Chapter 12: Deep Darkness

My whole life has been based on losing something

I lost my sister without being able to do anything but watch her die.

I lost my parents without being able to say goodbye

Everything I've been witnessing helplessly

I'm someone who's goal is revenge

I know there will be consequences but I will never allow myself to lose a friend or...

The end that's why I'm here that's why I temporarily left the academy

To come to this kingdom, the kingdom of the Semi-humans.

You could admire the beautiful streets where there were plants and the buildings were all together but what stood out the most were the Semi humans of different types from men with bull heads to women with lizard tails or any other type.

Shiro: unlike the other kingdoms they don't want to modernize everything with technology they are one with nature that's why they only use technology indoors ... but talking about technological weaponry and magic that's another story.

Inside the castle the ceremony was being organized and in Zoe's room she was being dressed up.

Zoe: .. it's .. a nice dress.

Amber: yes it is, you should be happy Zoe, it's your wedding day.

Zoe: yes...

Amber: besides this will be good for both sides our relations will be closer it means more cooperation.

Zoe: yes...

Amber:.. .. Zoe.. at least when you walk up the aisle just.. smile if you don't make that long face your dad won't want to see that.

Zoe: yes..

Amber: I'll come up for air

Amber would come out with a dark face but she would stand behind the side door and a person's footsteps could be heard.

???: can I see my future wife?

Amber: tch... it's not good to see the bride before the wedding, it's bad luck Zion....

That person was Zion the noble of the orc kingdom who had fought against Shiro in a combat and lost.

Zion: oh come on don't say that.. it will be a small visit.

Amber: I don't think it's appropriate

Zion: I won't tell him anything about your position Amber you were supposed to be the one to marry me but you sold your cousin Zoe because you didn't want to in the end you used your own family.

Amber: I don't want to hear that from someone who was kicked out of the academy for losing to a human.

Zion: Shut up! Don't you dare say something like that again!

His eyes, his face, his whole facial expression had deformed to the point that he could no longer maintain his human form and looked more like an orc.

Amber: tch... I'll give you a few minutes that's all.

Zion: thank you..

He would go inside and close the door and Amber would stay outside to wait for him to leave.

Zion: hello beauty

Zoe: hi...

She was trembling when she saw him, she didn't like the feeling of being near him.

Zion: what's up relax it's our wedding soon

Zoe: Yeah...

Zion: you know what, I'm going to have the great pleasure of taking something from that human.

Zoe: Hey...

Zion: You must know what? that you were sold into marrying me because someone didn't want to be my wife.

Zoe: *shudders*

Zion: at first the exchange didn't seem right but then I got information Zoe son of the king and current partner of Shiro.

Zoe: you.. you know him

Zion: yes I know the son of a bitch well he left me a deep scar I a noble of the orc race lost to a damn human , having you here is the best thing you should have befriended him right how will he feel when I take your body and engrave it and show it to him

Zoe: You bastard!

She would try to slap him but he would grab her hand.

Zion: go ahead yell or say something but we know that if you refuse to marry me there will be a lot of trouble and strife

Zoe: *scared* because ...

Zion: it's funny to see the look of hopelessness in people's eyes , I'm not a virgin so I will treat you very well I will show you great pleasure

Zoe: I don't want to..

Zion: oh.. what a pretty face when you have no hope ha.... it turns me on so much

He would let go of her hand leaving a red mark because of the force he used.

Zion: I'll look forward to this wedding.

Zoe: someone... help...

She would show a vacant expression and her tears would spill from her eyes as she would see Zion leaving the place closing the door.

Behind this closed door Zion would continue on his way And would show Amber behind this one she would show dark eyes of fear and helplessness.

Amber: I'm sorry... Zoe.. it was either you or me.. I'm so sorry cousin.. but I had no choice.

With Shiro

Shiro was in the streets of the kingdom the place was lively because of the wedding you could see the orc race drinking and the Semi humans celebrating.

Shiro: the wedding became a great event... enjoying the happiness of one at the expense of the other doesn't seem to me something to celebrate... for now I have to enter the palace and get out of there with Zoe... it's easier said than done I don't know this kingdom at all... if I enter it's too possible that I won't come out.

That's why I need plans of the castle or rather a map of the place but where to find something like that.

This one would walk into the dark alleys.

There will always be people in this world striving to survive and they will do anything even if it is suicidal.

I know this very well because I grew up in those circumstances when I lost my family........

In the slums or in the dark alleys there will always be dead people

So they are called dead people who have nothing to live for but the fear of death prevents them curious I was just like them what saved me at that time was my desire for revenge taste now is a motivator that prevents me from ending up like them among other things.....

These people will do anything and sell anything, they would sell weapons to a child if necessary.

And there I will have to find information about the area or more specifically the castle.

As I went further down to the dark alleys where I saw many homeless and semi-humans with horrible scars, in one of them there was a shop.

The food in there was rotten ... you could tell that people were surviving by eating garbage or other people's leftovers.

