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Chapter 12: Training!

Chapter 12: Training!

“Five days.” Asher stretched out his hand. “In five days, you will be under my provision and all of you’ll undergo an intense training that only people from our planet can do. If you couldn’t meet the things you need to achieve, we will leave whether you like it or not and nothing’s gonna change my mind. Show me how desperate you are.”

Pearl is walking alone with that in her mind. ‘Five days’ she thought. “What can we do in five days?” She mumbled staring intently downwards with her index finger placed on her chin. “Everything seemed fine that they agreed to what Asher said, but do they have the slightest idea of what are we going to do?!” She screamed while looking at the clouds above as if the answers for her questions are up there but eventually she took a deep sigh and continued to walk. “He said that we’re going under training that people of their planet can only do. HUH?!” She suddenly stopped again when she thought of terrible ideas. "What if they hang us up on a tree branch beneath the sea of snakes or bugs or whatever?! Or what if they’d force us to cross on a tightrope between tall buildings with books above our head! OR……! What if we do a tug of war?! Surely they’ll win and made us roll over the mud! That’ll make my baby Noctis so disappointed to me! I-I can't even imagine what would he tell me!”

‘You’re all covered in mud that I can’t even handle your smell. Yuu smells awfully better!’

“Ahhh!!!” Pearl screamed ruining her own caramel hair. “I can’t do this! There’s still a time for me to back out. I should just run!” She made a turned back but she bumped into someone.

“OUCH!” She made some steps back, rubbing her forehead until she saw who it was. ‘Speaking of the devil.’

“Oh boy. You’re much louder than I am, do you really always talk to yourself like that?”

“Yujin! Wait, how long you were there?!” Pearl turned to the redhead who’s wearing a basketball shirt and a pink cap.

“Just enough for me to see you act like a cranky old woman,” Yujin replied with a grin, the girl only pouted at him but then the grin on his face disappeared. The redhead was thoughtful for a moment. It was a matter of seconds but his lips formed a frown, eyebrows lower and were pulled close together. “It’s not too late to quit. If you don’t want to go it’s fine. I don’t still like the idea of all of you coming with us.”

Pearl’s eyes widened realizing that it really was a heavy decision, what Yujin and the other’s want is their safety and to not be dragged by their problem, that’s all. She looked at the other one with his lowered head, lips pressed together. It really made her uncomfortable to saw Yuijn like that, she made a sad smile and took a deep breath.

“Eh?! That’s so rare of you to make a face like that!”

Yujin got caught up by that response of his friend and looked at Pearl unbelievably. “Hey I’m trying to be serious here you know!-” But then he was cut off.

“I thought we’re already done with this conversation? As you know I’m not a quitter! We’re coming with you guys and that’s final!” Pearl paints a ray of sunshine all over her face and raise a thumbs-up.

“Pearl…” Yujin whispered to himself, still couldn’t believe where she could get this so much courage. He smirked and that made Pearl surprised. “W-What is it?” The girl asked.

“Fine. Be sure that you’ll pass Asher’s training, okay?” Yujin started to walk pass by Pearl and after a few steps, he turned back. “Why are you still standing there? Did your legs got all frozen huh old lady?”

Pearl’s face turned red as she clenched her fist. “Who you’re calling an old lady?! Huh?!” Then she made large steps towards Yujin who is already running away from her. “I SWEAR I’M GOING TO SMACK YOU!”


Yujin and Pearl was standing still on the grass, with their focused gaze at the plains. The place are all in green with all of the trees resting. In the very middle there were couple of bench around a monument of a man who wore an ancient long dress, holding a map and a sword pointing to the direction of the North. With a taste of fresh air, this is how paradise should look like. “I never knew there was a place like this in Alvarez.” The redhead whispered.

“Relaxing right?” Both Yujin and Pearl jumped out of surprise when they heard the voice only to be found out it was Edward.

“Really! Stop doing that!” The two reacted in accord. “Seriously! Don’t suddenly show your face! I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack!” The redhead continued.

“Aw that’s rude Yujin. At least my face is not that messy unlike yours,” Edward replied with a vacant smile.

“What?! Are you insulting me?!”

“Nope not at all.” Yujin was preparing his fist and Pearl just looked at them hopelessly until-

“YOU ARE THREE MINUTES LATE!” That busting voice from the distance was from Asher who’s pointing at them making an icy stare. The three of them were in pale, trembling in fear but it vanished when they saw what the albino is wearing. It includes a heavy duty jacket, pants, t-shirt, a hat and boots. All of it are patterned in green camouflage, basically wearing a military uniform. Their jaws dropped!

