking from the embarrassment. ‘Kill me now! I beg of you, sir handsome with a sword.’

"What are you doing here?" Noctis asked, his eyes gazing sharply at the man named Daniel.

"What am I doing here? Good question. Let’s see," Daniel placed a finger on his chin, looking up and walking around as if he’s wondering. "Well, I decided to go on a vacation while decked in my armor and thought that Earth is the best choice among the Milky Way Galaxy. Don’t you agree, my friend?”

"Just answer my goddamn question, Daniel. What’s your purpose here?" Noctis gritted his teeth, seething in anger while glaring at the other male.

"How can you be so rude? You're not going to greet me? Don't you miss me? How disappointing," Daniel answered, sighing wistfully, pretending to feel hurt by Noctis’ words. "You’re no idiot, Noctis. You know why I’m here and you know it better than anyone.” The Blonde male drew his sword towards Noctis while the ravenette only continued to glare at him.

I should do something in this situation but, I don’t know what. I held my breath and stood in between the two, shielding Noctis from the sword. I could feel Noctis glaring holes behind my back for jumping into a dangerous situation but, I know I need to stop these two from fighting.

“Move.” Daniel commanded, but I remained still and refused to move. “I said move, you stupid b*tch!-“

“NO!” I yelled, making Daniel even more furious than before.

“I’ll kill you if you don’t move. So move while I’m asking nicely.” He threatened. Gripping his sword tightly, ready to lunge at me anytime.

“Pearl, move. This isn’t your business.” Noctis finally spoke. “I said move!” He yelled, finally getting mad at me. I froze, gazing at him in shock. He… yelled at me.

Noctis walked past me while I was gazing into nothingness, still surprised from being yelled. Jade finally pulled me towards her, taking me away somewhere far from the two.

“What were you thinking, jumping in the middle of danger?! Do you have a death wish?!” She groaned in frustration at me, before pulling me to a tight hug. I almost teared up, but I stopped and hugged her back. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Please, for the last time, Pearl, don’t do something dangerous.”

“I only wanted to help” I answered softly.

“You already did so much to help. But I don’t think Noctis will need your help at this situation.” Jade sighed, patting my head in reassurance before turning towards Daniel and Noctis’ direction. “If you want to help him, the best way to do that is to stay out of trouble. That way, it will keep his mind at ease.”

I let out a deep sigh and decided to stay put, leaning towards Jade. Somehow this is starting to get more confusing. Daniel mentioned that he travelled to Earth. Does that mean they’re actually from a different planet?

“Goddamn it, this fog. I swear to the gods if I were given a chance to destroy something in this planet, it’s this fog!” Another familiar voice was behind us. The crunching of shoes on the floor getting louder and louder until a familiar red hair appears in sight.

“Yujin?” Jade called, making the brunette gaze to our direction.

“Jade!” He called, the sound of his voice was full of relief, I could feel him about to drop on his knees at the sight of Jade being safe and unharmed. His eyes shifted towards mine, making him beam. “Pearl! You’re alright too!”

“My~ Yujin. It’s so nice to see you again.” Daniel spoke once again, making Yujin froze on the spot before his shock turned into anger.

“Daniel.” He said with a low threatening voice. “What are you doing here?”

“Why of course, We’re here to take you back.” Daniel let out his sly smirk at the red head, which only made Yujin bit his lower lip.


“We’re not leaving this planet,” The redhead announced, clenching his fist in anger.

“You seriously choose this trash planet than our own? This is nothing compare to our home,” Daniel scoffed, gazing at Yujin in disbelief.

“This isn’t a trash planet, you asshole. Take that back.” Noctis growled angrily at the blonde male.

“You know nothing about this planet, Daniel. One day, you will eat those words you speak once you start living here as well. It may be different from our home planet, but at least this world has what you call freedom.” Yujin said firmly. It was the first time we see Yujin in such serious and angry expression that you could almost see his amber-red eyes flaming.

“Wait, what do you mean other planet? Are you guys not from our world?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking. It’s been bothering me for a while now since they keep comparing Earth from ‘their’ planet.

The three fell silent. It was as if a secret that never should have been revealed. Yet, it has already been spilled.

“We… are not from around here, Pearl.” Noctis started slowly, breaking the silence between us.

“We’re from a planet called Planet 102. Me, Noctis and Edward are not from around here.” Yujin added.

So this is why they were acting strange back then when we first met them. They’re not from around here. Does that mean I’ve been with in love with an alien all along?


I almost fell on the ground after hearing such unbelievable truth. They’re not humans all along. But how are they so human like?!

“Stop joking around, Yujin. Are you saying you guys are aliens?!” Jade frowned deeply at Yujin which made the red head sighed in frustration, unable to answer Jade’s question.

“I don’t think we can joke at this very moment, Jade.” Noctis answered with firmness in his words.

“We’re not aliens but somehow like human as well… Look it’s hard to explain.” Yujin managed, gazing at Jade with sadness in his eyes, guilty of lying.

“This is getting boring.” Daniel complained and suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye, only to appear in front of Noctis with a wicked smile on his face before landing a hard punch on the chin. The ravenette lose his balance after getting hit off guard which only gave the blonde male an opening to hit Noctis’ solar plexus with his knees. It made the ravenette cough, finally landing on the ground only to get kicked by Daniel on the face, knocking him out cold.

We all gasped in shock to see Noctis barely conscious on the floor, grunting in pain. It brought tears in my eyes as I see him all beaten up. All bloody faced. No!

“Noctis!” I yelled.

“Daniel! You dirty little bastard!” Yujin barked angrily before trying to lung at Daniel.

“Stay right there.” He commanded, pointing his sword at Yujin before squatting over Noctis. “See how pity you are at the moment? You’ve grown weak, Noctis. Because you stayed here and repeating the same process as back then, falling in love with a foreigner. You’ve grown weaker and it’s pitiful.” Daniel said mockingly, grabbing Noctis chin hard as if try to examine his face and drop him back on the ground. ‘Noctis has a lover before?’ a strange sensation filled my chest, making it almost harder to breathe. Pain was felt as my heart felt as if it’s being squeezed.

‘Of course, he would… considering he’s this handsome. I bet hundreds of them would die just to be with him.’ I clenched my fist against my chest. ‘But why am I jealous over something so trivial?’

As soon as the fog has gotten thicker, I panicked, calling out for Noctis’ name and running towards his direction. Everyone got separated. And that’s when everything starts getting worse.