Chapter Nineteen

"They are named Strigois"

Ali started once everyone had gathered around them, and they decided to put their acting talent into the story telling, reliving the old days they so seldom missed "No one quite knows how they started but it is said that these three have been around since Ancient Egypt. According to rumors, Sekhmet herself handpicked them...."

In the middle of a dessert very rarely would anyone expect to encounter life, especially in the morning where the sun was the most ruthless. The eye went through layers of sand and among the sands a body laid, almost lifeless with the only indication of life being short breaths as the woman fought to stay conscious. Millions of thoughts running through her head.

Was this how she was going to die? In the middle of the desert with blood all around her?

"She specifically chose women who were on the verge of death. Women that died daily on the inside, little by little. Women that still had so much more to give"