“Hey isn’t that a little bit too formal for a training?” Edward asked with a shaky smile.

The albino approached glaring at them. “All of you will do fifty squats and push ups!” Everyone was dumbfounded about what they just heard.

“Squats my ass,” Yujin whispered to himself still having an uninterested stare at Asher. “What’s with the outfit?!”

Asher smirked in confidence fixing his glasses. “Hmph. One must be presented always with proper etiquette of wearing an attire for the right occasion.”

“Eh? You just want to wear that…” Yujin softly whispered to himself again.

“Shut up VIRGIN.” The albino intently to emphasize it that made the redhead blush in embarrassment. Pearl and Edward are holding themselves hard not to laugh but in the end they couldn’t.

“IS THERE A PROBLEM BEING A VIRGIN?! BLUE-BALLED VIRGIN! ANYWAY! IS THIS ANY WAY TO TREAT YOUR MOST HANDSOME FRIEND?!” Yujin yelled back pulling Asher’s hair in ponytail and they started wrestling at each other. Pearl couldn’t believe that someone who’s cool and composed like Asher will play around with the redhead.

“Shut up! I don’t care about that and you’re not even close for being handsome!” Asher mockingly said and fixed his glasses. “Well whatever you’re late!-” Yujin immediately punched the guy on the face and again a day never passed without Yujin’s yelling and so, the two of them continued doing a child's play.

“How dare you pulled my hair?!” Asher tried to fight back, squeezing Yujin’s cheeks but the other one didn’t bother as he pulled the albino’s hair opposite to his direction. Pearl and Edward are just staring at them with an unimpressive face.

“Should we stop them?” Pearl looked at Edward hesitantly.

Losing hope to his two friends, Edward shook his head. “It’s useless. Even if you do, they won’t stop either way. It would be wise if you wouldn’t concern yourself with them.” And the guy just gave him a plain smile. Pearl found it unbelievable that Edward can accept their behavior, after all Edward is the most decent among them. Well it’s like she was never used with these guys attitude.

“What’s with all the noise?” A voice rumbled from the distance. The two turned back to the direction of the voice, seeing Noctis. Pearl’s eyes suddenly turned into hearts as she saw the ravenette’s appearance, he’s wearing the same clothes as Asher only to be much fitter showing off his well-built physique.

“Hi dad!” Pearl blurted out but then she cleared her throat immediately. “I-I m-mean hi Noctis...”

“I can’t imagine you will be wearing that too,” Edward is holding himself trying not to laugh. The ravenette folded his arms with embarrassment and looked down to the green grass avoiding everyone’s eyes.

“What can I do? Four eyes is insisting.” He looked at the two other who’s busy with their wrestling.

“When are we going to start?” Glory came with Jade and Janine and gave a defeated sigh witnessing everyone’s situation. Two handsome lads wrestling on the grass, a girl drooling over a guy wearing a combat uniform and a quiet guy smiling back at them. ‘These people…’ Glory thought.

“Oh come on, will you stop it, you two? Don’t ruin today’s pleasant weather!” Jade gave a defeated sigh seeing the sight of the lads.

“Leave them alone,” Glory just responded.

“But Glory!” Jade answered back. The two continued their childish fight giving out punches to one another. ‘Poor Yujin…Why do boys loves to fight anyway?’ Jade asked in the back of her mind.

“Can we already start instead of doing silly things? Or will you just going to continue and ruin your image to us?” Glory asked quietly with a grin on her face, provoking the other one.

Realizing his situation, Asher immediately stop being embarrassed for everyone to see him in that state, he kicked off Yujin’s face and stood up like nothing’s happened. “Sorry for witnessing such an unpleasant sight.” He cleared his throat and gave off a cold stare that made everyone ill at ease. Looking over each one of them as if he’s inspecting. Even Glory who’s smirking earlier suddenly looked away at him. “I should be giving punishment since everyone came late today.”

That made everyone guilty and avoided Asher’s eyes. It’s a natural talent for an individual to be late, however that is unforgivable for him. “Well as do what the short girl says, we don’t have time to waste.”

Glory reacted quickly, rattled by what she just heard. “Did you just called me short?!”

“Am I wrong?” Asher just put a grin on his face. Glory just looked at him with such furious. “Oh come on I’m just kidding, I just wanted to see your angry face.” He said with his lips still pursed into a smirk.

