Chapter 14: Anger and peace

The pressure and thirst for blood flooded the place.

Shiro: what are your last words

Zion: interesting human ! I want to see how long you play the pimp for !

Shiro: *blood descent - part one flesh breaker*

Zion: stop mumbling and die !

But his hit wouldn't be made instead his arm would explode in front of him.

Shiro: I told you no you bastard son of a bitch who's going to die here is you!

Zion: haaaaaaaaa ! my arm ! *smiles* or so you thought I'd say *regenerated*.

Shiro: tch !

Zion: I can regenerate no matter what you cut or destroy every part of my body will come back.

Shiro: *smiles*

Zion: hey... why are you smiling?

Shiro: it's not simple because I'll be able to test your regeneration by cutting you !

His sword that was originally shaped like a katana with the aura of rage radiating from its form had changed to a Claymore a huge two-handed black and jet red sword with huge dark red flashing runes.

Zion: this human!

Shiro: come on!


* Shock

* Shock *

Zion: it's definitely dangerous it's not very dangerous.

A big scar was forming on his body.

Shiro: yes ! more ! more ! more ! I want to see more of your blood !

Zion: his personality changed all of a sudden it's wilder!


Shiro: what's wrong that's all!

Zion: besides that sword that he defeated me with changed form, there is no weapon of that kind!

Shiro: Come on! You can keep fighting!

Zion: Shut up! *punches him in the face*

Shiro: *spits blood*

He would be smashed against the wall

Zion: it was a five ton blow to the head, he must be ..... hey this is a joke!

Shiro: come on you bastard, that's all because I still haven't turned off my anger.

Before his eyes Shiro would approach at a great speed 23km/m and despite holding his great sword it would not be reduced cutting the hands of the subject Zion.

Zion: it's useless... *regenerated* this... it's slower the regeneration is slower

Shiro: *blood descent - second part flesh-eater*

Zion: this human .. ( I know I should have known when he beat me he wasn't normal but so what ! I am a noble orc he is a human I am supposed to be stronger so dictates the world so dictates the gods so dictates existence the human is always the weaker species ! )

Shiro: *shuffles his feet*.

Zion: ( then how this human cuts me with ease )

Shiro: *pokes him in the eye* what's up bitch ? that's it baby ?

Shiro's eyes were red with anger even though he said those words calmly he was annoyed by the aura that surrounded him altering his emotions as the aura of loneliness had done showing that he had little control of it.

Zion: ( yes .. the world is bad because in my world in the real one humans are weak and this idiot is weak is weak ! ) Don't feel proud miserable human ! Oh!

Immediately the energy of his body that was altered began to surround him his body was compacting and getting smaller his wounds were healing.

Shiro: The energy of those monsters

Zion: the monsters are categorized into low, middle, high, top and king.

His body had become dark he had grown two more eyes having four pairs of eyes on his face and his mouth deformed with fangs he was no longer an orc he didn't even show signs of knowing what he was

Shiro: ...

Zion: unfortunately for you ! who supports me in a monster of superior rank.

After saying those words an explosion is left by the speed it was moving and a blow was delivered to Shiro's stomach.

Shiro: *vomits*

This would be nailed to the wall with such force that it would leave a silhouette.

Zion: the aura is great right but too bad you can't develop it fully here where it would be useful.. did you think it would be an easy win where the hero pulls out a power and wins that shit leave it aside in the real world if you're not truly strong you die.

Shiro: cof cof *spits blood* my sword...

Zion: don't even try it I must have broken four of your ribs the rib bones must be piercing internal organs causing internal bleeding.

Shiro: *falls to his knees*.

Zion: the perforation of internal organs causes failure of the body's nervous system so more organs start to cause problems.

Shiro: shut up! *spits up blood*.

Zion: but that's not only the case when there is internal bleeding, places where they shouldn't or shouldn't fill with blood do, so what happens?

Shiro: *looks at him with red eyes*.

Zion: easy your whole body is slowly destroying itself personally I want to kill you and I want to but seeing you finally in that state is the joy the icing on the cake.. you're going to die if they don't use magic to heal you but in the mess you've caused look at you no one will come to help you.

Shiro:.. cof.. no, you won't get what you want...

Zion: well in this form my power is greater currently you are in a state of slow and painful death so I will leave leaving you to die but I will take the crystal maybe I didn't get the girl or the wedding but my only goal was the storm crystal.

Shiro: ... idiot... heh...

Zion: why are you laughing?

Shiro: didn't I tell you at the beginning that people like you who judge only with their eyes lose!

Zion: What the hell are you talking about?

He let out murderous intent

Shiro: That's not the real storm crystal!

Zion: Impossible!

Shiro: It's said that it emits magic and the power of nature when I'm close to it with my aura I can feel it, it's just an ornament possibly made in its image.

Zion: damn it then where is it!

Shiro: was going to be shown at the wedding but it was never said when surely it's something for the end....

Zion: heh..heh heh heh heh...until the end you messed me up you human piece of shit ! *bone rending* screw it at least I'll kill you and then search the whole damn castle even if I have to kill all the staff !

The imminent attack was going towards Shiro's body lying on the ground weak and helpless from his wounds his vision was turning red.

Amber: *fifth fire of Kitsune - Cherry pink*.

The attack would be intercepted by Amber who arrived in time and stood in front of Shiro's body.

Zion: Amber! Hehehe you understand what you're doing, you saved a terrorist that prevented your cousin's wedding.

