All the more confusion

" The reason the university called you ...

The reason they had changed their mind...

The reason that you got accepted ...

I'm that reason. I made them do it " - Chris

" what? why would you do that?

why did you force my relocation if I meant nothing to you " - Maitreya sternly questioned

" I never said that you meant nothing to me, I did it because I didn't want you to leave. I care about you deeply, and I didn't want to lose you. - Chris said trying to explain himself

" What do you mean that you're the reason?

what did you do or ... how did you convince them ? " - She asked confused

" I know the principal, personally ( he dropped his head down in shame)

... She's Abigail's mum" - he sighed

Maitreya pushes him aside and forcefully pulls the door open causing it to bang against the wall.

" LEAVE " - she screamed