Bring him to me

Valarie: “Hey! Hey! Is anyone there?!”

Valarie called out for a few minutes until finally a guard arrived before her cell looking at her with cold eyes.

Valarie: “Could I please get some water my throat is parched… please” Valarie asked making herself look as pitiful as possible.

The guard looked at her for a moment seemingly hesitating before walking off, he soon returned with a cup of water in hand opening her cell and heading in.

Guard: “Drink” The guard motioned to her

Valarie: “I can’t really do that..” she lightly tugged on her restraints to remind her guard of their presence.

The guard stood still, probably realizing how dumb his former actions were. He finally took a step forward, standing a few inches away from Valarie his eyes involuntarily strained to her chest. Only then did the guard realize her zipper had been pulled down a bit and from this angle his soul was drawn to the deep ravine before him.