Broken Trust

Days Passed by, our lives were going on as before, It was evening when I was playing my sitar in the king's court. It was said that I played one of the sweetest and melodious sitars from far lands. When I was young, many peoples use to come from far lands to teach me a sitar, and slowly I learned to be one of the best. King, Queen, and rest of all the peoples on the court are enjoying, while a gate messenger came to the king and bowed to him-" His Majesty, Greetings from the guard of northern gate.!!,

King Replied-" What is it?"

Guard replied in a worried face-"King, there is mystery death reported in towns,

the king replied with a frown-" Death?

Guard replied without any pause-" Yes your majesty, to the southeast border of our kingdom, were found, attacked, and killed.

king with a confused and angry face said-" call Arjun immediately!

Within few minutes, Arjun came inside the court, He was wearing as usual in his knight armor, and the pride on his face. He stood in front of the king and with a cold smile he greets him-" Greetings from the crown prince to the king!

King replied-" What is this I am hearing? There has been reported mystery murder around the kingdom and why haven't you been on the investigation?

Arjun seems a little offended with father's word, but he still managed his cold proud face and replied-" I was little busy with the township work, It has not been reported to me yet sir, But don't you worry my king, Since it came to my notice now, I will personally visit that town and investigate everything, And until and unless I solve this matter I shall not return to this kingdom.

My father seemed a little satisfied with his word and proudly smiled at him and permitted him to do so.

Within 2 Days he shall leave as per, the king's order. It was almost midnight, I was standing on my Balcony and staring at the moon, enjoying the light within the darkness, and was hoping someday, I get my own light to get out from this darkness ass well. With a sudden knock at the door, I came to my senses, at look at the door, Shaanti opened the door and there I saw Arjun standing. He was not in himself, He drank too much alcohol. His breath was stinking of alcohol smell. Shaanti tried to stop him from entering, But he drank too much to listen to anyone

Shaanti-" Crown prince, Please, it's not proper to come here at this time of night, Princess is sleeping.

Arjun furiously replied her-" Step aside, you are just a mere maid of the princess, who do you think you are to stop me from entering my own wife's room?

I came outside hearing noises and I replied-" I am not your wife, still, you must leave this room Arjun.

Arjun got angrier and replied to me-" What are you so proud of? Your beauty? Despite being the daughter of the king, I am the crown prince, You will always be below me. As my wife. Do you understand? And let me tell you, this beauty, is indeed something that I want, But there is more to this beauty which I want princess. What are you so proud of? Just like your father!! Stubborn... Always giving me orders.. to crown prince.

I was shocked by his behavior, I never saw him like this, he always pays respect to my father, and me as well, then what went wrong today? Maybe it is because he drank a little too much. I replied in a confusing mind-" Arjun, What are you saying? You do not seem fine to me, you must go to your room and take a rest. Day after tomorrow you have to leave.

Before I could finish my words he burst into anger-" Leave? who are you to give me orders? Look at you, You don't even know about yourself, little princess. Giving me orders huh? Once I become the king, I will see what I can do to your little arrogant.

After finishing his words, he pushed Shaanti outside and closed the door, he came towards me and threw himself to me, He tried to force me, He holds my hands above my head, causing much pain, and tears rolled out from my eyes, then he bites me in my lips, causing the blood coming out, I begged him to leave me, But lust took him so high, he couldn't hear my voice at all. with an utter shock from his behavior and being scared, I pushed him hard out of the bed and Slapped him out of anger, This took his anger higher, He clutched my hair, and pushed me to the ground, He left in anger.

I was devastated, Shaanti came to me, and helped me to get up.

Shaanti tried to console me-" Princess, Are you all right? Should I inform the queen?

I replied-" No need, he is just maybe drunk, It's nothing, Do not inform anyone, You go and sleep.

Shaanti replied worried,-" But princess...

I replied with a cold face,"- I said leave shaanti.

She went away unwillingly, she closed the door behind me, I sat on my bed, and still thinking, what had happened, just in few minutes, my childhood friend turned into a person I don't know, Everything seems vague, My life seemed without any cause now. Being the daughter of the king, Indeed he had received more trust, Love, and faith as a son than me, My father gave him the throne, without judging him is he really capable of holding the people's fate and their happiness? nobody asks me ever did I want to marry him?

Thinking all this, I looked at the moon once again and in the dark, I was wondering, just one day before my birthday, how did all this happen? I must talk to Arjun once. Just then I looked out of my window and saw Arjun, leaving on his horse. I wonder where is he heading this night? Is he ashamed of his behavior earlier? that is why is he leaving? Is he okay? Without a second thought, I ran towards him, But before I could reach him he already left, Shaanti followed me there, and luckily, one of the night guards is her beloved, Shaanti asked in a very prominent voice-" Is he left for the same village today?

The night guard looked at me and tried not to speak. I came forth and told him.-" Tell me where is he headed to brother? I need to talk to him urgently.

the night guard finally speaks but heisted a little bit-" Yes, his majesty headed to Hailo village today.

I replied-" Hailo village? I turned to shaanti and asked-" Isn't it the same place you were telling me that day?

shaanti replied-" Yes princess.

It sounds a little bit strange to me, but I still need to find the truth myself. without wasting another time I took one Horse, and before leaving I told shaanti-" Wait for me, till I return, nobody should know what happened here okay? With her promise, I left behind Arjun to Hailo village.

I rode through the wilderness very fast so that I could reach him as soon as possible, then finally I saw him, He was riding carelessly and in a hurry, soon we reached the Hailo village. I stood a bit far from him, I saw him getting down the horse in front of a house, I want to reach him, but before I could do that, I saw a lady came from inside and she hugged Arjun, He went inside. Without understanding what is happening, I decided to keep an eye on them secretly. From a broken window I saw,

Arjun kissed that lady very passionately. Both of them started getting intimated, Arjun started kissing that lady with all his passion, his hands are going all over her body and opening all her clothes, and his as well, and I was watching them making out in front of my eyes, I was wishing to be dead than before seeing all this. My heart broke into pieces, knowing the one I am going to marry does not care about me. I wanted to confront him, but I hear something they were discussing,

The lady asked Arjun-" when are you going to marry me, my king?

Arjun replied smiling-" Very soon, my dear, Once I become the king, I will marry that silly girl, and once I can have her for one night, all the powers, all the kingdom will be ours, then you shall be my queen.

The lady replied-" Is it really true? she has magical powers that she isn't aware of yet?

Arjun said-" Well it's a secret of the kingdom, we only have to find out, And Natasha, do not worry, Only you shall be my queen, Moreover, the way she insulted the future king, she shall be punished, I have planned everything.

I started wearing out of fear and disgust. the one I have always dreamt of being my man was a liar. he never loved me, It was all because of the throne. But what was the power he was talking about? I have to find out. I swept off my tears, I cannot be a weak person, I am the princes, the legal heir to the throne, I shall rise to be stronger. Enough of listening to others, Obeying without a question, NOw shall the time to wake up and know the truth.

Without wasting any time. I rode back to the castle,

Shaanti noticed something is wrong with me, She hurriedly came to me and asked. -" princess, I was worried about you. Is everything all right?

I replied coldly-" arrange a meeting in the king's court tomorrow morning.

She never heard me speaking so coldly, she left without a word, And I wanted for tomorrow's sunrise eagerly.