Accused Part Two

~Laura POV~

I quietly scroll through all these posts without saying anything to Elijah. The more I read, the more information i gathered, all the pictures that I found, I became angry and resentful. How could he be so arrogant and rude to me when he has been the one keeping secrets. He tried to sneak into Melody's neighbourhood yesterday. I guess he assumed that no one would recognise him in his undercover disguise and that he could go and sed Melody.

Has he always been seeing her and the child without me knowing? Was this the reason that Melody was so calm about the whole situation and had no reason to feel awkward meeting me. Is Elijah upset because I caught up with him and have suspicion that this could be his child? But What is the reason that his assuming that I am pregnant? Or accusing me of keeping secrets from him? I switch off my phone and place it back inside my bag.