Chapter-15: Confession

Sya's POV:

As soon as we were inside, Hannah and I dragged the boys around a lot. We stopped by the arcade games first, playing The Dead Man's Cove and Shoot The Ducks. Bryson won a blue koala, which he gave to a very chirpy Hannah. Kane won a brown teddy bear for me. Then we went outside where there were so many rides. None of us knew which of them were the most fun except Hannah so she took us all to different ones, ones I didn’t even know existed. We rode the classic Merry-go-round, the Ferris Wheel (Kane and I took our own car and it was hard for him to keep his hands to himself), Dodgem cars, Infinity, and the Helter-Skelter. We were famished afterward so the boys bought us dinner. Pizza and fries for us girls and only cold drinks for the boys. We had so much fun we didn't even notice the boys not eating at all.

We were heading back to our car to go home, content smiles gracing each one of our faces. Tonight couldn't be any better. Hannah had her arm wrapped around Bryson's while Kane had his around my shoulders.

Did I just say home? Yup! Home! I didn't even realize when I started considering Kane's house as my home. But will it last long? Or will Kane also leave me at the end, like my parents or like any other person I have ever loved? Love? Do I love him? Sure I like him a lot but do I love him? Am I there yet?

I shook those thoughts away and decided to live in the moment, where I was with Kane. That was all I cared for now. As we reached the parking lot, Bryson and Hannah suddenly disappeared.

I looked at Kane questioningly, my brows furrowing in confusion. He simply smiled and he pinched my nose lovingly. I slapped his hand away at which he chuckled and I glared at him. This Kane was really childish, not that I was complaining.

"What? You just look so adorable with that look on your face," he stated and started walking again, me at his side.

"Where are they going? Aren't they going with us?" I asked, at which Kane only shook his head.

"No! Our double date has just finished here. Now we are on our single dates," he told me.

"And where are we going now?" I questioned, emphasizing the 'we'. He opened the car door for me and I slipped inside before he came to his side and started the car.

"You haven't told me where we are going yet," I said, my arm on the disc holder and chin in my hand, looking at him. His side pose looked so hot. I couldn't have imagined that a person driving a car could look this good. I huffed when he glanced towards me for a second and then averted his eyes to the road with a smile.

"It's a surprise," he said calmly, shifting gears, at which I huffed again. He simply laughed, taking a turn. It was just too cliché. Nevertheless, I took that time to admire his gorgeous features. I ogled at his illegally beautiful eyes, which I thought should be banned because they were so hypnotic, they could easily paralyze you. Just like Medusa's hair could turn you to stone. Then I took in his lips which looked so soft and I wondered what it would be like to have those lips on mine. I was startled when he suddenly laughed.

"You know it's rude to stare," he said. My face turned a bright shade of red as I realized what I'd been thinking. I slumped into my seat like a kid and crossed my arms over my chest. My heart was still racing though. I heard him chuckle, which only increased my embarrassment.

The rest of the ride was silent. Pretty soon, the car entered on a rough path and trees were the only thing in sight. He brought me to the forest? At this time of the night too? Just what is he planning to do? I felt both excited and nervous at the same time. The car stopped by a point and I could clearly see where he'd brought me.

I stepped out of the car. We were at a cliff that I never knew existed in this city.

Kane walked to my side and offered me his hand with that charming smile of his. I looked up at him before giving my hand in his. My heart warmed from the love in his eyes. Does he love me?

The thought came and was gone as soon as it arrived. We walked nearer to the edge of the cliff and I gasped.

The entire city could be seen from up here and different colors of lights shone in the darkness of the night. Kane motioned behind me to sit and I looked behind him, pleasantly surprised to see a floor mat laid on the ground and some fluffy cushions.

It was really heartwarming, seeing that Kane had specially prepared everything beforehand. This just showed how special I was for him. He was like a blessing for me, descended from heaven just for me.

I turned to face him with a smile of my own and we laid on our backs beside each other. The night sky was full of stars, which was the most beautiful and captivating sight I'd ever seen. I always loved to watch the night sky but the chaos in my life had taken that away from me. As we laid there, side by side, so peacefully, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could finally feel the peace. The happiness I had longed for so long. I opened my eyes again and took in the beautiful night sky.

"Beautiful," I muttered.

"Indeed, very beautiful," Kane said and I turned my face towards him and found him staring at me instead of the sky. I laughed and looked back up. This man would be the death of me. He suddenly turned towards me, propping one arm behind my head so his face was above mine now. My breath hitched and I clutched my hands tightly together on my stomach.

I could feel his breath on my face as his eyes were stuck to my lips. My gaze also flickered down to his lips and then back up to his eyes.

He started leaning in and my eyes seemed to close on their own. I thought about this as the special moment in which I wanted my first kiss. Beneath the sky full of beautiful stars and a breathtaking view at the front, hearing the night's calming and peaceful sound.

Soon, I felt something soft gently press against my lips. I instantly knew it was Kane's lips. Fireworks shoot in the background just like in those cliché stories while intense sparks erupted from the tip of my tongue and ran throughout my body. I gasped when he gripped my waist and took it as a chance to deepen the kiss. I clutched his arm and returned the kiss with equal passion. He kissed me like he'd been waiting for so long. So long to hold me close, to love me. My mind muddled completely after that. We parted after a while breathing heavily and he rested his forehead against mine.

I opened my eyes only to get molded into his beautiful grey-blue eyes which were already looking into my soul. A smile crept on both our faces as we took in our position.

"That was my first kiss," I admitted and his smile widened on hearing that. A furious blush made its way to my cheeks and I lowered my gaze. I had already done something so bold and I still couldn't believe the heated moment we had a minute ago.

He lifted my head up by his finger beneath my chin until our eyes met again.

"You are so innocent and beautiful, which makes me want to hold you in my arms and shield you from the entire world. I love you so much,” he confessed. My eyes went wide and I suddenly covered his mouth with my hand. His eyebrows furrowed a bit in confusion.

"Please don't say that again," I whispered. Hurt and confusion flashed through his eyes. "Whoever claims to love me, they end up leaving. And not just leaving, they go to a place where I can never see them, never hear them. It's what Helena's always told me. I'm the one that's cursed, Kane. And I don't think I can lose you now," I told him. If that really happens then I didn't what I'd do. I closed my eyes to compose myself.

I felt something soft on my forehead. Kane kissed my temple and cupped my face in his hands, lifting it up so that I could look into his eyes again.

"Don't you dare say anything like that ever again. I'm never going to leave you for eternity. You're mine. And I will deal with that Helena and her son. But none of this will ever change the fact that I love you.” His words dug out the deepest emotions of affection from my heart, thousands of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Now come on. It's getting late and I don't want you to catch a cold princess." I smiled at him affectionately. I’d been smiling so much all night I was afraid my teeth would fall out of my mouth. We made our way back to the car. Our first date had ended like that but it felt like a never-ending dream. Each moment spent with him tugged the strings of my heart in ways I could never explain.

It was an absolute fairy tale!



Hola Beautiful Reader!

Thank you so much for reading this far! I'm really thankful for everyone who has read this far. I hope you liked the story. Please tell me your views about the story.

Meanwhile, SMILE 'cause you are beautiful!
