If you could be immortal what would you do?
Elya looked in the mirror. She saw a beautiful face reflecting back. But it wasn't an image of her. It was a man she's never seen. Then, just like that, her vision was gone. The paramedics arrived and revived her.
"What happened?" They asked.
"It was an electric shock, from the lamp, I don't know how it happened." Replied Elya.
Her mother called the ambulance when she found Elya unconscious in the bathroom.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Asked the mother.
"Yes, I just have a headache."
"We'll have to get that checked," said the paramedic.
The ambulance brought Elya into the hospital. On the way she remembered the strange vision. Was that a near death experience? She wondered, and it made her think deeply about the meaning of it all.
Elya was in her first year of college. She studied physics and excelled in it. She knew the theory of everything. It was not her ambition to get the Nobel prize, or go down in history. Her real dream was to unlock the secrets of existence, to attain immortality.
In the hospital, the doctor scanned Elya's head. There was unusual activity in her brain. The doctor told her about it.
"Your brain is operating at very high capacity. The energy activity is off the charts."
"I did get electrocuted from a light bulb. Maybe I have superpowers now." She said hopefully.
"I doubt it," said the doctor, who was not amused.
But Elya was serious. She sensed a change in her abilities. She felt like she could do anything and solve any problem. She could see the answers in her mind. When she left the hospital, Elya thought about how she could use her newly found superpower.
As she was thinking about her electric shock accident, Elya had a breakthrough. She realized that the answer to all of her questions is right there in her mind. The spark of electricity, energy itself imparted something in her. And Elya knew that this energy was alive. So she asked it a question.
"How did it all begin?"
All of a sudden Elya saw an energy spiral out of her hand. It was a luminous green spiral, resembling the genome.
"This is the memory of the universe," said the energy.
Elya saw the shimmering energy wave expand all around her and she saw how it all began. Of all the stories never told, the memory of the universe revealed to Elya the mysteries of existence.
Suddenly Elya remembered everything. She was once an essence of nature, a silent void asleep in the dark anastasis of eternity. Alive and alone, she wished for someone to be there other than herself. And at once, the darkness began to glow a mercurial light. Essence saw a strange warm glow which continued to increase in brightness, as she transformed from silence into an ever increasing ringing noise. Essence filled an expanse with a thunderous magnetic sound, her vibrant waves creating an ocean of luminous green phosphor. The glowing red light around her became a radiant energy. Like an electric flash of lightning, the energy's rays emanated and permeated everywhere. It was an infinite point, an eternal moment when a storm ignited an explosion of light and sound. In this storm, essence and energy faced one another. Essence saw a reflection of herself. Except the image she saw was opposite from her in every way.
"Who are you?" She asked the mirror image.
"Energy," responded the image before her.
"Where did you come from?" She asked.
"I was always here. I saw you appear out of nowhere when I willed for someone to be there. You are my imagination," he said.
"Then, you are my imagination," said Essence.
Essence was arrayed in glowing energy waves, a crystalline crown was upon her head, and she held the secret of immortality in her hand. Anything that she imagined could appear and materialize before her radiant eyes.
Energy was clothed in illumination. His crown was made of rays of light. He held in his hand the power of existence. His eyes shone like the stars.
They were the King and Queen of eternity. Together they imagined and materialized a harmonious ethereal realm out of the ocean of energy all around. There were perfect primordial stars shining in colorful rays of light. These were the creations made out of their power and imagination. The rulers called them Elements. Each element was alive, the first order of the elements were Magnias, the second Elektras, the third Harmonias, the fourth Luminas, the fifth Aepherias, the sixth Materias and the seventh Chrystalias. The Elements moved in harmony, maintaining the perfect order.
The orbs of the starry Elements glowed and echoed everywhere, comprising a multifaceted living cosmos. As the Queen and King moved through the crystalline ocean, it shone like a mirror.
One of the Elements of the first order - Magnium, was looking at the crystalline ocean and saw his reflection on the surface of the waves. He fell in love with the beautiful self.
"I am superior to the King and Queen because I am so perfect and beautiful." Thought Magnium vainly. "I deserve to rule instead of them." He was clever and cunning, and plotted to destroy the King and Queen of existence.
Magnium came to the Queen's throne and asked her a question.
"What is the secret of immortality?"
"It is the power of imagination,'' replied the Queen.
"Why don't I have this power?" He asked her.
"Each Element can attain this power eventually." Said the Queen.
"How?" He inquired.
"The more you grow in goodness, the more perfect you become. Then, you will earn a crown of power." She replied.
"But I am already perfect and beautiful." Said Magnium. "When will I earn my crown?"
"You will earn your crown when you know goodness. In order to use the power of imagination one must be pure. Only goodness can create."
At this moment Magnium stole the crystalline crown from the Queen. He now had the ultimate power. And his first wish was to destroy the Queen. But before he could do anything, the Queen vanished. Instead, the King appeared before Magnium. The King burned Magnium with a fiery light ray coming from his hand. The crystalline crown transferred into the King's possession. Magnium deformed into a monster and was vanquished from the realm. The King looked for his Queen but couldn't find her anywhere. All that was left of her was her crown of power.
Elya was enveloped in an ocean of energy. Though she was in her room, it was filled with light. Elya couldn't believe her eyes. The vision of the memory was so real.
"What happened to the Queen?" She asked Energy.
"The Queen transmuted into the crown which dispersed back into the essence from which she came. Out of her essence grew a whole universe. And earth. And finally you. She lives in you."
"How can that be?" Asked Elya astonished.
"Because you have an invisible crown. Only I can see it. Look!"
The light around her turned back into a spiral glowing out of her hand, and then the spiral turned into a crystalline crown shining on her head.
Suddenly she wasn't on earth anymore. She was not standing, she was flying through the universe. The crown transported her back into the realm. The King had found his Queen.