Chapter-3: Those eyes

Kane's POV:

I was standing in my room, watching the colorful horizon from where the sun was rising. I isolated myself a long time ago or more precisely, since the night I rejected my mate. Nothing interested me anymore and neither did I let anything near enough to cause attraction.

I walked, stumbling into Stella's house, which was a small cottage in the middle of the forest.

"Stella, I-I need-your help!" I choked out, sobbing from the immense pain that was piercing my heart. It was unbearable now. I had clutched the spot where my heart was supposed to be, looking like a total mess. When she appeared from a room, I tried to walk towards her. Keyword; tried. When I took a step forward, the last shred of my strength collapsed and I fell to the floor. She ran towards me with a worried expression and kneeled in front of me.

"Wh-What happened, Kane? Why are you like this? What happened?!" She asked, worried at my miserable state. Anyone would have freaked out if they had seen the state I was in.

"I-I don't-know. My heart is hurting! Ahhhh!" I could hardly reply when a scream left my lips as the pain intensified. It felt as if someone was stabbing my heart repeatedly. My insides seemed to be bleeding.

"H-heart? Did you- Did you reject your mate?" She asked cautiously, afraid of my answer. I nodded as a wave of guilt passed through my already worn-out body. Her face contorted into a frown but she didn't ask more questions seeing my current state. She ran into the room she was in before and after a few seconds, came back and handed me a blue pill.

"Take it. This will decrease the rejection pain," I immediately took that pill and swallowed it. After a minute or two, the pain started to decrease and was a bit bearable now. I stood up, taking stumbling steps as she led me to one of the couches in her living room. Her purple pupils were wide opened, reflecting concern and anxiety.

"Thanks for the uh- the pill," I said sincerely, facing her with a small smile. She smiled in return but was still worried.

"Will you tell me what happened? And why did you reject your mate?" She asked in her soft gentle voice and I couldn't resist not telling her. She was one of the closest friends that I had made after turning into a vampire. I nodded and started to tell her everything that had happened. She listened carefully to every word and when I finished there was a moment of silence.

"Well if you want, I have a pill with which even if you happen to meet her again, you won't be able to recognize her. I mean you won't experience the pull of mate-bond," She said, eyeing me curiously, waiting for my answer. I thought for a while, anticipating any desire of my mate but decided to stay away from this mate-bond shit.

"Thank you. It would be a great help," I finally said, giving her a small smile as she stood up and brought me the pill.

After taking the pill the rejection pain I was experiencing before vanished and I felt light. Ever since that night, I never suffered that piercing pain again but the guilt was still there.

The guilt of rejecting my mate! But I didn't regret it. It was the right thing to do, for her sake. I hadn't told Bryson anything about this. Stella was the only one who knew about her and the fact that I already rejected her.

I was dismissed from my thoughts when a boy with dirty blonde hair and sparkling green eyes walked into my room.

"Come on man! What's wrong? It's the third place I have changed since the past nine years, but you don't seem to relax here either!"

Here we go again. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, I didn't hang out anymore with Bryson or the others since that night. It's like I have no interest left in anything in this world. The world seemed meaningless to me now. Not that anything was interesting in the first place. I-I just felt utterly....empty!

"Leave me alone, Bryson. I’m not in the mood to bicker." I said, still facing the view outside of the window. It was calming to the mind.

Bryson scoffed, clearly annoyed by my stubbornness. "You are never in the mood of talking. But it's enough now. Get ready, we are going to go to college."

Now it was my turn to scoff. I turned this time to see a hint of humor on his face but he was serious.

"Since when do vampires need to go to college?" I asked, mockingly as if it was some kind of joke. And it surely was because we were immortals for crying out loud. We didn't need to go to colleges or any other educational institutes. He simply shrugged at my question as if I had just spewed rubbish.

"We're immortals and don't age. We still look like teen boys. At least, we can kill some time this way. Come on bro, it will be fun." He said, walking towards me as he threw an arm over my shoulder and squeezed it.

“Please. And what are we going to learn at college? How to run faster than humans? How to drink blood the right way?” I muttered, wishing this conversation would be over and he would leave me alone. But he didn't budge.

“You dry leaf, you know nothing about the colors of life,” he pressed his arm on my shoulder.

I barked out a laugh. “Seriously? You think I want to see the colors of life while I'm supposed to be dead? There are no colors left for us to see Bryson.”

“Can't you do this for me? For once?” His voice took a sadder edge to it. “Please?”

I looked at him and realized just how much this guy has done for me. Saving me, changing places for me. It didn't feel right to put off his request this time so, I nodded in defeat.

He dragged me out to the car and drove me to this huge building. We stepped out of the car, wearing our shades, and gazed up at the place these humans called college.


Sya's POV:

Hannah dragged me with her, arm in arm, widely smiling, inside the big white building.

I love her smile.

I smiled to myself at the thought and increased my pace to catch up with her.

The hall was filled with students buzzing around. I felt confident because my best friend was beside me. Otherwise, I was a girl who wouldn't have been able to survive in the huge crowd.

What can I say? It's the result of the abuse I'm facing.

"Where are we going?" I asked. She had a huge smile on her face like a clown while looking at everything like a four-year-old child in an amusement park.

"We are going to the reception to take our class schedules!" She chirped excitedly, on which I chuckled. She was this excited to get class schedules. Imagine her happiness on prom day.

Suddenly, I bumped into a wall. It was comparatively soft to the hard rocks at Aunt Helena's place. But aren't all walls rock solid? What type of a-

Wait! It's not a wall. It's a person!

I looked up to see the person I bumped into when I was captured by the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Dark grey eyes with hints of blue orbs in them. I was just staring into those mesmerizing eyes as the world disappeared around me. It was only me and him.

Hannah nudged my arm.

"Are you okay?" She asked and I finally broke out from the trance.

"Y-yeah! I'm okay. I'm sorry-" I stuttered and was going to apologize when I noticed that the person I had bumped into had already left. I was confused about why those eyes were so captivating and somewhat familiar when Hannah nudged me again.

"Let's go!" She took my arm again and began to walk. I nodded absentmindedly because my mind was still stuck on the stranger I had just crashed into.

Those eyes. They reminded me of someone. But I don't know who.


Many thanks to dear editor: skiptomyloop