
Naa was in the station, her eyes glued to the tape trying her hardest to try to spot something, anything that might help her in figuring out who the guy was but to no avail. “you got anything?” Jarred walked in with a folder at hand, “nothing, whoever this guy is he is definitely a pro avoiding all camera angles that would reveal his face. What about you, got anything?”

Hearing Naa’s question, Jarred sighed dropping the folder unto her desk allowing Naa to go through it as well. “we’ve got nothing, forensics team went through the cup only to get Elvis’ prints no one else” “what about the contents of the cup?” Naa asked. “poisoned as we suspected…” “there we go”

*sigh* “the contents were poisoned, but…” his words crushed Naa’s budding excitement. “there is always a but, what is it?” “the materials that make up the poison are so common we have no idea where to begin if we want to search for the guy by following the poison” Naa stood slamming the table as she did so.

Pinching the bridge of her nose she began to think, “enemies, what about enemies?” Jarred gave her a disbelieving look. “A man like Elvis definitely has enemies, but that’s a long list of people with almost all of them being so high up we would need a warrant just to even speak to them not to think of investigating them”

“then shorten that list, we have his phone right check who he last spoke to and try to figure out his most recent enemies.” Naa spoke as she went back to her computer looking for leads as her eyes drifted once more to the symbol drawn on the cup.

Hank was back in his base and began to wonder just who would hire someone of the reaper’s caliber to assassinate his cousin, as he continued going through his cousin’s stuff, he came across a name, one which for some reason was familiar to him. Performing a search on the name, he finally remembered why the name Elvis Tamakloe was so memorable, he had died this morning.

After figuring out he was connected to his sister somehow, his death was more suspicious and Hank was absolutely sure that the reaper was involved in his death somehow but for him to be absolutely sure he had to take a closer look at the evidence collected by the police to see if he would see the mark of the reaper as he thought more and more about it, he shifted his gaze towards his suit.

Hank found it easy to sneak into the police station, but then again Police stations were never built with the intention to prevent people from sneaking in.

Arriving before the evidence room, Hank was quick to pick the lock entering into the room which was pitch black and began to search for the evidence relating to Elvis death amongst the numerous evidences contained within the room with his night vision goggles. After a few minutes of searching, he was able to find the box of evidence from that case but rummaging through the box he was disappointed as he couldn’t find the mark of the Reaper anywhere.

He was confused as he was almost certain that the reaper was involved in Elvis death. Looking at the sheet on the box that listed the items supposed to be in the box he realized that a cup was missing. Hank snuck out of the room and soon arrived behind the officer in charge of the evidence. The officer was completely unaware of the cloaked person behind them as they watched a clip of Trevor Noah and could not stop laughing.

Wasting no time Hank brought out a syringe and with a jab of the needle to the officer’s neck, he was out like a light. Hank began to go through the computer searching for where the cup was, after a few searches he was able to find out who had the cup now the problem was how to get the cup from her.

Naa was on her way to meet the man who had last spoken to Elvis, Jarred was able to pull up the man’s number from Elvis phone. He was the last person to have spoken with Elvis and even more so he was actually speaking with him when he died. Naa’s car had arrived before the guy’s residence looking at the cup which was the same one with the symbol drawn on it, she hesitated, for a brief moment she hesitated and then grabbed the cup.

She was soon escorted into the residence by two guards, as she made her way through the residence, she could see tons of guards all around the place, all armed to the teeth. If Naa wasn’t sure before she was now, he knew something and was prepared for whatever it was. Naa soon arrived before double doors which opened to a study with Maxwell seated behind a massive desk with a novel at hand.

“Hello Detective”, Maxwell was the first to speak placing his novel away. “Mr. Asiedu”

“please call me Maxwell”

“I saw a lot of guards on my way here.” Naa spoke up trying to illicit an expression from him. “well, when you are wealthy as I am people tend to get Jealous so I do need the protection.” Naa nodded her head she didn’t quite believe him but there was nothing wrong with his logic. “Do you know one Elvis Tamakloe?” Naa decided to get straight to questioning, “yes, Elvis, we were business partners, such a shame what happened.” “Indeed, a shame but you did call him today, do you mind telling me what that was about?” her question caused Maxwell to come to a halt, and although he quickly tried to hide it Naa had taken notice of it.

“you did call him this morning and more so you called him right before he died, so I really do hope you could share with me what the contents of that call really was.” Naa and Maxwell held each other’s look for a minute before Maxwell spoke up, “we were discussing the auction.” “what auction?” “A tech company is being auctioned in the coming week and both of us were supposed to partake in the auction.” Maxwell’s words had finally given Naa a lead