Chapter 03

Elena's POV

I was currently waiting for Mr. Malhotra in his study. Believe me when I say this, the study is very huge! I mean two apartments like mine would perfectly fit here. Currently, I am sitting on a huge sofa at a corner of the room. There are large shelves with thousands of books that I never heard of. There is a large window which shows the garden at the backside of the house. Just beside the window, there is a huge table with one head chair and two chairs for the guests or maybe employees I don't know.

I stood up getting irratated after waiting for like 20 minutes. They should be puntual as well if they want their employees to be punctual. I strolled in the study and finally halted at the window. The garden was very beautifully maintained with different kind of flowers. I can't name even half of them.

Malhotra's are too rich. Filthy rich! Plus mysterious and dangerous. Yeah everyone out in the city think of them like this. They shifted over here just a few months back and they have bought such an enormous mansion that too at a secluded area of the city. They don't like to mingle much. No one even know about their family.

I wonder even if I got the job, would I be able to put up with these people and look after this humongous mansion of theirs?

When I told sophia about my interview at Malhotra's, she gave a weird reaction. Firstly, she asked me repeat what I said and then "You are not going there!" She deadpanned. I thought she was just kidding with me so I ignored but then she wasn't even allowing me out of the house this morning and when asked the reason she said "They are too secretive to be normal. I don't trust them with your security". It was after alot of pleading that she agreed and that too with numerous do's and don'ts. I mean why would anyone leave this much salary if they don't like to mingle much among the people. It's not like I'm gonna live there. I'll just do my work and leave! Simple.

It was too much now. I mean it's more than half an hour since I'm waiting. HE should've been here taking my interview! I turned back angrily only to widen my eyes. Mr. Malhotra was already sitting on his revolving chair working on a file. He was young and handsome. I thought Mr. Malhotra would be a man in his 50s or 60s.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention. "So are we back to earth?" He asked sarcastically and I was embarrassed. It's the first time I've nothing to say. But all of this was his fault! Okay I agree I was lost but he was late too! If he wouldn't have been late I wouldn't have been watching the garden and thinking all the nonsense to pass my time. "Hello Mr. Malhotra, I'm Elena Singh. I came here for the interview" I replied. His actions halted and eyes snapped towards me. Shock covering all his features. What is with all the handsome men in this house and their shocking expressions? I wondered.

I met a man earlier downstairs.. what was his name? Yeah! Yuvraj. Actually what happened is that I was seeing.. no scratch that! I was busy gawking at the interiors of the house when I entered here and knocked off a vase. I covered my face fearing the crash but that never happened. "It's okay miss you can open your eyes" I removed my hands when I heard someone's amused voice. And you can tell what happened? Yeah! His expressions changed from amused to shocked. But then he covered up immediately. I thanked him politely and introduced myself. Strange! He seemed confused but nonetheless, he returned my greetings and left the house as quickly as he could.

So you see, this was the second time! I wonder if they know me or it was their style to greet anyone they meet. I chuckled at the thought. But yes, they are really mysterious.

I cleared my throat to bring Mr. Malhotra out of his "Elena gawking session". Mr. Malhotra composed himself quickly after realizing what he was doing. Honestly, I was feeling a bit uncomfortable now. Why do they give me the expression like I'm a long lost mystery puzzle piece for them?

He must have sensed my uncomfortableness because he lowered his eyes and said "I'm sorry, It's just that I thought you were someone else". All the sarcasm was gone and he spoke every word very politely. Okay! Strange.. But remember? Mysterious People!? Yeah we are talking about them. So I assume everyone out their were right.

"It's okay" I replied back politely. "So I guess we should start with the Interview. I'm Gaurav Malhotra, You must be here for the caretaker's job right?" I nodded and he continued. "I'm sorry to say but we can't give you that job..." He stated and I was like what the hell! "Okay I understand, first, I look very familiar to you. Second, I was about to break your precious vase and thirdly, I was busy thinking something when you arrived" He was about to say something but I cutted his sentence. "But that doesn't mean you won't hire me okay? First, It's not my fault that I look familiar to someone you don't like. Second, I was 'ABOUT TO' so you see? I haven't broken anything you can trust me on that I will try not to gawk at the mansion again. And thirdly, 'YOU' were busy somewhere so I was just roaming here and there because I was bored and that's why I was lost when you arrived but then that doesn't mean you won't hire me for such petty issues!!". I don't even know what all I started to blabber but I really need this job! I've to pay the bill by the end if this week.

After I stopped blabbering, I saw him gawking at me just like I was gawking at the interiors of his house.. Oops Mansion. "How can someone speak so much without even taking a break??" he said and showed me his finger when I was about to answer him. "Let me complete first, I was saying that I can't give you the job of a caretaker but I have another job if you don't have any problem Miss" "Ohh.." I trailed off. What could I say? I was embarrassed, Again! Why do I speak so much?? God! Why are you doing this to me??

He stated everything all professionally. "And yes! You do look like someone very dear to me but that doesn't mean I would neglect your abilities. Oh and I've to test you before your new job." I just nodded my head. "About the vase? I never saw you knocking off anything and even if I had, why would I blame you for anything that never happened??" What?? But I thought that Yuvraj must have told him about the vase and that I'm hell of a clumsy girl and that he should not hire me etcetera etcetera and that's why he refused to give me the job.

"And lastly, Ms. Speaking express I'm sorry I was a little busy with my son. By the way he is the reason you are getting an opportunity to work with us so I don't think you should be complaining about that. So Ms. Singh? Do you know how to play a piano?" He said calmly stressing on the nickname that he just gave me while I looked at him confused.

First, He has a son! I mean he looks so young! I never thought he was married. Second, I got job because of his son? What does that mean now? And third, Piano? Where did that come from in such an important discussion? I know how to play piano but that doesn't mean he will ask me to entertain him at the moment!

As if understanding what I want to ask he told me that his son was just throwing a fit that he wanted to learn piano. Plus he was too busy to take care of him so he wanted me to take care of him. So that means he doesn't want me to entertain him? Thank God I didn't thought that aloud. He would have got another chance to embarrass me.

"About the salay? You will be getting double the amount if you were a caretaker of this house" He paused and glaced at me. "You said you won't gawk again Ms. Singh" He said seriously. And I quickly averted my gaze looking here and there. "Sorry.." I muttered still not looking at him. He chuckled on my expressions.

Back on "Chill Mode" are we?