Chapter 31

The South Sea Palace is extraordinary, there are too many unexpected things in it. Although some things are not like on land, many things can replace them. From food to knowledge centers, and even entertainment, this palace is quite complete. Wulan, Kara, and Vanilla explore the library facilities provided by the queen, the collection of books and information here is also quite diverse, some of which we have seen in the library, but there is also other information that is only available in the South Sea Palace library. Alex, Kiara, and Banyu often practice sparring with Miss Karina, they use the soldier training center and the South Sea Palace's armory. For safety, Agni always goes around guarded by my uncle and accompanied by soldiers given by the queen. I often get bored when I'm here, I like to go around from one place to another. Sometimes I approach the residents here to chat and find information that may only be known by the palace residents.