“And why is that?”

“I found it cute.” Everyone was taken aback with what they just heard, did they heard it correctly? Did Asher really say that? This guy who is always dead serious just said that? Well, he even flirt with their teacher back then. The boys were unbelievably quite amazed how the albino managed to do it. ‘Smooth…’ They thought in unison. Even Glory was stunned for a moment but then she got a hold of herself and respond.

“W-Will you cut it already?!” She is obviously pissed and embarrassed but the albino just laugh. 'I swear I'm gonna kill this guy!' She cursed quietly.

“Relax, I was teasing. You should see your faces.” He said turning his gaze to everyone. He fixed his glasses. “So… Do you know what mana is?”

This time the mood was changed drastically, the girls were caught off guard when they heard the question, they looked at each other and are hesitant to answer and having the thought that everyone has a doubt and no one will speak, Jade still tried. “Is it like a life force energy?”

“I commend you for answering,” Asher said. “You’re correct.”

“Wait how did you know?!” Pearl questioned Jade.

“W-Well it’s not like I’ve been watching fantasy series over the television! N-Not at all!” Jade answered blushing in panicked and fixed her glasses trying not to divulge her hidden interest. However Pearl just stare at her. ‘Jade was a terrible liar.’ She thought. “Okay… If you say so.”

The albino started to explain like a teacher to his students. “Mana is a life force energy that inheres into people or every living things. It has passed through generations to generations without knowing of its origin. You can compare it to your soul who sustains of your existence in this very world. Without mana, there will be no life.”

“I can’t believe that it’s true,” Janine mumbled.

“You’ll believe soon.” Asher answered and continued. “At some point, civilizations discovered the usefulness of mana to tarnish people’s lives. It became the very center of living. An art that was told until even now. The energy that we’re using, the people who co-exist with us, even the words we speak, there is mana to it. In other words, mana is the core of every being living in the whole universe.”

“So why are you telling this to us?” Glory asked with brows pulled together in a frown.

Asher gave a sigh and looked at Glory. “Weren’t you listening? I just said that everyone in this universe has mana within them. That counts even you.” The girls reacted in unison as their eyes widened in disbelief.

“W-We have mana in us?” Pearl asked while looking to her own hands, her eyes widened as she remembered a very important thing. “Now that you mentioned it, you said before the word “Mage tower!”

Asher only smirked as a reply fixing his glasses. “I’m somehow surprised you remembered what I said back then. So you’re not that dull as you look.”

Pearl raised her eyebrow, flustered by what the silver-head said. “I have my own capabilities too you know!”

Asher shrugged off his shoulders and regained his focus on the topic. “As I said you have mana, not just you, that tree has mana in it. The birds, butterflies, and even the ants beneath us has mana within them. You’re subconsciously living with mana inside your body.” Asher explained.

“But I can’t even feel it!” Pearl exclaimed.

“Of course you can’t.” This time it was Noctis who spoke. “In order to recognize your own mana, one must be under a serious training. No one in Earth has gone through that. Especially when they have no idea of what mana is.” Pearl paused for a bit then responded with a sad nod and stay quiet for a moment.

“You heard him. I said earlier that mana has been cultivated into different uses, right?” Asher walk towards the girls. “In order for you to come to our planet. I’ve decided that all of you should learn how to determine your own mana and use Ganlon.”

The boys were caught off guard to what Asher said. “What?! Hey are you serious? There’s no way that they could do a Ganlon, and it’s dangerous!” Yujin rushed towards the albino. His expression clearly states that he disagree with the idea.

Asher gazed at him with no interest. “Do you think I’m having a joke?” The redhead was taken aback from what he heard, he knew what type of person Asher is. Top on his list is to not make such jokes. “So are you telling me that it is fine to let them go with us even they cannot protect themselves?” Asher replied with his stare fused to the redhead.

“W-Well…T-That’s… Even so it’s dangerous!”

“This is one way to let them prove their resolve. If they can’t do it, then they’re not determined enough. Am I right?” He shifted his gaze towards Glory with a blunt look that is completely different from his previous discipline. Glory who was intimated meeting his golden orbs looked away.

“Yujin we’ll be fine,” Jade managed to speak showing a slight comfort within her eyes.

“Jade…” Yujin grumbled, he still doesn’t like the decision given but he gave out a defeated sigh and looked at Jade. “Fine but once I saw that you’re not capable of it, you will stop okay?” Jade just nodded at him and Asher continued to talk.

