An Old Neighbourhood

Elijah suspiciously jumps out of his car and walks across the street of an old neighbourhood that he used to often visit. He wore a large coat, a pair of tinted sunglasses and a massive hat to keep some sort of disguise from the paparazzi and fans. He strolls past a orange townhouse and let's out a deep sigh as his past flashes before his eyes. He spent most of his days here, sitting outside on the grass with Melody and gazing at the night sky, midday picnics and he loved climbing the tree in her back yard, so much that he built a big enough tree house for the both of them to fit in. As he stared into her yard, a small boy ran out the front door with a spade and bucket directly to the built sandpit near the old tree.

" So it's true " - Elijah said out loud to himself