The meeting

The news spread like fire in all way, of me been missing, Soon the news also reaches out to my fathers, who broke into sadness and fear. All other kingdoms come aware that Rajnagri is no longer protected, It's like the open access to take control of, But also they aware, Queen Diana is after Rajnagri, So no one, dare to take charge against Queen Diana.

In the court of Queen Diana, she receives the news of my mysterious disappearance.

Queen Diana said to Daniel in anger-" How can this happen? She is just a little girl, And you lost her? Is this to bring me and my powers to a shame or this Arjun managed to play me?

Daniel-" My apologies her majesty, but before we reached Rajnagri, She already fled from there.

When Queen and Daniel Were talking about me, Sanjay walked into the court; And Queen stopped discussing the matter.

Sanjay asked in a hushed tone-" Who's been missing mother? Who are you after now?

Queen smiled in her dignity and replied-" Nothing that needs your attention as of now, My dear son.

Sanjay-" I heard of a mystery princess my mother is looking for, Is that true?

Queen replied-" Yes, She is indeed I am looking for, But you don't worry, Daniel got it all covered, what I was thinking, that you and Sayantika need a good vacation from the court before the marriage.

Sanjay frowned and replied-" mother, I..."

Queen said pausing Sanjay-" I know what my son wants, and also what is best for him. Hence, Mother knows the best."

Sanjay replied unwillingly-" Yes mother. Anyways I came here to inform you, that I will be off from the court for a few days, I am leaving for the hunt with my mates. Also please inform Sayantika."

In no time, Sayantika entered the Queen's court. She greets-" greeting to her majesty!! his highness!!"

Queen Diana was very happy to see Sayantika, In joy, she replied-" You have come at the right time, dear. Sanjay was about to leave for his hunt with some of his friends, I was worried that you will not say goodbye to him before he leaves."

Sayantika turned to Sanjay in the worried face and said-" His highness, are you planning to go without seeing me? I have been waiting for you since last week, Now that I have come, I have something for you before you leave."

She asked her maid to bring forth a sword wrapped in a black shiny cloth. She then turned to Sanjay and handover the sword to him and said-" I have engaged my cultivated powers in this sword. This sword will never let you down and will protect you by all means."

Just then Tarun walked in, Queen Diana's youngest son. He greets all who present there.

Tarun-" Greeting mother, Greetings brother and my would-be sister in law."

Sanjay smiled at Tarun, and Tarun returns a warm smile too, He said-" I heard you are leaving for the hunt?'

Sanjay replied-" Yes brother. Till I return, You will have to look after the kingdom and mother and father."

Tarun smiled and replied-" Don't worry brother, I will take care of everything in your absence."

Sanjay left from there to his hunt, while Queen Diana, informed Sayantika and Tarun about me and my mysterious magical powers. Though Tarun did not have strong magical power like his brother, He was very cruel and clever. Queen Diana, mostly use Tarun for the spy works in the kingdom. Whereas Sayantika was the most powerful princess in dark magic in her kingdom, she had helped Queen Diana several times with her strong dark magic. Also, Sayantika's mother was a soldier of queen Diana, she gave up her life to save Sanjay at the time of his birth, while she was pregnant with Sayantika, So Sayantika also possesses half of the dark magic from Queen Diana. Hence she wanted Sayantika to be with Sanjay.

Queen turned to Tarun and ordered-" while your brother is away for his hunt, You must carry on the official work, Keep a keen eye on Rajnagri, I want that princess here in front of me. You have 1 month. Do not fail me. You know how much I hate failures

Tarun acknowledged his mother and left the court for his given duty.

Queen Diana then asked Sayantika to come to her secret chamber beneath her throne. It was a dark place where Queen Diana practise all her dark magic and summoned the dark lord. She turned to Sayantika and said-" Listen to me, my dear. You have the biggest responsibilities, As the would-be wife of the crown prince of my son, you must know a few things, My son, Sanjay is born from the blessing of the dark lord. He is not a part of the human world like Tarun, That is why his powers are stronger than anyone. Also, this is a reason, He doesn't belong a heart, He is incapable of love. You must stay patient with him, because, greater than this weak word "Love" lays the power you will hold in the future, You will be the queen of the next Dark Lord, unlimited access to your magical powers. So you must understand your responsibilities am I clear my dear?

Sayantika acknowledged Queen Diana with a smile and replied-" Yes her Majesty, I understand"

Queen Diana turned away and said-" Very good, Now I Have the most important work for you, my dear.

Sayantika spoke in her very soft tone-" Yes her majesty,"

Queen Diana Replied-" Nobody has seen this mysterious princess still now, and neither anyone knows what magical powers she holds, But as what I have heard, she created 9 celestial guards to the Rajnagri during her birth, which makes her very powerful. You should bring me the information about her mysterious magical powers. I heard there is an Old priest in that kingdom, who has prophesied about her powers to the kingdom which King Druv Has kept hidden so far. You know what to do.

Sayantika smiled and replied-" Do not worry her majesty, I shall bring the news of this mysterious powerful princess to you soon." and she left.

It has been two days in the forest I was blacked out under an old tree. Slowly I regain my consciousness and opened myself in a dark muddy forest with absolute darkness all around, It was so dark that hardly the rays of light can touch the ground. I looked around and I couldn't find my horse anywhere, Out of fear I started walking to the front not knowing where I am going to. Suddenly I heard a noise of horses from around, I quickly hide behind a tree nearby and waited to observe who is coming.

I was scared and stay hidden behind the tree for some time waiting for them to come forth. Few minutes passed, and finally, I saw few men on horses coming in a hurry, they look like they were from a royal family. I was in a confusion to come in front. So I stayed there waiting to observe more. I saw four men on horses steadily kept riding towards the north, While they were passing from the tree I was hiding, I quickly hide back again, after few seconds I turned out once again to see their status, are they gone? or still there. from the far, I could only see three men on horses, I wondered where did the fourth one go? and then in my back, I felt someone's presence, I turned back and saw a man, taller than me, in the suits of a shining knight armour, which glows like a sun in the dark forest, hairs pulled back, dark deep brown eyes locked on mine, with a sword on my throat. He asked me-" Who are you? what are you doing here?

I was scared and confused and not knowing how to act at that time, I noticed a sword in his left armour hanging, without wasting any time, I picked up that sword and hold on to him. With his keen eyes, he looked at me and said-" Beauty with a sword in hands huh? you are interesting. But no one dares to hold their sword against me, being a girl, you did, who are you?

I replied in fear-" You don't know me, let me go. I don't mean any harm"

Within no time, his friends came there, and they circled me, seeing no hope to leave from there, without my willingness, I put my hand towards them and shouted-" LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

An unknown forced worked on them, and they fall to the ground hard. But The man who was standing with the sword to my throat didn't get much affected. The rest of his team members again woke up and come towards me with their swords to fight. I hold the sword up and started fighting with them, With my knowledge to fight with the sword it was not much hard to fight with them, It took some time to fight with them, I was alone, and they were three, I started falling weak, In fear, I closed my eyes and I summoned my parents and god, and with my full force I picked the sword up and the unknown forced worked once again, this time it was so strong, It came with the strong magical water powers within me, which washed them away. It makes me so weak I feel like dizzying off. From the far I can only see, him, glowing with fire, protected himself and looking at me with keen eyes, I fell again and blacked out once again there.