He was covered by a robe so as not to show his face, he would go to the bar where he would see the bartender.

Bartender: Would you like something...sir...we don't have many guests who can pay.

Shiro: Yes, I see, but believe me, I can pay.

He would show money on the bar table

Bartender: what do you want

Shiro: what I wish is the most expensive and tasty fruit information

Bartender: oh.. interesting but that fruit you are talking about how expensive is it?

Shiro: it depends on the price of the area of the castle.

Bartender: inside or outside... it is cheaper outside

Shiro: I want to know about both

This one would put more money on the table

Bartender: the outside is made up of many spear guards or swordsmen at the gates both inside and outside the castle each with incredible strength, there are also snipers on the rooftops and now that it is the wedding between the princess and the nobleman the security is doubled.

Shiro: possible entrances

Bartender: well if you are looking to sneak in I recommend an exquisite disguise but.. let's say this what is the objective in entering jewels , artifacts ?

Shiro: the princess

Bartender: oh... we are talking about something very expensive *smiles* okay well the possible entrances would be the roof of course the snipers are there you will have to good incapacitate them or kill them

Shiro: mm I'm not looking for blood or to kill anyone innocent.

Bartender: if that's the case you'll have about twenty minutes in there before the guards wake up they don't ask to report if they do it in less than five minutes and you can't incapacitate all the guards they'll notice it right away.

Shiro: As far as I can see it would be suicidal to go in.

Bartender: things will be more difficult than that to give the last blessing of the wedding they will show the storm crystal

Shiro: *shocked* that's what it does

Bartender: we are not talking about doubling if not tripling the security the elite guard will be on the inside they will notice right away any internal mistakes disguising themselves won't make them not notice we semi humans have good noses.

Shiro: tch... my only solution would be to advance to the front.

Bartender: but that wouldn't be wise, soon you would be surrounded by so many guards that you wouldn't be able to handle it alone.

Shiro: let's say I finish them all off.

Bartender: then you will have free passage... but... it wouldn't be ideal you would be so tired that you would have to face the orc that married the lady and that would be the least of your problems you know why.

Shiro: the king of semi-humans

Bartender: Exactly, it would be easy for him to crush him with a blow, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Shiro: so what are... the recommendations?

Bartender: since all this talk between you and I never happened neither did you get this from me.

The bartender would take out a box with different objects.

Shiro: that's it...

Bartender: getting in will be easy.. getting out not so much.. that's why while you are looking for the bride it will be best to create such a commotion that you won't know where the noise is coming from.

the explosives you see are of good quality and stolen from the royal guard if used indoors there will be very large explosions and commotion everywhere.

The other is an odor position you know what happens when it breaks and spreads

Shiro: it will make me impossible to detect

Bartender: exactly but it's not permanent so you'll have to hurry before the effects wear off and lastly Smoke grenades to block your vision, with your smell and eyes blinded you will lose your composure and be alarmed

Shiro: there are still their hatreds

Bartender: that's what these beautiful sound grenades are for, for someone with good hatred like the semi-humans, these are the worst.

Shiro: I'll take them

This one would put a lot of money on the table

Bartender: one more thing dear customer ..there are many doors but where the wedding will take place will be at the top of the palace you will have to climb stair corridors because climbing outside is not an option the mages will feel it just incapacitate the snipers that are on the lower roofs where there are no mages so you can enter and climb from the inside.

Shiro: and how do I get out once I have the bride?

Bartender: *smiles* that's very easy there is a device there that will cause a big explosion you will have to knock down walls.

Shiro: thank you for your time

Bartender: no thanks to you .. for doing business.

Shiro would move to retire while the bartender would just stand there.

Bartender: well it looks like I'm going to have to move my place, things are going to get pretty busy.


In a dark chamber you could see Zion talking to some kind of hologram but his face and body were dark, not visible, the projection came from a crystal ball.

???: it's all ready

Zion: Yes sir

Remember your objective, you must obtain the storm crystal.

Zion: Yes sir, trust me

I gave you the power of the beasts do not fail me or I will see to it that your death will be so horrible that when you die you will still remember the

Zion: *shuddering* don't worry... once the wedding takes place I will take the king's daughter and the storm crystal and teleport using the power of the new magic you gave me even the king won't be able to react that fast.

Once we have that in our possession the tamers will be able to send a horde of monsters and beasts to slaughter the place without the crystal the orc kingdom as well as the semi-human kingdom will not be able to defend themselves.

Zion: and you will give me more power and make me one of your soldiers.

???: that is our I will make you part of our army and your life will be spared.

Zion: I promise to carry out this mission and I want to see the look on everyone's face when they despair and lose hope *smiles*.

i can't wait this wedding will be unforgettable.

???: well... I knew that trusting you would be a good idea a race traitor will do anything to live now go.

Zion: yes my lord

The crystal ball goes off leaving Zion alone.

Zion: wait you damned human when this kingdom falls yours will follow!

To be continued...