Chapter 5: Coexistence

Hi I'm black first of all I want to say something .

The training not the classes with professor devil were hell if I had to describe the worst thing.

Is that if you fail it gives you double the work.

And now at this moment we are tied hand and foot in front of a magic mine and the slightest change will blow me and red in the face.

Red: black please stay calm

Black: we have a fucking mine in our face and you say that!

Red: what can I say to you in this situation

Black: I don't know something like calm down everything will be fine you can't say that!

Red: You better hold on to the harsh reality.

Black: What are you saying!

Red: Balck, mine!

Balck: hey...

At that moment a light would come out of the mine and there would be an explosion.

Devil: They failed again, next time I will place 4 more mines.

He would find himself looking at his situation while he was eating.

Black: I hate it...

Red: we agree on something

Both of them would fall down fainting

Luci: *slam* damn! how did he beat this thing!

It would find itself fighting the knight made of magic.

Devil: come on learn swordplay or you'll be the one cut to pieces!

Luci: why is it so hard!



The metallic sound of their swords is heard the advantage was for the knight made of magic.

Devil: if you don't get familiar with the sword you won't be able to defend yourself you can't rely on magic magic is not everything.

Luci: You're not the one risking your life against this thing.

Devil: oh you think it'll kill you if it cuts you

Luci: *smiles* it's not like that

Devil: of course it's not too soon to die, the first one will give you electric blows it's made with electricity magic then if you fail I'll put some warriors with stone magic those will slice you.

Luci: That's worse! *spreads her wings and flies away* in the air she won't be able to touch me.

But knight would throw a lightning bolt and electrocute her, so she would fall to the ground like a fried fly.

Devil: in a battle the enemy uses everything at his reach there is no such thing as justice or equality traps are allowed and there is never honor seriously you thought he couldn't use magic and in the air they were safe ... having wings doesn't guarantee freedom

Luci: *twisting*

Devil: when the shock to your body is over and you can move .. well I'll add the earth knights.

Luci: .. no.. I like it.. this...

Devil: well let's go see the others ...

On the other side the air was warmer and there was a nice breeze.

Lili: ( concentrate the magic is an invisible force.. it is with us .. it gives us strength it unites us we are all one with magic and it is one with us ) *sigh* *sigh*.

The mana in the air gathered around him flowed with great intensity.

Devil: ho.. I'm already noticing progress she has great mastery of magic.. considering who her father is I'm not surprised though.

The mana that was gathering was so much that it was getting out of hand.

Lili: this is bad!

Devil: she lacks control

An explosion would hit her again

Devil: next time you'll have to do the faster thing

Her gaze would fix on Zoe

Devil: you have great mastery of the semi-human senses those senses are like your weapons take advantage of them.

Zoe: that was close

She was dodging the energy balls

Devil: nature is your terrain your enemy is the one who enters your domain you possess the strength of an animal use it to hit your enemy

Zoe: hit...

Devil: she has great control of her power possibly she is the one who is more in harmony with him but her weakness is her weakness

A ball of energy is placed in front of her...

Zoe: I must strike the...

Her voice trembled with fear causing her to freeze and therefore the ball hit her and sent her to the ground.

Devil: the problem is that for some reason she is afraid of hitting it, it's not a common fear nobody is afraid of hitting an object but she is.

Zoe: I... lost...

Devil: if you don't find the answers in your heart you will never be able to answer the question in your heart.

Zoe: *shakes her head in frustration*.

Devil: now.. let's see how the human boy is doing.

Her sight would be fixed away from the boys area looking at the field and in that area would be Shiro meditating he was in a mental space while saying a few words as a method of guidance

Shiro: a strong feeling something that drives me....

The scene would show the farm as a child but....

Brother why did you let me die ?

It would be replaced by a nightmare of blood

Shiro: I didn't mean to!

It wasn't. You stood there watching her being eaten.

She was sweating her body was trembling her mental space was being corrupted.

Every time they chewed it was like a joy for them and what did you do?

Say what did you do

Holding back your voice so no one would hear you

They chewed and chewed on every part of your body

Your sister's affection you'll never feel again.

Shiro: shut up!

A voice echoed in his mental space and his body on the outside trembled and clenched his teeth

They ripped off his head you saw his last smile while that head was no longer on his body !

Why did you just stand by and watch

Shiro: Shut up!

Because you were weak

Shiro: not...

Because you didn't have the necessary power

Shiro: not...

Because you hated her

Shiro: not I loved her

And if you love something, it's not your duty to protect it.

You let her protect you and in the end...

Shiro: please stop

It broke!

At that moment a blow is given to Shiro in the face out of the mental space it was his teacher who had hit him.

Devil: Hey kid you should be more careful

Shiro: why was that *spits*.

Devil: your training to acquire a new aura was going well but we want a positive aura not a negative one.

Shiro: what difference does an aura make is aura.

Devil: not if it makes you make mistakes that you can never fix.

Shiro: *lowers his head*

Devil: that's enough for today, go join your teammates.

Shiro: yes...

10 minutes later

Devil: everyone so far has made improvements some more noticeable than others but in the end an improvement is an improvement no matter how small.

