Owens Discharge

Maitreya and Chris just arrive at the hospital and reach the reception. Someone runs over and hugs Maitreya from behind

" Surprise " - Katy laughed

" how did you guys beat us to the hospital? "- Chris

" maybe because we weren't secretly loving each other"- Katy teased, playfully making a kiss face

" excuse me ?? "- Chris replied with an attitude

" what you both whispering about "- jeremy asked

" I don't know ? Ask your lady yourself "- Chris said as he continued walking towards the reception area of thr hospital

" hi. I'm here to pick up Owen"- Maitreya said to the nurse

" yea , you're the one here to pick him up ! "- Chris chuckled

" right this way mam"- nurse

They follow the nurse to Owens room and find him anxiously sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. The second he saw them walking towards him, he jumped off his bed and grabbed all of his belongings.

" Hello there "- owen says with a big and bright smile across his face

" Chris, I'm gonna go check on Michael for Kirsty okay?"- Maitreya said and left to find Michael.

" Wait up! I'll come with you " - katy said and followed

They reach the end of the hallway to find Michael lying lifeless on his side, the sight was heartbreaking. He had tons of machines around his bed side and it seems as if he still hasn't woken up. There was a life support machine because he was still in a coma. Both Maitreya and katy were in tears as they walked in. Just the a doctor soon walks in

" you aren't supposed to be here"- Dr

"I'm sorry ! " - Maitreya says startled

" is he going to be okay?"- Katy asked

" we cannot assume anything until he wakes up and he hasn't yet, neither has he move "- Dr

" is he breathing ?"- Maitreya asked concerned

" very slowly. Therefore we have the life support machines!

The doctor then sent them out the room and closed the door.

After Owens discharge, the five of them arrive at owen and Chris' apartment

" Owen ! I'm so sorry for everything that happened and I have a surprise to make it up to you " - Maitreya said as she hugged him

" I'm the one who is sorry. Its all my fault and damn, i really that Michael is going to be okay. What do you mean surprise" - he said and then asked curiously

" Ella " - Maitreya whispered with a smile

" Really? Is she coming over to ireland? " - he asked with excitement

" yea I was hoping she could study at the university with me too... Since I got accepted! "- Maitreya smiled

Chris' eyes widened and he seemed a bit annoyed and troubled about something. Maitreya noticed this and looked at him concerned

" Whats wrong " - she mouthed to him

She walked towards him, grabs his hand and pulls him into his bedroom


"tell you what ?" - Chris asks confused

" seriously ? You're going to pretend that you don't know? " - she continued

Katy walks into the room and interrupts their conversation

" hey guys , we were about to leave , will come by tomorrow "- Katy says

She looks at the both of them with a smirk and laughs

" you two enjoy" - she winked

Soon after Jeremy and katy left, Maitreya decided to leave as well. She had just fallen asleep when her phone rang

" hello ? " - Maitreya said in a groggy voice

" hey Maitreya , I'm on the plane ... will arrive there later today"- Ella said with extreme excitement

Ella was arriving today and would also apply at the university with Maitreya. Maitreya texted owen that Ella would arrive soon and went back to sleep.

That morning Ella was arriving in Ireland, Laura and Elijah aa well as Miguel and Elsie were coming back from their 3 day vacation.

Maitreya got up and showered, she quickly got dressed and was getting ready to leave and pick up Ella from the airport . Owen was all ready and dressed to impress , he even decided on tidying his room.

Maitreya was just laying on the floor of the living room keeping a close eye on Chris , while he watched TV and owen runs over and jumps on the couch causing Chris to drop his packet of chips on the floor

" hey bro ! " Owen said

Chris just ignores Owen and then continues to watch TV, he glances over at Maitreya. Without a single smile or reaction to her, he turns back to face the TV.

" what did she say , what she say ?? , tell me , tell me , is she coming ? Will I see her? She's coming right ? " - owen asked purposely behaving like a little kid

"Owen! I'm not even talking to her, and stop talking in your baby voice ! " - Maitreya instructed

" owen, I've got to go to the airport , she's going to arrive in thr next 30minutes and I had already told you she has a massive crush on you. You're her favourite member of the band. you act as if you don't know this okay. So stay here and when I bring her over ... Please just DO NOT FREAK HER OUT" - Maitreya said before leaving

* At the Airport!! *

Ella slowly moves down the escalator and spots Maitreya among the crowd and runs towards her for a giant friendship hug.

They screamed , giggled , fan girled and teared up after seeing each other for such a long time.

" remember what I said to you, Owen has a massive crush on you and you shall play hard to get and act normal and most certainly shall not tell him that you know about his crush " - Maitreya laughed

" I know , I know ... just please stop!!! , I can handle myself from here so stop stressing and relax " Ella said

Both their phones beeped, it was a notification from Owen's Twitter

" tidied me room , so nervous for NO PARTICULAR REASON ! " - Owen_Official

Ella squealed and fangirled throughout the drive, they finally pull over to the house and Ella jumps out and runs to the door without even waiting for Maitreya. She slowly knocks the door and anxiously stands behind it.

Owen races towards the door but Chris had stopped him.

" Owen, don't make it obvious" - Chris rolled his eyes and walked towards the door

Chris opened the door and Ella sighs with a little disappointment as she was expecting Owen.

" hi Chris " Ella says and hugs him

" hello there Ella Ella Ella " - Chris laughs and begins to sing

Ella then slowly makes her way to owen and they both hug each other while blushing insanely throughout the hug.

Maitreya walks in ...

" thanks for leaving me with your suitcase Ella "

" I'll help you with that" - Chris said and grabbed the bags from her. His hand touches hers causing them both to jump from a sudden electric shock

Ella didn't respond to Maitreya as she was too busy gazing into Owens eyes

" they look like their gonna get along just fine " - Chris said as he turned towards Maitreya and admired her.

" yeah , yes they do! " she smiled and walks away