"The System." nobody knows what It is, It just appeared out of no where since the 3000 BC 'The Sumerian Civilization' has started.
We humans use The System as tools for our daily needs. The System shows of a gently articulate voice of a female and a window floating in mid air that can only be seen by the user itself.
[ Job Affiliation : Farmer ]
- Farm Condition: Healthy -
Crops: Rice, Maize, Millets.
The man stood up from his chair and looked at his own field, He then asked a question in mid air.
" When should I cultivate my rice. "
A female voice resounded in his head to answer the man's question.
[ Answer:]
"Harvest time lies between 130 and 136 days after sowing for late, 113 and 125 for medium, and 110 days for early-maturing varieties."
There are other people who uses 'The System' for different purposes. For many years, a new feature was discovered,
"The Level"
The first one to discover the use of Level, Is the famous known person of a poem, The Epic Of Gilgamesh. He has been Endowed with superhuman strength, courage, and power, He achieved It by increasing his level, And so on throughout many years people has understand the use of Level, Although it has cause great damage to the world as a war has started, All neighboring countries hired their strongest warrior to fight for their country, Like the famous warrior of the west, Alexander The Great. Alexander was one of the most powerful warriors of the time.
-326 BC-
A window has appeared in mid air
[ Quest Updated ]
Quest: Conquer Asia
-Defeat King Porus army-
Your Army:
[40,890 infantry, 7560 cavalry.]
Enemy Army:
[50,080 infantry. 3356 cavalry. 135 War
elephants. 1000 Chariots.]
Win Chance : 24%
※ Warning: Failure of the quest will result in death.
As soon as Alexander and his troops confirmed the context of the Quest. They. now marched in preparation of their fight, Even if their chances of winning are low they never gave up, And that outcome of sheer determination causes them to win the war.
It is now the start of the 19th century and the phenomenon of the "Gateway" has started to appear, Charles Darwin was the first one to discover and enter a "Gateway", Darwin described the other side of the "Gateway" as a different world, Trees in that world were gigantic, Different type of plants that don't exist in this world, And dissimilar animals not from this planet. He began writing a book based from his otherworldly journey of the Gateway. His book 'The Voyage of Ingens Arbor' became popular and different people started to seek "Gateways" around the world.
There were a record of a person who discovered a Gateway at their backyard. It was documented that the woman entered the "Gateway" She was expecting a beautiful place describe like the popular book has described, However the woman had appeared on a cave, With torches providing light and totems throughout the cave and withered bones of different type of creatures. The woman proceed to wander around the cave hoping to see the exit toward outside the cave, But Instead while exploring she has stumbled upon by a humanoid monster, They are depicted as ugly and filthy, and a masculine build twice the size of a human.
[ Emergency Quest ]
-Escape the Orcs-
You're too weak to fight the Orcs you must flee, avoid and leave the cave using an exit, You may use a Gateway or an Escape rune.
Rewards: 100 xp, Escape death,
※Warning: Failure of the quest would result of being trapped and death.
She has managed to escape that world through the use of the 'Gateway' but the woman was anxious, She was in deep thought, What If the monsters in that world can enter inside our own realm. She went to the kingdom and reported the incident, That time the kingdom has created 'Shikari' A group of powerful humans that will enter the Gateway, they have the ability to defeat a monster, It was a dangerous but prosperous job to have. That era was now called "The Age Of Hunt"
Ever since the start of the hunt, A Shikari has thought of an idea, Since materials from the other world are rare, They could sell for a high price in the market. That man now has created a new squad of the Shikari community called 'Excavation Corps'. It was not that dangerous of a job, Since a new rule has been made, The 'Eradication Corps' would enter and exterminate all harmful living creatures in the vicinity before beginning to accumulate materials or substances to gather.
For many years has passed, many things has been made using the materials that has been gathered outside the world, And many great warriors was born, That a fierce competition of rankings were made, To determine your strength level.
The ranking system consists of:
7th - Aluminum
Shikari with Aluminum ranks are sightly stronger compared to humans, They are Lv 5-10, Most of them don't use magic and are amateurs. High rankers chooses Aluminum rankers as porters, To let them experience what's inside the Gateway since they still can't handle monsters and are beginners.
6th - Silver
Shikari with Silver ranks are stronger than Aluminum rankers, They have Lv compromising to 10-25, 2 Silver Rank Shikari can work together and take out 1 low-level monster. When raiding a Low Level Gateway, You must be with 3 Chromium or having a 8 Silver rank party with 2 chromium rankers to be able to finish one Low level Gateway.
5th - Chromium
Shikari with this rank are skilled at their job, This rank is considered to be the average. 5 Chromium Shikari's ranker are able to defeat a Low-Level boss as long as there is cooperation and different roles that can help with the attack.
4th - Platinum
Shikari with this rank are better than chromium, They have been accustomed as a Shikari, Most of them have bloodline from different great families that gives them special attributes, Based on their clan. It was said that one platinum ranker can defeat a low level boss by Itself, And are on par with a medium-rank monster.
3rd - Obsidian
Shikari's with this rank are powerful, People in this rank are able to use powerful magic or use swords than can slice a monster in half with ease. Obsidian rankers are over Lv 60, most people are stuck in this rank, They settle in this rank, It gives you an entrance pass to mid level gateways and it pays very well.
2nd - Adamantine
An Adamantine is one of the most powerful rankers that exist, And it gives you a Rank Tag made of other worldly metal, The Adamantine is an unbreakable substance, With the use of magic, They were able to melt It down, And use it for important stuff. In each country there is a few Adamantine Rankers, They were treated special and popular , They are mostly Guild Masters .
In a "High-Level Gateway", One Adamantine ranker must participate to ensure the squads safety, And when there's a National Calamity or HellsGate threat to shown, All the Adamantine rankers in that country must be there or seek help to other countries to help with the prevention of a calamity that may befall in that specific region.
1st - MythVrachos
The National Level Ishikami, The most powerful Ishikami that can rival 3 Adamantine rankers, They are regarded as Heroes and a threat to humanity, One MythVrachos Ranker can annihilate a country, Even though they are that powerful they still need help when it comes to raiding or preventing a 'HellsGate'. There are only a few of MythVrachos on Earth, So when hiring them with special cases can cause poverty to a single region.
As generation has passed, They were able to create different type of magic and new roles that may benefit a whole squad.
In this new adventure, I wonder what event of history are we gonna make?
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.