Bar fight

Eric, Agent Michaels and Valerie stood with Rose unbelieving, before them on the T.V was none other than the Professor.

Professor: “hello, and before you ask yes this is being broadcasted on every device in this town. If you are thinking this is going to draw attention from the government causing them to come… well yeah, I wouldn’t cause you see they have no way of finding out what is happening here. I wanted to do this the easy way but we both know that has never worked”

With that the professor brought Elise before the camera, seeing her mother Rose broke out into tears. Valerie moved to comfort her and tried to move her out of the room but she wouldn’t leave. Eric felt his anger rise and his eyes began to glow when he saw the bruised and bleeding Elise on screen.

Professor: “it didn’t have to come to this, trust me it didn’t. This is your last chance, the bar you went to on the night you met the lovely lady here, meet me there you for the lady a fair-trade no. See you soon.”