
The car soon arrived at the old radio station and just as Agent Michaels had speculated there was no soldiers around the place with shrubs and countless weeds growing around the place the whole environment basically screamed abandoned.

They got out of the car with Valarie and Agent Michaels in the lead with Elise sticking close behind then with Rose in her arms. Moving some branches out of the way the came before a fence with a chain which was held by a padlock. Agent Michaels reached out to the padlock and began tugging on it withdrawing his hand as he saw it had no effect, he turned to face the others.

Agent Michaels: “welp seems this is locked…”

*bang* a gunshot interrupted his speech followed by a clang, turning to the source of the sound he saw the padlock which was firmly latched onto the fence had now fallen unto the grown smoking along with the chain. Slowly turning around his eyes turned to Valarie.