Chpter-6: Murderers!

Sya's POV:

Hannah seemed to be really impressed by that boy named Bryson. He was with us at lunch the whole time and he brought with him the one and only boy, whose presence was the last thing I wanted at the time.

Hey! But why blame someone else when you're the one who has a shit fate! I don't understand what his problem is? It seems like he desperately wants to ignore my existence yet he can't help but lure me into his unfairly gorgeous eyes.

After college Hannah's father called her and said that he was coming to visit her. The girl already missed her father so much, so she left a little early. She kept saying how disappointed she was she couldn't spend more time with me but I told her to go anyway. I couldn't keep her from her father. Not when I really envied her for this blessing sometimes. Maybe because I also missed my mom and dad so much.

Anyways, here I was, alone, again. I walked to the cafe which was near to our college to see if I could get a part-time job. You know, being a college student is really expensive and on top of that, if your only fucked up guardians don't give you enough money even for your basic needs, then you definitely need a job.

The cafe was full of customers which sparked a new kind of hope inside of me. A ‘Help Wanted’ sign peeked at me from the corner of the big glass window. It seemed to be calling at me. Asking me to come in and help it get taken off the window.

This place seems to be really popular. Only the entire student population comes here after college lets out! If I got a job here, I could make enough money to get away from my wretched aunt and her dickhead of a son.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves down and built up some courage to talk to the manager. I walked over to the counter behind which a man all suited up was dealing with some customers. The manager looked like a decent man with a nice built and he must be in his early forties. When he noticed my presence he gave me a kind smile which relaxed my nerves some more.

"How may I help you, deary?" He asked kindly, his eyes wrinkled at the corners whenever he smiled.

Okay, Sya! Take a deep breath and be confident. He seems nice.

"Uh, good day, sir. I saw the help wanted sign outside was wondering if you would want to uh- hire me? I’ll work really hard, I promise! I know how to cook, clean, anything you name it!" I said, hope gleaming in my eyes. My heart was pounding so hard inside my chest but my voice surprisingly came out smooth. The manager beamed at me and it just ignited the fire of hope further.

Please say yes, please say yes.

"Well I did get a lot of offers ever since I put up that ‘help wanted' sign," he winked. I think my face dropped terribly because he quickly added, “ But seeing as you seem to have more experience as a worker, I'm willing to give you a chance. See you tomorrow, after college timings then, deary,” he said, his eyes twinkling with affection. That caused a pang in my heart. No one had looked at me that way in so long. But I shrugged it off to focus and a wave of relief ran through me as I released the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. I looked at him with gleaming eyes and gave him a grateful smile.

"Thank you, sir! You have no idea how happy I am. I won't disappoint you I promise. Thank you again!" I said respectfully and turned to exit the cafe. I was overjoyed at the time. After a long time, something good had happened. Sure, the start of college was a great thing!

Now the only thing undone was that I had to convince Aunt Helena to give me permission to work there. I doubt she'd say yes, though. She couldn't see me stand up on my own two feet and loved to put me down whenever she could.

When I reached my neighborhood, the sun was already setting. It had started to get dark. I began to feel a bit panicky. I was already late and if John was home, he'd get to enjoy a nice ‘beating-Sya's-ass-till-she-bleeds session’, which I was not up for at all. My eyes fell on the entrance to the alleyway that could possibly get me home faster than the time it could take me to go round the streets. Although, I had never used it before. Simply because it always scared me. It was dark and isolated even during the daytime. Not to forget, it was super creepy.

I can make it in time if I go through here today. But it's dark there! What if something happens? No Sya! Nothing can be worse than John getting angry. So, just take that route for today. Yeah, only for today.

I debated with myself but then hesitantly, I stepped inside the dark alley. I was already scared and regretting stepping in. But now I had to stick to my decision. I increased my pace to get out of there as soon as possible and with each step my heartbeat was also speeding up. I felt as if something bad was about to happen.

