
Chapter 1: Yuma, Arizona

The hot Arizona sun blazed off the golden sand dunes as the roar of motorbikes filled the air. A blue one, and a red one drove quickly over each dune. A man stood at the top of one of the higher dunes watching.

The man called out over the radio, “Alright boys, go a little faster.”

The red one began going faster around the area.

“Good job, Landon,” The man said, “Devin, what’s going on?”

“Just give me a second, Uncle Dee,” Devin sounded frustrated.

The blue one joined the red one going much faster. Uncle D laughed, and pulled up a holo-computer screen. A normal motorbike goes up to 45 mph, but the screen read 83 mph. The bikes were new versions from Starlight Manufacturing. The red bike took a dune fast and did a flip off of it. The occupant screamed in joy. Once it landed it stopped at the top of another dune. The red rider pulled off his helmet. His red hair flipped back.

“Bet you can’t beat that,” Landon smirked.

“Want to bet,” Devin happily challenged. “Twenty bucks?”

“You’re on.”

“Boys! Not the time.”

“Sorry Uncle D,” The boys said simultaneously.

The blue bike went up and over the dune doing a double backflip. It came to a fast stop next to Landon. Devin pulled his helmet off. His white hair glistened in the light.

“Maybe next time don’t bet with a professional,” Devin chimed.

Landon snickered at him.

“Boys your father called. Want to hear the message now?” Uncle D said. “We could wait til later.”

“Now,” Devin said without hesitation.


“Yeah, now. Of course,” Landon put on a grin. The messages played through their helmets.

“Sorry boys, I won’t make it out there today. The school called. Devin, congratulations you won the presidency award for the county,” their father gave an impressed chuckle then continued. “Landon award for second in state for wrestling. I’ll see you boys when you get home. Bye.” The transmission cut off.

Devin glanced at Landon, and saw the small frown which was quickly covered with a big grin. Landon sat straight on his bike.

“I still have a chance to beat you,” Landon said, “race you to Uncle D.”

Devin’s earlier worry vanished into his competitive nature, “You are so on.”

The two took off over the dunes toward their uncle. Landon flipped off another hill. Devin made to follow but a sudden pulse went over the sky, and emitted a bright light. The bikes cut out. Devin was going too fast and flipped over the handlebars, the bike tumbled after him. Landon got off his motorbike to go to him, but another wave painted the sky in a million colors. It made him dizzy, and his knees buckled. The world shifted in and out of focus until it was gone.


His eyes burned when he opened them. Landon coughed trying to get more air in his lungs. He ripped off his helmet and gasped. The sun was starting to set over the dunes. There was total silence except the blowing of sand. He looked around noticing Devin was nowhere in sight.

“Devin,” he called. No answer. Landon stumbled to his feet. “Devin!” Still nothing. He climbed to the highest point he could reach and spotted Devin’s motorbike. It was on its side and its rider was nowhere in sight. He scrambled down to it and took in the appearance of the destroyed bike. There were track marks beyond it and a little bit of a track suit was visible beneath the sand. Landon ran to it, digging. He pulled Devin out and laid him on his back. There was a crack on the helmet. Landon pulled it off of him to see dried blood running down his face. He tapped Devin’s face, “Wake up, come on. We have to get out of here.”

Devin groaned and blinked his eyes open, “Landon?”

“Yeah, get up. We need to find Uncle Dee,” he pulled him up. Devin barely managed to stay standing with Landon’s support. They stumbled towards their camp. The black SUV came into view but there was no one around. Landon knew it had to have been hours since he passed out. Uncle Dee should have come looking for them, or he would be with the SUV and mobile station. Landon let Devin rest against the vehicle as he checked the equipment. The satellite feed showed only two heat signatures.

“Landon?” Devin mumbled. Landon returned to his side. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Devin whispered, “Head hurts.”

Landon felt stupid for having asked. It was obvious Devin was in pain. He probably had a concussion, and he had to be sore from the crash. Uncle Dee wasn’t here, but the first aid kit was, and he knew Devin needed medical attention. Landon opened the trunk and looked around for the kit. It was under the weapons safe. He brought it back, and pulled out a cloth. He grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler they always kept in the backseat. When he started wiping the blood away, Devin grimaced. The cut was across his temple running into his hairline. It made his white hair look brown. Landon attached butterfly stitches but it wouldn’t help much. Then Devin grabbed his hand weakly, “Where’s Uncle Dee?”

“I don’t know,” Landon answered honestly. He was beginning to panic but then his brother moaned again. He had made up his mind. They were driving to the nearest hospital for help. His mind went on autopilot. After plenty of struggle, Landon managed to put Devin in the passenger seat and pick up their equipment. He left the motorbikes where they were. There was something going on, but if he was wrong then he would pay for it later. They drove for the next hour and a half before seeing the STARLIGHT Site. That was where their parents were working for the week, and why they were able to be out in the dunes.

“We’re almost there,” Landon said even though he knew Devin wasn’t listening. He drove to the full parking lot. The lights were out and it was silent. Landon pulled up to the front door and ran inside.

“Hello?” Landon called out, after no answer he tried again. He ran down the halls but found no one.