Poor Guy

Eric glared at the professor with unbridled rage, he wanted nothing more than to lunge at the guy and rip him to pieces but with him being strapped to the table alongside the inhibitor collar on his neck, all he could do was let out a roar to express his rage.

Professor: “now, now don’t be like that. After all, it’s thanks to me you are who you are today. Your abilities have been pushed beyond what you and I thought possible, now look at you a marvel like none other.”

Eric: “you bastard! I’ll kill you!”

Professor: “how unfortunate, and yeah I thought you would be happy to see me. That night you left you hurt me you know; you destroyed every sample we had of our success, leaving us to start from square one.”

Eric: “left? Hahaha you make it sound like you didn’t kidnap and experiment me, I escaped! I escaped that hell hole that you call a lab. You kidnapped me and tortured me, along with countess kids, so don’t you stand there and act as though you did me a favor.”