I was halfway to the exit when suddenly, out of nowhere, a man appeared in front of me. I gasped and took a couple of steps back on impulse. The sun had completely set and it was completely dark now. He stood there blocking my path with his slightly wide form.

Who is he? And why is he coming towards me with that scary smile?

I wanted to run. To scream. But my legs refused to even move. It was as if I'd been cemented to the ground. The man began to walk towards me with that sinister smile still plastered on his face and his eyes unusually glowing. He lunged at me and grabbed me by the arm. I screamed and tried to pry my arm out of his grasp but he held on so tight, like steel, that my arm was beginning to get numb.

What is he going to do to me? I thought, frantically trying to pull away. I caught the sight of his eyes and felt my defenses weakening. Those eyes were the scariest of anything I'd ever seen.

So cold. So lifeless. So dead.

Suddenly, a gush of air blew near me and the next moment, the man literally flew through the air and hit the dumpster, falling with it. Another guy was standing in front of me instead. Where'd he come from?

His back was to me as he stood staring at the dude he’d just knocked to the ground. The guy on the ground was now whimpering and he looked so scared. He jumped up and ran out of there so fast.

It all happened so fast, I couldn't comprehend what happened at all. The only way I could tell it did happen was by looking at the knocked-over dumpster lying on the ground. Before I realized it, tears were already streaming down my face and a whimper escaped my lips. The man, my savior, turned around and it was Kane.

The Kane from school.

His face was contorted into the scariest scowl you could ever seen on him. As soon as he saw me, though, his eyes softened and he wrapped his arms around me. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was beyond terrified and now completely bawling into Kane Wilson's chest. Gripping his t-shirt like my life depended on it.

The warmth and safety Kane's arms had provided me just urged me to cry even more and pretty soon, I was crying about everything. Because of my parents leaving me, because of my aunt's behavior, because of my bad luck, because of my loneliness, because of everything. It was as if all the sadness and sorrow that was inside of me had reached its limits and I just burst out. I had lost control of my tear ducts.

After sometime when my cries died down, which felt like an eternity, Kane pulled away from me and looked at me. Concern was evident on his face. It felt strange because it was new for me to feel safe in a stranger's presence.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you anywhere?" He asked, concern dripping from his voice, causing my heart to turn to mush. He racked his eyes over my body to look for possible injuries.

No one has ever wondered if I am okay. I couldn't help but think like that as I watched him examine my arm out of sheer and utter concern.

I shook my head and took a deep, shaky breath. "Yeah! I-I'm fine. Uh- thank you." I stammered, looking down at my feet. I wanted to ask him what he was doing here but quickly decided against it. If it hadn’t been for him, who knows what would've happened to me. Maybe I wouldn’t even have survived.

I would’ve died.

"Oh shit!" I muttered under my breath, remembering that I had to get home fast or John would beat me. Two beatings on the same day for Sya. Nice. He looked at me with concern as he lifted my head up with his hand on my cheek. My heart fluttered and butterflies erupted in my stomach. His touch was so warm, so electrifying. It sent shockwaves down my face, all the way to my toes. A blush crept up to my cheeks, giving them a rosy pink shade.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, still looking at me with that caring look that I wasn't used to. My knees were getting weaker the more I stared at his handsome face.

"Y-yeah! I just want to go home. Thank you again for today." I mumbled with all the strength I could muster and with that, I began to walk. But after I had taken few steps, I realized he was following me. I turned and looked at him with a confused expression.

"What?" I asked, confused as I stared at his gorgeous face, his perfect eyes, those beautiful lips-

Stop it you pervert!

"I’ll walk you home," he said with a nonchalant shrug, without even knowing how his words had just fluttered my heart for the nth time tonight.

I simply nodded and began to walk again. He walked beside in complete silence. When aunt's house came in to view, I stopped and turned to him. "We're here. Thank you again for today." I said sincerely, thankful to him.

"No problem. Anytime." He said shrugging.