“As I was saying, you will all undergo training. This will surely push you to your limits but believe me or not, there are only two objectives in this training, to control the mana inside your body and use it to perform a Ganlon.” Asher paused as he saw that everyone are confused as what Ganlon even means. “Since your eyes are questioning me, let me explain it to you. A Ganlon is a high-incantation technique that is usually used in combat in our planet. If you’re going to compare it to this planet’s language, it’s like magic. In order to perform a Ganlon, an individual must use the mana inside their body with delicate measures. Once a person fully controlled the mana, they will be able to feel it like blood running through their body, and by putting it together with a proper focus and force, they can release the mana through certain points of their body.” Asher opened his eyes and when he did, he just saw the more confused expression on the girl’s faces.

He let out a defeated sigh. “I guess I should demonstrate it to you huh? Fine. I’ll show you a basic Ganlon technique,” Asher placed his palms together and closed his eyes. Glory and the others were carefully watching while the boys are just staring at the albino. Seconds were passed and a spherical white light started forming into Asher’s palms.

“W-What is this sensation?!” Jade gazed in absolute curiosity as the white energy started to surround the albino’s body

“Wind from the north with the voice of the fallen maiden, come forth with the breath of the wind lioness’, suppress the sight and secrete the mind. I progress the fifth Ganlon: Nemosaggi!” Asher raised his right palm and the white light has turned into a vast ray directing the sky. Soon it formed into four glass walls in every cardinal direction each of one has a height of one hundred and twenty two feet with ancient runes carved on it! Everyone are paling seeing the unbelievable occurrence happening. The ray started to widen, creating an image like a wall, its tremendous force made impacts of wind as it covered the whole plains where everyone is. Glory shielded her face with her arms from the intense pressure of force scattering the whole area and as soon as she put it down-

“T-his is b-basic?” She and the others couldn’t believe in what they just saw, a giant glass wall has caged them.

Asher put down his arm and walk towards the girls as if what he just did was completely effortless. “I forgot to say that Ganlons are ordered in numerals. Since this is just the fifth, it is a basic technique.”

“A-Amazing…” Janine dropped her jaw in awe.

‘Nemosaggi, when is the last time I saw it?’ Noctis mumbled to the back of his mind staring intently at the white barrier.

“This bulwark of glass that is covering us is the fifth Ganlon: Nemosaggi. In terms of combat, this Ganlon is used for defense, it does not only protect the user and the people within it but also preventing others from seeing us and sensing our mana. It’s a perfect technique for hiding or setting up an ambush. I set this up so no one would interrupt us in your training. And one more thing…” Asher pressed both of his hands together. Everyone prepared themselves, the boys sensed an immense amount of mana focusing on Asher’s hands, and then the albino performed multiple hand seals, it was so fast that the girls couldn’t keep up with it. “Ancient being born from the space come heed the requisition,” after performing multiple hand seals, he started an incantation, the mana in his hands has increased in a colossal amount creating tremendous sensation to everyone who’s around the albino. “Ancient being born from the chrysalis of time, ray your limitless power and show it to me- BARRANCA!”

Asher pressed his palms on the ground and unveil a shining light transcends from it, two beings have come and rose above which looks like a projection, one has a shape of beast like deer and the other one is an oceanic creature with countless limbs that is of like a squid with a face of a dragon. Everyone was stoked of what they are witnessing, even the boys couldn’t believe. The beings released a tremendous roar that will hurled the ears of who will heard it and together it reached the sky and suddenly the area which is covered by the Nemossagi has turned into pitch black. All of the colors from every living thing has been sucked out leaving it grey. Glory opened her eyes and at that very moment, she thought she’s in a different place. “W-What happened?” She stammered.

“A-Asher… W-What…” Yujin couldn’t even comprehend everything and was staring at him unbelievably.

“T-This is…a Ganlon… w-which I invent…” Everyone was in shock when they heard Asher’s response. He is obviously exhausted breathing hardly with sweat dripping around his face but despite of that he managed to stand up.

“I-Impossible!” Edward blurted out in shocked.

“I-In my four years of staying in this planet, a-all I did was to research everything around me. The landscape, weather, matter, both fauna and flora and… Even the flow of mana.” The albino fixed himself and even he’s panting hard, he continued. “W-With all the information that I gathered, I found out that Earth contains twenty percent more mana than our planet.”