Amber: seriously... because from my point of view... I take back the worst mistake of my life which is to let my cousin zoe marry you, saved the boy that my cousin loves or yes and also saved the person that proved that you collaborate with the enemies that want to annihilate all life by betraying your own clan

Zion: I see... then you know what will happen to you next don't you? you can't beat me alone.

Amber: You know something true but I'm not alone.... Zoe now!

Zion: Hey...

Zoe: This is for hitting Shiro! *kitsune technique - fire fist*

Immediately Zoe's flaming fist released a huge heat and hit Zion's chest sending him flying and burning his chest fiercely.

Zoe: amber how is shiro !

Amber: I'll take care of it! don't get careless!

Zoe: Yeah!

Zion: you know I thought about luxuriating in your body but it looks like it won't be possible so in simple terms I'm going to kill you fucking bitches!

Zoe: give it a try

Shiro: ... Zoe...

Amber: easy I'll heal you *kitsune technique- healing fire* .. it was ... my fault

Shiro: ..

Amber: i would be the one to marry him but i didn't want to and i gave zoe as a scapegoat.. but i knew i was doing wrong i knew i was giving away someone precious to me who has been kind to me ! but i was afraid of falling into his hands...i regret what i did...but it doesn't fix anything surely you think i'm to blame here...that i'm an unprincipled bastard.....

She burst into tears as she healed Shiro's body.

But Shiro, who was no longer surrounded by the aura of anger, looked at her and smiled.

Shiro: calm down... everything will be fine...

Amber: hey..

Shiro: it must have been hard.. everything.. we have a chance.. to correct our mistakes.

Amber: shiro..

She wanted to cry but her body was getting colder and colder...

Amber: no ! you must live you hear me zoe is here she is fighting we ran to this place for you come on ! you came for her to go back to the academy !

But her eyes closed again because her wounds were too serious to be healed.

Amber: no.. what can I do .. the internal wounds are the most problematic but I can't heal them quickly not by .. normal means ....

She blushed slightly but then she took a serious stance and looks at him

Shiro: ...

Amber: hey idiot make sure you take responsibility !

After saying that she would grab him and kiss him sinking her tongue in his mouth tasting every part no matter his blushing face she would kiss shiro and move her tongue inside him touching it with his.

Amber: ( don't die human idiot ) *kitsune technique - engagement fire*.

Her wounds were healed both internally and externally and she parted with a trickle of saliva while looking at him.

Shiro: haaa! what happened!?

He would wake up in a hurry looking around

Amber: zoe is struggling we must help her

Shiro: my sword!

He would see that his sword that was once in the shape of a claymore was now in the shape of a katana implying that he was back to normal.

Amber: your wounds are healed but things like blood loss won't be fixed, your body must endure the fatigue you understand.

Shiro: yes...

Amber: besides... it was my first

Shiro: Yeah?

Amber: never mind idiot go save zoe! you came for her didn't you!

Shiro: *smiles* yes!

Zoe was having a battle with Zion but he was very strong and even though her fire was burning him he wouldn't stop attacking.

Zion: look at you, you bastard bitch... you're capable of hurting me for a reason, you're the king's daughter, but the difference between us is great!

Zoe: not !

A huge forehead strike would be sent to Zoe with her defense down.

Shiro: I got it


Zoe: shiro!

Shiro: sorry but it took me too long to take a break.

Zion: you!

A dark vein on his forehead looked like it was going to explode and splatter blood he looked was boiling with anger at seeing that he was alive and healed

Zion: I'm tired of all of you

Amber: and you'll get more tired *kitsune technique - scorching fire*.

Zion: You bastard! haaaaaaaaaa !

The flames took him, his body responded negatively to the fire so much that he got upset and started to spin in circles.

Shiro: his weakness is fire

Zoe: My attacks only hurt him superficially.

Shiro: Mine cut him but he regenerates.

Amber: my fire will keep him busy, a kitsune's fire can't be easily extinguished.

Zoe: How do we defeat it?

Shiro: ...I have an idea...

Zoe: it's risky

Shiro: life or death

Zoe: please..

Shiro: i won't die now.. let it go this far

Amber: what's the plan

Shiro: your fire you can put it on my sword, if fire is your weakness by cutting it with my sword I will burn all the flesh cut inside and outside it won't be able to regenerate.

Amber: that's ridiculous... the fire of a kitsune is strong enough to be used for forging, your weapon could melt.

Shiro: Don't worry, it won't.

Zoe: I trust you

Amber: we have no choice

Amber/Zoe: *kitsune technique - dancing fire*.

The fire was put on her sword and you could see the blade boiling red hot and her hands holding it.

Zion: It's over!

He would use an air shockwave to extinguish the fire around him.

Zion: I will kill them directly *dark run*.

At a great speed he was approaching and everything he stepped on took a dark color as if it was rotting, indicating the lethality of the attack.

Shiro: I'll only have one chance, I can only use aura for a few seconds...

In a second

Zion's hands were approaching showing a distorted smile but shiro still and calm would raise his sword behind him were Amber and Zoe contemplating the scene that was deciding their lives.

Shiro: *aura of tranquility - calming fire ceremony*.

Giving those words under his sword then Zion's body would be split in half and burned.

Zion: noooooooooooooo !

As last words he said no ! he said seeing the human who didn't kill when he had the chance who belittled him and his race, who mocked him all this time.

Being cut up and burning his corpse.

Even if there is something after death like heaven or Inferno he would surely relive this moment as torture forever as punishment.

Shiro: we made it....

Amber/Zoe: shiro !

He would fall unconscious in front of them due to exhaustion, he heard their voices at the end leaving the place in silence.

To be continued...