The door to the silent and solemn office of the higher ups open. The man that acted as his right hand man enters the room. Seeing his boss is busy with his device that tracks every crew.

“When are you planning to end all this, sir?” His right hand man speaks.

“It’ll all be over in the nick of time,” The boss smirks an evil one. Clutching a certain thing at hand.

With things set and cleared, the Luvox crew is still in search of the Gem they were given to find.

Vaughn and Rade haven’t spoken yet. Not one dared to make eye contact nor interact with each other at school. Jax kept on bugging Vaughn about what was revealed at their talk at the café.

The morning before their school starts, the Luvox crew were gathered at the basement of the Xanthos residence, except one. Rade was once again missing in action.

“Any leads from anyone of you?” Vaughn asks as she leans her body on the table in the middle of the room.

“None,” They answered.