And then he smiled. Like a real smile. His smile made his features stand out even more! And it was so much more beautiful as compared to the sullen-looking Kane everybody had seen in school this morning.

That smile right there is a million dollar smile.

I got all shy again but couldn't stop myself from returning him that smile and waved him goodbye before walking towards the door. When I opened it, I turned to see if he was gone. But he was still there, watching me go inside first. How thoughtful of him!

As I closed the door behind me, I heaved a sigh as my cheeks were still tinted to a deep shade of pink. I tip-toed to the living room, so I could sneak straight into my room, unnoticed. When I didn't hear Aunt Helena or John come in yelling, I figured either they weren't home or they didn't hear me come in.

That’s what I thought but as I was about to step on the stairs I heard hushed voices coming from the living room. It was highly unusual of them to talk so silently. Usually, they’d be talking so loudly even the neighbors could hear them. They even called the cops once because they thought they were killing each other but it was just John yelling at Aunt for food.

Curiosity got the best of me and I silently crept towards the living room door where the two of them were whispering like mice. When I was near enough, I heard Aunt Helena and John talking.

"She's a pain in the ass!" John barked through gritted teeth. Anger was evident in his voice, as usual. Are they talking about me?

"I can't bear her anymore. Every time I look at her, it feels like she's taunting us that we can't take what’s hers," John bellowed again, in an even angrier tone now.

What does he mean? What do I have?

"Relax son. It's not like we can't do anything about that wretch. Gosh, even her name is so annoying. Sya," her tone had now become condescending.

So they are talking about me.

I nearly rolled my eyes. It's not like I was of any use to them. Then why the hate spewing right now?

“But don't worry,” she continued. “You won't have to see her roaming around for long. We'll just send her where we sent her parents.” Her words pierced my heart. Like straight on went through it, shattering it to pieces.

They killed my parents? They-they fucking killed them? And I thought they died in that accident! Does this mean they tampered with the car? They broke the brakes?

Tears began to roll down my face as the words sank deeper. My heart was in so much pain that it felt like someone had stabbed me a thousand times.

"What if she leaves? You know we can't keep her here forever. She is an adult now," John asked.

I heard an evil laugh, quite similar to that of an evil witch. It was Helena laughing. She doesn't deserve to be called an aunt, that horrible bitch.

"Don't worry dear. Even if she does try to escape, we'll simply kill her,” she slurred, as if it was nothing to destroy someone's life, killing their parents for fucking property or killing them at all. My heart clenched at her brutality. I can't believe she’d stoop that low! I just thought these people were mean and cruel but they were murderers too!

I silently walked to my room not wanting to let them know that I had arrived and heard their sick planning. Honestly, I was afraid of what they would do to me if they found out I'd heard everything.

I know, pretty cowardly of me. But I have no idea what or how to do. I don't have any proof except for what I heard and I know if they even got a hint, they'll silence me forever right away.

I couldn't even tell Hannah about this. It was so easy for them to kill my parents, their own blood, imagine what they'd do to someone who wasn't even related to them! Worse, that someone was a person I loved and cherished so much. I knew Hannah. She'd try and do something straight away and if John caught a whiff, he'd ask his cop friends to dispose her off immediately. I knew he had connections with the police because I'd seen his friends illegally help him in business.

That night I cried myself to sleep. All hopes of getting away from them had diminished into smoke. My imaginary dream castles had fallen to the grounds and vanished painfully. I'd rather they’d just kill me. Because if I stayed alive, I'd be tortured and if I tried to escape, I'd point-blank die. I was so helpless, I couldn't even prove that my mother and father were murdered. Either way, death was the only escape.

Now I have no hope for a future. Because I know in the end, they’ll kill me.

And there's no one to save me.



Hola Beautiful Readers!

Hope you all are doing great! I just want you to express your view on the story this far. I would really appreciate your comments.

Meanwhile, SMILE because you look prettier that way.


P.S. Special Thanks to Editor-nim: skiptomyloop