
Elise: "are you okay in there?"

Elise voice brought me out of my thoughts, calming down I retracted my claws.

Eric:" yeah I'm alright I'll be out in a sec"

Elise: "okay well I've brought over some spare clothes, I saw your clothes were ruined soon...I'll leave it out here for when you're done"

Eric:" thanks "

I heard her footsteps as she left. I turned to look in the mirror once more trying to forget every thing once more.

I soon calmed down and went out to see the clothes she had left for me, they were a bit plain but nothing out of the ordinary for me.

When I was done changing I headed out to the living room where she was fixing up the couch.

Elise:"Oh your out. How was the shower"

She said as she saw me.

Eric: "It was okay."

Elise: "I'm sorry, we kinda turned the guest room into a store room some time ago, I hope you have no problems sleeping on the couch tonight?"

Eric: " I'll be alright. "

After that she headed of I took a look at the couch and prepared to get some sleep when she spoke out.

Elise:"thank you."

That stunned me because that was the second time someone had said that to me in a long time. I turned to where she was supposed to be only to see she was no longer there, I assumed she headed of to bed.


The night passed peacefully I had no nightmares like I usually did but a rare peaceful dream.

I awoke to the smell of eggs the next morning at first I was stunned even getting to a battle stance before remembering what had happened the last night causing me to relax.

I followed the wondrous scent which eventually led me to the kitchen where Elise was preparing breakfast she was so engrossed in her cooking she was oblivious to my existence.

She only realised I was there when her daughter came rushing in all ready for school which caused her to turn around and see me.


Elise:"Morning. Have a seat I'm almost done."

I obeyed and took a seat at the table before me was the little girl, Rose.

Rose:"good morning mister."

Eric:"morning kid, how are you?"

Rose: " I'm doing good mister. "

At that moment Elise came in with the food. She had prepared tea accompanied by some bread and eggs with some stips of bacon.

Eric: " thank you.

Elise: " it's the least I can do for my guest "

Breakfast was peaceful and delish, I wished it could be like this always but soon we were done I wanted to help with the dishes but Elise insisted so I could only helplessly step back.

Soon we were all prepared she for work, Rose for school and me to go to my apartment to get ready for work.


Suit 1: " sir it's confirmed it's X-1 he spent the night with a lady. "

???: "where is he headed now?"

Suit 1:" sir we have no idea as of yet but he and the lady have gone their separate ways."

???: " Hmm… have some people tail the woman find everything there is to find about her and follow X-1 we cannot loose him once more."

Suit 1: " understood. "

End of P.O.V

After a while I made it to the building where I lived this place was a dump, it was extremely cheap because no one in their right mind wanted to live here.

I headed up the flight of stairs to the third floor where my apartment was. I was just about to head in when my neighbour's door opened up followed by laughter opposite me were two people my neighbour Shantel and her prick of a boyfriend whose name I couldn't be bothered to remember.

Shantel spotted me as she stepped out and gave me a smile.

Shantel: " hey." she gave a short greeting.

Eric: " hey " I returned her greeting, not to seem rude I turned to the prick who gave a curt nod which I also returned out of politeness to Shantel.

I quickly went into my apartment. looking round at my apartment and comparing it to Elise's home I thought to my self that this place truly was not a home. I moved to the fridge to grab a beer then changed into my work clothes and headed out once more I was just about to enter my truck when all my hairs stood at that moment, I had a strange feeling as though I was being watched. I turned to the look around and saw but a few people going about their day to day activities not one paying even the slightest bit of attention towards me, ' must be my imagination I thought to myself.

I got in my truck and drove off, soon I arrived before a building and put on the helmet I was ready for work.

I worked at a construction company or is it demolition can't really tell sometimes we are building sometimes were breaking down stuff, like now we were in some abandoned building breaking down walls with a sledgehammer.

All my colleagues hated this part of the job but me, I didn't care work was work.


Two men in suits were watching Eric from an unassuming car parked across the street they had tailed him to his apartment and now to his job their partners had also tailed Elise to Rose's school and to her workplace and had began to gather all the information they could get on her.