Shiro: now what's supposed to happen

Devil: for now the class is over tomorrow you'll try again but why don't you go rest now

Zoe/Shiro/Black/Red/Lili/Luci/: Yes, teacher.

In the night

Zoe: Shiro get up!

Shiro: zoe what's wrong.. no what time is it?

Zoe: be quiet they mustn't hear us it's like 10 pm at night.

Shiro: can I ask you no better tell me why are you talking quietly and waking me up so late ?

Zoe: the guys and I are going to leave the school and explore the city.

Shiro: we are not allowed to leave the school

Zoe: I know but since we came here we don't just want to see the academy but also the city, besides in other academies they let you go out, I don't understand why not here so we decided to sneak out at night.

Shiro: because they are so childish

Zoe: what are you talking about shiro we are young we can go out and have fun as friends let's go together yeah!

Shiro: .. okay I'm coming

They would leave their room and walk carefully so they wouldn't be overheard until they reached the entrance of the academy.

Shiro: *smiles*

I used to run away from the farm at night and have fun with my sister ...... I guess at some point I stopped considering that this is no longer necessary I had no reason to do what I was alone in life and now I only seek the power to take revenge that is my main goal.


Black: You're too late

Luci: Come on, we have to hurry

Red: if we get caught it will be a hassle to explain it.

Lili: let's hurry up and go back.

Zoe: *smiles* we're coming

Shiro: *smiles*

It's worth it once in a while to relive these moments again.

Shiro: well *jumps over the fence* let's go fast

Zoe: *follows him* if we have to go back before classes start


Rumi: hey brock are you sure this is it?

Brock: yeah the east city infinity we have to infiltrate that damn academy.

Rumi: it's simple let's just look for students we'll rip their skin off and eat their organs.

Brock: don't forget our position if we get caught we'll be slaughtered.

Rumi: but if nothing happens then

Brock: okay we find students around the outskirts of the city you can eat them *grins*.

Rumi's jaw was getting bigger and bigger a lot of drool was coming out of it it was almost like seeing a deformed face his red eyes were glowing with a thirst to kill he looked like a hunchback and he was 2 meters tall but being a hunchback you couldn't tell he was bald with no hair and his head looked distorted as if he had bumps on the top of his head.

The other one looked like a normal human, he was 1.78 meters tall, had red eyes and black hair and normal clothes.

Rumi: let's go brock !

Brock: okay don't despair also like you're just going to eat the students.

Rumi: you know me very well is that I'm hungry so hungry so hungry so hungry.

With shiro

Zoe: why can't we go to places like amusement parks or playgrounds?

Red: there are too many people there and the eyes of the teachers in this city are too many.

The city infinity was given the name because all races cross here there are all kinds of races here not to mention that with the academy here it would be one of the safest places.

Zoe: not a fun place here...

Black: *his gaze would be fixed on the ground and he would see a flyer* hey what's that?

Shiro: fireworks...

Lili: great we can go see the fireworks.

Red: it's possible, let's just look for a place where there aren't too many people.

Luci: wait I'll go look at the area from above

Black: I'll go with you

The two of them would fly through the city

Red: Well, we'll wait for the other two, I'm not in the mood to fly with them.

Shiro: by the way, I wanted to ask you something

Red: Go ahead

Shiro: don't you hate humans

Zoe: Hey... Shiro, what are you saying?

Red: what makes you say that?

Shiro: it is said that in the nobility the criticism towards the human race is worse, it means that you fall into the category of the nobility.

Red: oh you noticed

Zoe: you are a nobleman

Red: you could say...

Shiro: so you hate me

Red: to hate a person you have to finish getting to know them, yes it's true that many demons speak ill of humans but I don't pay attention to that, in fact I don't hate you, I feel that I should be your ally.

Shiro: *smiles*

Zoe: Shiro, you're an idiot to ask that question, we wouldn't hang out with you if we hated you.

Lili: yes we are all friends here

Shiro: *shocked* friends ....

Kyaaaaaaa !

At that screams are heard

Shiro: what was that ! *starts to run*

Zoe: wait shiro ! *follows him*

Lili: zoe, be careful *follows her*.

Red: shit! *follows him*

Shiro: that sound was a woman screaming but over here ! *stops*

The scene I witnessed was a horror not a nightmare like something out of a movie.

A hunchbacked person's face was open with only a razor-like mouth and two red eyes on the sides in the shape of a reversed cross.

That person, not that thing, was eating the head of the woman who had screamed.

Rumi: mm *turns around

It would cut off the head and the woman's body fell on the ground.

Zoe , Red and Lili would arrive at the scene witnessing this brutal and horrible act.

Zoe: *scared* shiro what is that thing

Lili: *scared* it's horrible.

Shiro: *nervous* I don't know .. it's like nothing I've ever seen.

Red: *nervous* that thing is strong and gives off a nauseating magic.

Rumi: oh... this is good very good a lot of students... means a lot of food *grins*.

This one would make a smile with its face a deformed one considering its current form was that of a monster that smile formed with knife like teeth and reverse cross eyes on the sides was to make even a child have nightmares

To be continued...