Claire's P.O.V.
Moon had never seemed so beautiful to me. So bright and glowy, like absorbing life of itself within. I smiled just at the thought of how Ryan and I spent time under that same glow. Something had changed. Maybe my view, my perspective, -- a kind of glorious joyous life seemed to be fallen on me.
Strangely, I felt new.
Everything seemed to be going really fast yet so slow. Sometimes, I just wanted to melt in the moments. I turned my head upon the smell of coffee and saw dad holding two mugs.
I took one from him as we both leaned over the window. All the houses across seemed so silent and dwelling on emptiness from my room window. I could feel dad's calculative gaze on me.
"How are you?" He asked.
"Maybe the best I have been in years," I replied with a little shrug.
We fell into the silence, the silence of anticipation of next words, -- the hanging silent.