The Disarray

Dan Pov :

As I was navigating through the portal, I kept my eyes open wide to make sure that all of us are following together. I remember seeing Anna with the suitcase swimming in the direction of the portal current.

Suddenly, as the portal began to reshape itself, I muttered out loud, " We are about to reach, Anna. Hold on! "

But there was no response.

So, in the very last moments of the portal transfer, I turned my head around while holding Elizabeth tightly in my arms just to see if Anna was there.

But in utter astonishment, My jaw fell down my throat, and I noticed that there was no one instead, I noticed a beautiful woman in a red nightgown attempting to open another portal using her broom.

The scenery was so fragile and consciously blurry enough for me to comprehend that the face of the woman was not real. But it was an evil witch disguise.