Back in time to save the cultivation world!

Xiao Xingchen is pretty sure he was a spirit before, and he lingered in Yi city, because that's where he died and his soul scattered prevents him from leaving. Not alive and living in a small house in this bustling town in Yueyang, with both eyes and no sign of the cut to his throat he very much remembered, only smooth, white jade skin and clean white Daoist robes, but he realises that there must be a reason he has been sent into the human world, and into the past if the human realm. He takes it as a good omen for his sudden reincarnation and goes to enjoy life in a busy town.

The stalls in Yueyang are vast in variety and to a fairly rich, idle man like himself, it is joyful and full of life, but he also sees street children, probably orphans wearing thin, ratty clothes on their skinny bodies. Xiao Xingchen can't help but know these street orphans are why he is back on earth, when a commotion on the road draws his attention. A stray child, like how he imagined the fierce Yiling patriach being in his early childhood, and a cold looking rich master running over his fingers like it is a needed form of punishment, which a whole crowd of people apparently agree with judging by their jeering and dirty looks. The child may as well be six by the size of him, but that doesn't matter right now, as the carriage of the man he finds out to be lord Chang CiAn. The name has some resonance to his past, he can't clearly remember as he sees the carriage with the man on, has rolled away, leaving the child on the dirt road to die. People chattered and gradually the crowd dispersed to the stalls, and Xiao Xingchen picked up a few casual remarks in passing.

"That was cruel, but I'd rather see that street orphan get hurt than our family wiped out, Xue Yang will never have a good future if he lives anyway.", an old hag mutters. The young woman following her paled, "Please mother, I don't know what is worse, old master Chang trying to disable the innocent child or the lord silencing house own village with threats. Street rats are unfortunate souls and if I could afford to feed the children I have well, with extra rice leftover, I would gladly care for them like my own children."

Xingchen runs into the road as another stream of carts come by and picks up the child, and the child looks at him in a daze, eyes half closed and in pain. The look reminds him of the young delinquent in Yi city and something clicks. This child is seven year old Xue Yang, with his signature twisted demeanour just settling on his small face, and he has the chance to stop him from surrendering to his want for revenge, and heal his fingers before it is to late. He does goes to his residence was quickly as he can without moving the child unnecessarily, and begins to change the fate of the cultivation world.