Chapter 5

So all this time my mother and father were part of these people? Then why I didn't know until now?

"So the tragedy that happened to my parents at that time was also known?" I was a little furious, I thought I was done with all this anger, but I was wrong. I'm still not recovering.

"Sastra we understand your pain. We've all experienced the same thing as you. " Kiara opened her mouth, even though she doesn't look care but her tone showed a high sense of empathy with my situation.

"That's true Sastra, we came here because of the same situation as you. Mr. David picked us up to stay here. " Kara added

"Honestly I don't want to tell you all this, but it looks like you should know the background of everyone here." Mr. David began to tell about the parents of the children in the room. Starting from Alex's parents that died in an odd traffic accident, the shooting of Wulan's parents, to the food poisoning that happened to the twins' parents. When he wanted to tell the story of Vanilla's parents, Vanilla interrupted Mr. David's words.

"Sorry sir, please don't." Vanilla raised her right hand then interrupted the conversation.

"Okay, if that's what you wish, I'm not forcing."

After the conversation was over, soon the dinner also. Mr. David immediately went to his room, the twins tidied up the table and chairs, because Alex had already cooked he was off duty, Vanilla was sweeping and mopping the floor, I offered to wash the dishes, and Wulan helped me wipe the tableware and put the items on their place.

“Don't force yourself to understand all these problems at once. Take it slowly step by step. " After tidying up all the eating utensils, Wulan nudged my shoulder.

"Yes, I understand." I nodded slowly.

"I have put your stuff in your room Sastra, when you're finished let me take you to your room." Vanilla suddenly appeared over me and Wulan.

"Don't be in a hurry, take it easy, I'm not going to steal your boyfriend." Wulan chuckled and then left the two of us.

"Hey, that's not what I meant!" Vanilla's face blushed slightly.

"Never mind, come on, take me."


I walked along the place guided by Vanilla, like I was visiting a tourist spot, from the meeting room earlier, the hallway that connected to strange rooms filled with books, parchments, and many antiques, at the end of which was a staircase to the second floor, which contains rooms, bathrooms, and Mr. David's private room. At the other end of the second floor, there are stairs to go up to the next floor. Out of curiosity, I asked Vanilla.

"Where do the stairs lead to?"

"Tomorrow you will found out sir. Now take a shower and rest, personal toiletries such as toothbrushes and others are on the mattress in your room, for soap and shampoo we use together in the form of liquid is in the bathroom. "

"Don't use the word 'Sir' or 'Master' anymore Vanilla, I'm not comfortable with the people here."

"But at that time the master said it's okay."

“Never mind, I don't mind that. Thank you for escorting me, thank you for looking after me. "

"If there is anything just knock on my door" Vanilla pointed at the door next to my room. Vanilla waved and left me in front of the room. It turned out that the room was quite comfortable. A wardrobe, a table and a chair, a shelf, and a bed are arranged neatly in the room. Also, the room atmosphere was quite cozy. I tidy up my clothes, put them in the closet, then went to take a shower. After showering and get dressed I lay down on the bed. I still feel strange about all of this. Library? Keeper of knowledge? What am I here for? My thoughts were broken when someone knocked on my door.

"Sir, can I come in?" Vanilla's voice sounded very soft.

"Please." I tidied my clothes and then sat on the bed.

Vanilla came in, closed the door, then sat on the chair. "What is wrong?" I asked. Vanilla looked down.

"Sir, do you remember when Mr. David was about to tell about my story that I refused?" I nodded. "My parents were killed in front of my eyes." Instantly my whole body felt as if it had been electrocuted from somewhere.

"Are you sure you want to tell this?" I asked again because Vanilla's eyes were getting teary at that time.

"It's okay sir, I have to tell you this."

"Okay, please continue."

"At that time I was twelve years old about to celebrate my birthday after school. On the way to my house, I saw that the fence had fallen apart, the doors were open, and the windows had been smashed. I sneaked into the house, then I saw that in the backyard my parents were fighting with people who looked very strange. But they were not alone, at that time they fought four people against twelve people. Your parents helped my mother and father at that time Sir. "

What? I was shocked, my body blinked.

“Yes sir, they were fighting side by side at that time. At first, things were under control, but one of the bad guy saw me peeking out of the house. The guy is about to get to me but master's father and mother reacted very quickly to block them at that time. However, because my parents' attention was distracted they didn't realize they're caught off guard. My father was shot in the head and immediately fell on his back, while my mother was stabbed in the left chest area and penetrated quite deep. At that time, with my Mom's remaining strength, she shouted at master's parents to take me away from that place. Master's father was immediately carried me then I passed out. When I woke up I was in this library, crying loudly and blaming myself. 'If only hadn't been caught peeping.' That's what I screamed while crying. Mr. David's and master's parents calmed me at that time. Because I had no other place to live, I was put in the library and taken care of by Mr. David. Occasionally master's parents visited me. Then after my condition was stable, Mr. David put me at the table for borrowing books in the front. It is not uncommon for me to see you visiting this place occasionally accompanied by your parents. I'm sorry sir that I wasn't there to protect your parents on the day they died, and I'm sorry I didn't see you earlier." Vanilla's face flushed, tears rolled down her cheeks, she was crying. I feel my body shaking, and my eyes were teary.

“It's okay, I know you did your best. Don't apologize to me. All of that is not your fault. " I got out of bed and rubbed Vanilla's head, but she cried even louder.

It was long enough after that Vanilla stopped crying. "Thank you, for listening to me sir."

"Never mind, now you rest. Tomorrow please wake me up if I'm late. "

"Yes sir." Vanilla leaves my room with a languid face. After locking the bedroom door I sank into the mattress. Tears flowed profusely and then I cried, but I didn't make a sound. In that tiring cry, I sank into sleep.

Father, mother, I miss you...