Glory was amazed finding out how incredible the albino is so far. No doubt that the taste of their first meeting was unsavory, even so, Asher was a revelation to her. He was intelligent and articulate, and knowledgeable about an amazing range of subjects. But she never thought he will go far to that extent. Hardly for her to understand about Ganlon but just looking at her surroundings, and with the fact that the boys were completely moved by what he just did. She knew this is something that a normal person couldn’t do.

‘He's a genius.’ She thought.

“W-With the portent given, I already anticipated that we'll be under the pursuit of the kingdom, so I decided to create my own Ganlon using the resources in this planet.”

“So what actually is this thing?” Edward glanced around the wide space in disbelief.

“This lackluster dimension I called Barranca, is a place isolated spatially and temporally in between this planet and a parallel space. This is somewhat similar to that alternate dimension where you met Daniel and Jinyoung. Only that Daniel used the Alternate Dimension. As the name suggests, it swaps a certain area and create an alternate space which acts as a replica of the very same place.” Asher explained.

Jade remembered what Asher explained to them when they first met.

‘It separates the real world from the other. Which explains why you thought everyone had disappeared.’

“I see. So that’s what happened,” Jade somehow got the gist of it. She remembered that burning tree back then, when everything came back to normal, it’s as if the tree never got hit by the lightning and got burned and everything was just a dream. But when they came back to that ‘space’ the burned tree appeared again. “To put it plainly, people are not disappearing, it was us who were swapped into that alternate space."

Asher nodded at Jade’s quick understanding before turning to others. “However this Ganlon that I invented, the Barranca is a rupture in space surrounded by multiple layers of temporal currents.”

“O-Okay… I-I see!” Pearl who obviously didn’t have the idea, nodded, agreeing with the albino.

“You don’t need to pretend that you understand it. Put it simply, time flows at a much faster rate here than in the outside. If it’s expressed in numbers, it’s 1000 times as fast. By the time that a year has passed on the outside, 1000 years will have passed here inside the Barranca.”

“What?!” With a rapid blink, Noctis was thunderstruck on what he just heard. Everyone else has the same reaction painted on their face.

“Ordinarily, if being reckless, we would’ve been hurled about a century and died from our body being unable to keep up with the sudden passage of time.” The albino’s eyes sharpened in a moment. “That’s why temporal-space Ganlon are strictly prohibited by the lawmakers, for it possess various threats and defies the natural element of time and space.” The boys are well aware of how merciless the consequences could be, chasing their lives and kidnapping one of their friend was an example of it.

Asher fixed his glasses. The sharpness of his eyes loosened and it lightens the tension around them. “Well, I never thought I will use this sooner. Personally I wouldn’t use this for your training but thinking it through, this will be helpful to gather more information about the Barranca. Since we’re in a pinch, this could be an opportunity to gain some time.” Asher formed some hand gestures explaining the details carefully to everyone. “The flow of time inside the Barranca is 1000 times that of the outside, in other words, even if you trained here in 1000 hours. Only one hour will have gone by on the outside.”

“T-That’s fucking insane,” Yujin whispered.

“By the way for the training, I want you to have this,” Asher handed over a piece of paper to the girls. Glory looked at it with brows furrowed.

“So… What are we going to do with this?” She asked staring at it.

“I want you to look carefully and observe what I’m going to do,” Asher handed out a piece of paper from his pocket and hold it with his two fingers. “You will start on focusing your mana and fusing it to this paper. With an immense concentration of mana you can direct its flow in any part of your body, more than that you can synthesize it to things like this one. This is fundamental so achieving it is a big step if you want to come with us.” Asher closed his eyes and started concentrating, once again he released a white aura all over his body, the girls are carefully watching and with an instant, the paper was cut into two!

“C-Can we really do something like that?” Jade was hesitate at the moment but then she looked at Glory who is staring intently at Asher. She knew how determined Glory was, she will do anything to save Andrew. Jade thought if this is the only way to find him then she must do it even the possibility of it is quite unimaginable.

“The key for the perfect mana control is to feel connected with everything that surrounds you, mana is life. Just remember, concentrate and release. You can now start, I’ll go ahead over there,” Asher pointed out a tree and walked away.

“I guess we should just try?” Pearl suggest with a beam on her face. “But I don’t have any idea how to do it!”

“Concentration and meditating is the first step,” Edward raised his voice with a gentle smile on his face and sat on the grass and pick up a leaf. “You need to calm your mind and unified your breathing,” with an ease, Edward cut the leaf into two and show it to the girls.

“You made it look so easy but okay…” Janine sat on the grass too as well as the others, forming a circle and together they started to close their eyes.

