Family ties

Naa after checking on the hostages an making sure everyone was alright decided to interview some witnesses but she failed to get useful information except for the genders of the robbers. "how are we on the security cameras?" Naa went up to their tech guy, "all cameras went down during the robbery, there is a code running through the Bank system"

"can you crack it, or at least find out who is responsible for it" Naa asked the important question but the answer from the tech guy was a shake from his head which caused Naa to walk away disappointed.

The next day;

Hank on the other hand had left the bunker returning back above to be with his cousin, “Hank” Michelle called as she saw Hank appear in the kitchen. “cousin” Hank answered with a smile on his face, “how the hell do you keep doing that?” “Doing what?”