Cultivation and teaching

Xue Yang is more than meets the eye, and that becomes clearer when he tries to feel the child's golden core, as unlikely as it is to have already formed during his time on the streets. Goodness knows how, but the seven year boys golden core is already forming and strong, gifting him with a natural affinity for cultivation, probably that's what allowed him to become such an unorthodox menace in the cultivation world so quickly. This time Xiao Xingchen wants his golden core to be even better, so as soon as the child can move around and he is eating what a child his she should be eating, not without a few hiccups though, he begins teaching little Xue Yang the cultivation of Baoshan Sanren, his own master, and some important parts from the four great sects, such as Jiang clan's defence moves and motto, to attempt the impossible, Gusu's musical attack, Nie clan's attitude of never giving up and Jin clan's sense of confidence in ones own person.

He thinks these are the best parts of what the cultivation world has to offer, and will help child Xue Yang learn that although he started off as a delinquent and unwanted orphan, that doesn't mean he needs to live like that till his premature death. There is a place for everyone in the natural order, and Xue Yang could easily be a distinguished, strong and courageous young master if he heals up and recovers from the past. Some things will never change, like how why he is to strangers and he hides behind Xiao Xingchen when he's scared, and his anxiety over the stub of a pinky finger on his left hand. Unfortunately, no matter how many healer friends the Daoist called in, no one could save the crushed bone and Xue Yang still lost the finger. It is one of his regrets, seeing the child pull on the specially tailored white gloves to hide that one finger and avoiding messy play in public so he does not have to take off the silk gloves, but no amount of kindness or medicine can mend a crushed bone. If he took Xue Yang to see his master one day, that's if she will allow him entering the sect again, she could probably merge a new pinky on, but only once the child is older and has an exceptional golden core.

They go to the market often, to make sure there is enough food in their small house and he lets Xue Yang but some sweets to make him happy while he and Xingchen buy vegetables and meat, to his surprise the seven and a bit year old is very streetwise and helps the unknowing cultivator get better deals from the old ladies on the stalls by acting cute and haggling where appropriate. Now Xue Yang knows to read, he lets him buy books and writing material for their calligraphy lessons from the education stalls, and the child favours elegant, ebony and gold brushes with the best paper. It is funny to watch a small child use adult writing instruments, in his smooth hands, and little brow furrowed because he is concentrating so hard. This was hopefully a good sign that adult Xue Yang would be great and knowledgeable in the arts, and not so much in the techniques of murderer and revenge, although some day he knew the matter of the crushed pinky would be something to deal with.

Xingchen watches years pass by, and the seven year old orphan grow into a healthy twelve year old junior cultivator, with the skills of a young master but still his own person, which Xingchen prefers to a blank junior of for example the Gusu Lan sect. A skinny boy went from being fed, thus becoming a good weight for this age like the other round faced boys, now a slim, lean muscled and handsome figure from sword drills and his other physical training. The bit of baby fat in his face is still there, but Xiao Xingchen knows from seeing past, well future Xue Yang, that his face will always be a little round and cheeks full, it was one of the more pleasant things about his arch enemy. That twisted smiled is now a charming grin, forever attracting old aunties to coo around him and girls and boys to blush, except Xingchen notices that he was only ever looked back at the boys. Soon his master will be able to build on what he has taught the teen, to finish what Xingchen has done.