“Delicate mana control has a lot of limitation,” Edward added. “If sentient, the energy may be able to overwhelm you and take over, it’ll drain you until you lose all of your mana. In other words you’ll die.” He said seriously looking over at everyone. “So if you feel something unfamiliar, tell it to me immediately, okay?” The girls nodded. Edward pressed his lips together with a frown.

While the rest are focused on the training, Noctis reached Asher who is resting under a tree. The albino raised his eyebrow as soon as he saw the ravenette’s face. “What are you thinking? Is what you are going to say?” The albino fixed his glasses and leaned against the tree.

Noctis thought that Asher is person who doesn’t give a damn about everything until it piques his interest. Noctis opened his mouth. “This Ganlon that you invented is no doubt a convenient for us but I will lie to you if i think this technique of yours doesn’t required a massive amount of mana to cast. It’s clear as the day that you’re releasing too much mana from your body,” the albino opened one of his eyes and looked at Noctis. “For someone who doesn’t agree to let the girls to come with us, you’re excessing too much effort for the training don’t you think?” The ravenette looked at the other suspiciously.

“Well aren’t you a being talkative now?” The albino gave a fake smile. “I always thought you’re the silent type Noctis.” Asher raised his head. “But I appreciate your concern. Don’t get the wrong idea. As I said the outcome of this training will benefit my research too. Why don’t you appreciate this opportunity and train? I highly suggest it.” Asher’s sharply-spoken eyes met the ravenette’s.

There was an uncomfortable pause between the two. It’s not as if Noctis doubt that everything will work out properly but is it possible? He looked at the direction of the others and looked down at the albino, as if he’s trying to figure out something but then he just gave up and hissed. ‘This guy’s mind was unreadable after all’ he thought. “I was planning to and I’m not concern.” He said then walked away.

‘Still a terrible liar eh? You didn’t change a bit…’ Asher laid his head back with a grin. "The outfit looks good on you by the way!" He shouted teasing and obviously the ravenette reacted on it.


Hours passed just like how the summer breeze run through the girls, everyone was still concentrating themselves, Edward is observing them in case there will be a hint of danger. In the back of his mind, he is thinking if there is the slightest possibility they could do it, even himself took a month before he could master it fully. He quietly shifted his gaze to the direction of Janine who’s meditating peacefully.

“This is useless,” Pearl rose and said stiffly. “It’s been thirty minutes since we started.”

“That’s natural. Mana control naturally takes a couple of months to be fully mastered, depends on the skill of a person, it may take years.” Edward answered bluntly and Pearl’s face fell. “You’re actually lucky because of Asher’s technique. You can train here without worrying our race against time.”

“It took months huh?” Pearl whispered to herself with her index finger on her chin. “Say Edward, how long before you mastered it?”

“With a proper training, it took me a month, Yujin and Noctis too. Among us, it was Asher who outdo mastering it, in a matter of three weeks.” Pearl was somehow not surprised by that. By this time she already knew that the albino is a genius. There’s no need to argue about it.

“There’s no shortcut when learning I guess,” she spoke to herself. Edward raised a brow hearing what the caramel head said and just smile secretly. She sat again quietly and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. The conversation was sweep away by the quietness. Everyone is still meditating. Edward turned his gaze at Asher with a sharp look.

‘Up until now, he is releasing too much mana.’ Edward thought. He doesn’t want to pressure the girls telling about what is happening behind the scene. Otherwise, they couldn’t concentrate properly. But on the other hand, the longer they stay inside the Barranca, the longer it is for Asher to hold on casting the Barranca. It will drain him if they stay longer. Edward hope in the back of his mind that everyone will manage do it as soon as possible.

As soon as he was thinking it all, his eyes widened as he saw Jade started emitting a white aura around her body, it was faint but it’s making her sweat in bullets. She started to breathe heavily and her body arched upwards, and started shaking incredibly, she let out a scream of intense pain which caught everyone’s attention. Janine, Pearl and Glory stood up with a panic and was terrified witnessing what’s happening to their friend.

“JADE!” Glory screamed and try to touch Jade.

“Stay away from her!” Edward ordered.

“But!” Glory protested.

Yujin who was doing some push-ups in the corner felt the disturbance of someone’s mana. As soon as he recognized where that mana is coming from, his eyes widened, frozen on his place then he immediately rush toward Jade’s direction. He made little steps that gradually turned into big ones. He started panicking as he heard a scream filled with pain.

“JADE!” The redhead shouted with his lungs all out.