Hank and the woman just stood staring at one another. Their stare down was broken when another man appeared with a gun firing at Hank, Hank being quick ducked avoiding a few shots as he rammed into the guy sending them both to the ground the gun moved away from both them.

Looking at the gun they both shared a look and made an attempt to get to the gun first, the dude managed to elbow Hank stopping him but Hank was not done pulling a knife he hid in his socks he threw it.

The knife entered the guys outstretched arm which was just a few inches away from the gun causing him to scream. He turned around, his eyes filled with rage only to see Hank’s knee right before it came in contact with face. There was a sickening crunch right after signaling his broken nose.

Holding his nose, he took a look at his palm which was now dyed red with his own blood. He got up rushing at Hank they began exchanging blows, the man was good but Hank was better grabbing his hand he brought out another knife stabbing him in the under arm, then quickly spinning around delivering a cut to his lower thigh immediately causing him to drop to his knees he spun forward and slit his throat.

Standing over his body Hank took a deep breath, to calm down and just then he heard the faint sound of a gun clocking and ducked narrowly avowing the gunfire fire that ensued. He looked up seeing the masked lady who had first appeared, she was now aiming the gun from before at himself. He fired his knife at her serving as a distraction as he jumped down to the ground floor. She tilted her head barely avoiding the knife aimed at her head.

Rushing to where he jumped from she looked down and began unleashing all her bullets down at the ground, Hank hid under a table avoiding all shots. Seeing her bullets did nothing she discarded the gun and jumped down pulling a sword which was previously hidden Hank got up as well grasping on to two knives there was a short stare down before they both rushed at one another.

They began exchanging blows with one another in such a fashion that an observer might have thought it was a choreographed dance, as the battle went on Hank began to experience a strange sense of Déjà vu.


In some sort of desert environment a younger Hank stands before a girl of similar age, they both are in some sort of black garbs. They are sparring with one another Hank has two knives at hand whilst the girl has a sword they traded blows, an older man with all but his eyes covered was watching over both of them. Their strikes become more and more and violent when all of a sudden the girl performs a surprise roundhouse kick aimed straight for his head…


Hank ducks and rolls away barely avoiding the roundhouse kick aimed for his head by the masked woman. Hank furrows his brows as he looks at the masked woman with furrowed brows, ignoring the feeling he fires one of the knives which the woman promptly blocks with her sword.

He rushes at her with his knife slashing for her neck, as though she knew what was coming she moved her sword blocking the attack, unexpectedly Hank decisively abandoned his weapon and swiped at her feet sending her to the ground…


The girl fell on her back with an thud, the back of her head stunning her for a moment. She regained her bearing just in time to roll away narrowly avoiding a knife coming at her.

She stood her eyes staring straight into the young Hank’s eyes. They both rushed at each other without any weapon at hand relying solely on their martial arts…


Hank and the masked lady exchange blows for a while before a kick from her straight to his chest sending him back creating space between both of them. Hank got back up entering a battle stance prepared for another round but just before they could begin they heard the sound of the sirens.

Turning back to where the mask lady was previously, he discovered she had disappeared along with the sword. Hank didn’t dare stay to wait for the police he jumped out a window making his way through the lawn and jumping a wall disappearing from the scene.

The police arrived with Naa at the lead bursting into the hall there was no one, Naa and the officers began scouring the entire building she discovered the corpse of the guy who went up against and Hank and later the body of Roland in the office.

Naa put her gun away when she realized whoever was responsible was long gone and began taking a closer look at the crime scene. She soon discovered the murder weapon but that didn’t draw her attention, in the wall she saw a knife. After moving closer she removed the knife embedded in the wall and after a close look she was sure who the owner was, “found anything detective?” a voice interrupted her thoughts turning around she hid the knife away.

Before her was the commissioner, with the amount of important people who attended this gala the commissioner himself had decided to make an appearance himself. “No sir” “hmm, okay I want this place locked down, someone bag this” he said the last part pointing at the murder weapon, after that he turned to leave when Naa spoke up “sir I volunteer to go over to Roland’s place.”

He turned and looked at her before responding “sure you can head over with the team first thing I the morning.” “with all due respect sir why don’t we head over now”, Naa argued she had a gut feeling that if they moved over tomorrow, they would miss something important. There are a lot of interests that just got involved in this moving carelessly is not advised we will head over tomorrow that is final.” He spoke in a tone leaving no room for arguments before leaving, Naa watched his back with narrowed eyes.


The vigilante had just dropped on the roof and made his way in the place. All was dark but with his night vision goggles all was clear to him, after entering the place he was clear that he was not alone. Placing his back against the wall he was waiting for the person and seeing them he moved quickly placing them in a choke hold before snapping their neck. Taking a look at the outfit of the intruder Hank was stunned, He recognized the outfit, alongside the masked woman from earlier he got a very bad feeling.

Rushing into the office The Phantom arrived just in time to see a man in the same outfit with a laptop under his arm.

The stared at one another then phantom ducked right in time to avoid a sword slash from another man behind him. He kicked behind sending the man down and firing his knife at the man before him preventing him from jumping out the window before engaging him in contact he managed to snatch the laptop, in time to use as a shield from the rain of bullets that were fired at him.

He then jumped out the window.