knives and bullets pt2

Back in the secret room under the Thompson Manor Hank had just arrived taking off his hood, mask and goggles before seating before his computer looking at a red dot which was moving across a map. Unknown to the reaper during the earlier battle Hank had managed to place a tracker on him allowing him now to find his base of operations.

After a whole hour, the dot had come to a stop at an apartment building near the outskirts of the city. Hank was now sure this was his base of operations after monitoring him and making sure he hadn’t moved, suiting up he made his way over.

The reaper was seated bare chested on a bed in his apartment with a bloodied gauze alongside a bottle of alcohol which he had used to disinfect his wound as well as taking a few swings to draw his thoughts away from the wound in his palm as he bandaged his hand. His apartment was a run off the mill apartment, with the only things differentiating his apartment from a normal one was the numerous guns around the place as well as what was an unidentified contraption on his desk by his laptop.

After a few minutes he was done bandaging his arm, after making sure his hand was okay, he stood up and almost emptied his bottle as his phone began ringing, he took a glance at the number before answering. He listened to the person on the other side before speaking up, “the job is done but there were some complications…. the vigilante showed up… I thought so as well but it seems we have underestimated the scope of influence of this vigilante, but not to worry I can handle him but that will cost you of course...” He paused after that waiting for the response from the other side of the line” … I have never failed a job before and I do not plan to begin now… I didn’t know that… I’ll handle it.”

He ended the call with a scowl prominent on his face, since he had begun his call no one had managed to survive his attacks but he had just found out that the woman he thought he had sent to the after life was still breathing and in a hospital. What was this if not an insult and a direct one at that to himself, and with that he had made up his mind to pay the young miss a visit and seat to it that this time she truly crosses over.

The reaper was deep in his thoughts when something caught his eye, moving to his shirt which he had taken off he noticed something so small he had missed it earlier on attached to his shirt. Pulling out the device he brought it close to his face to have a better look at it, his eyes widened a second later realizing what the device in his hands was but it was too late.

There was a loud crash, sending shards of glass flying as the reaper ducked for cover barely grabbing a hand gun and firing at the cloaked figure who was now in his apartment. The Reaper began to empty his entire clip at Hank who had taken cover behind a pillar.

“I have to admit you have my respect few have actually met me and lived to tell the tale, but you…you are definitely the first to injure me I’ll give you that so why don’t we make a deal, I live and finish my job and I owe you a favor which you can cash in later on. How about that?” As the reaper spoke, he had reloaded his gun and was making his way to his laptop.

“I don’t deal with killers.” Hank gave a short response, “wow, just wow, that’s rich coming from you. Face it, you and I are in the same line of work.” “you kill people for a living, I – “the reaper interrupted him “fighting for this city, yeah you’re not the first guy I have heard say that but you know, all you guys are just lying to yourselves.” His was just a few inches away from his laptop when a knife came right for him causing him to roll away.

He rose his handgun firing at Hank, but he had a chair before himself shielding him from the bullets. After taking a quick look and realizing he was out of reach of any of his powerful weapons he made up his mind and run out the apartment.

Hank grabbed the laptop, putting it away and quickly made his way after the reaper. Through the halls they exchanged bullets and knives, with the other residents in the building both scared and curious with some residence even having the courage to poke their heads out to observe the battle.

The reaper soon run out bullets and grabbed an unlucky spectator as hostage and used her as a shield as he slowly backed up to where his car was. Hank was following after him calmly as he did not want to risk the life of the hostage. The reaper realized this and produced a smirk, “let me give you a piece of advice my friend, in this line of work compassion gets you killed.” With those words he pushed the hostage to Hank and threw a well-hidden flash bang down as cover and escaped.

Hank after regaining his senses fled the scene just before the police arrived with a new destination in mind.