Episode 4: The Dumb Realtor

"I'd have to call for Mr. Juan Pablo, the owner of the house that you wanna buy, ¿Podría disculparme, por favor?" (Would you please excuse me?) Eddie said as he stood up on his seat. He then proceeded to call Juan Pablo.

"Agent Violet, Agent Eric." Both agents went attentive when Luca, the sniper, interjected on their in-ears. "Can't see much from here. Make the man move the curtains, will ya?"

"Why is it so dark in here?" Violet complained. Eddie glanced at her and move the curtains to the side. "Thank you," she cheerfully said.

"Nice. All clear and ready to shoot," they can hear the clicking of the sniper rifle Luca has been pointing to El Gato's hip on their in-ears. They're not aiming for his head because the client and the director want him alive, not dead.

"Agents on standby." Mike, one of the agents, disguised as a street sweeper outside the building said. They don't have to hold for their in-ears just like what secret agents do in the movies. That doesn't really happen in real life.

"Mr. Juan Pablo will be joining us in a minute. He wants to meet the two of you. So, for now, I think you just have to fill in your information here." Eddie handed them the agreement papers. "Puedes sentarte aquí. You can sit." (You can sit right here.) He motioned for the two chairs in front of his table.

Eric gets the folder from Eddie's hand while Violet looks around.

No portraits were hanging on the office walls. It's just a plain blue colored wall and nothing more. The two big glass windows were covered with curtains. Not even a single computer was inside the office. El Gato robs his buyers of their money or kidnaps those who are wealthy. Right when she walks from the cabinets to a small hallway, she can see two black duffel bags on the side of the floor, near the wall.

A tactical suppressor can be seen poking from a slightly open zipper of the bag. Violet proceeded to walk towards the big window.

"I'm guessing you're quite ahead of your business, Sir?" Violet smiled and looked straight at Eddie's face.

"Yes," Eddie's eyebrows are raised and he rubbed his eyelid, he then looks at the floor. He definitely is lying. His head is turned to the side and slightly lowered down, which is typical for negative sensations. "Why don't you sit right here, Señora?" a strained smile was seen on his face as he talked to her.

"Gladly." Violet sat on a chair beside Eric.

As Eric finished writing on the paper, he gave it to Violet for her to sign. She gets her pen from inside the small, pink, and furry sling bag she has been carrying the whole time. She used her favorite pen to sign the documents. That pen had been saving her life for ages. The gadget has been made by the best as it shoots poison that can kill any person instantly.

They heard footsteps coming from outside the door. It can be Hugo.

The door swung open and they all turned their heads to the loud banging of the door.

Hugo was held at gunpoint by one of the three men who went inside the office.

Two agents looked at Eddie and the latter smiled smugly. "You think you're better than me?"

Violet doesn't want to beat around the bush. "You know what, just give up, El Gato." She slumped on the chair and relaxed her back, caressing her Ruger American Pistol Compact 9mm that was strapped on her thigh.

El Gato chuckled, "Why don't we have a drink first? Since it's the last day of your lives, let's celebrate." He nodded to the two guys who're holding SMG rifles in their hands. The two guys looked outside the door and moved towards Violet and Eric while pointing their guns at the two agents' heads.

"Just say 'fuck' if you want me to shoot, guys," Luca said on the other side.

Two girls went inside the office. Both have blonde hair. Violet noticed the other girl's hair; Blonde but originally black with an inch blackened hair strands from the roots of her hair. That was the girl who ironed El Gato's clothes. Both women have bloodshot eyes and dark marks on their bodies. Both being abused. Both can't walk properly; both being raped and drugged.

The two were wearing identical clothes; a white blouse that has three unbuttoned buttons showing their big busts popping out of the blouse; a pencil skirt, uncommonly high for an above the knee skirt; and a black six inches stiletto.

The girls looked like Violet's age. El Gato looked at Violet who was eyeing the girls that put a saucer with three white pill tablets and three glasses of brandy.

Violet and Eric know what's up. He's trying to kill them.

"I have the leverage here, you know?" El Gato smiled smugly. "As you can see, there are three pills on the saucer, and three glasses of brandy of course. Now, I want you all to take the pill and let fate decide what's in store for your lives."

Violet knows that this is El Gato's way of escaping. Making people take their own lives at gunpoint.

Eric exhaled. "Okay," Luca spoke on their in-ears acknowledging Eric's hidden message. Eric has been giving him hand signals to shoot El Gato once they stood up and take the two men down that were pointing guns at them.

"Agents, we're outside El Gato's door. Give us a signal if it's time to roll."

Violet smiled sweetly at El Gato, "Thanks for the invite but I am satisfied with my nihilistic way of living life."

As soon as Violet spoke those words, the two agents knocked the guns pointed to them at the same time with the same choreography. Grabbing their own pistols and kicking the guns that were pointed to them lately. Hugo elbowed the man behind him as he swiftly grabbed and stole the man's gun. El Gato tried to jump out of the window, but Luca shoots him on the leg and on the hip, keeping him from escaping the scene. El Gato winced in pain.

"Hands behind your head!" Eric shouted as he pointed the muzzle of the pistol at El Gato who tried to take his gun that was on his back. Violet was holding a gun on each head of both hers and Eric's guard as they kneel on the floor, keeping their hands up.

"On the floor, now. Keep it still." Five more agents went inside the office pointing guns to EL Gato's backups that were outside the building. Mexican police helped to handle the guys that were kneeling inside the office.

They can now hear the police sirens at the street downstairs.

Few people were outside, some investigators, some FBI agents, some police officers, and some just want to know what happened.

"Are you all right?" Violet asked Hugo as Hugo handed the gun to one of the police officers in charge.

"Yes, I am of course all right." He smiled at her. He looked at her lovingly as she looked at him confused. She averted her gaze and turns her head to the hallway where she saw the bag of guns.

"E-Excuse me for a second." she excused herself and walked to the hallway. Hugo follows her.

The two bags were carried by the two agents. The agents nodded and went outside.

Violet looked at the wall where there's a big painting mounted on it. "Strange," she mumbled as she walked past her fingers on the painting's frame. The painting was weirdly hanged on the wall. As if someone who puts it there, wants to cover something right there.

There's a small switch at the side of the painting and she pressed the small button for the switch. The painting clicked and mechanically moved backward, burying itself on the wall as the wall splits into two and rolls sideways.

Revealing a room where you can see stacks of money, firearms displayed on the wall, and empty beer bottles and gambling cards were littered on the tables.

"Wow. That was a room full of firearms. You're amazing." Hugo slightly had his jaw drop.

"You always compliment me, Mr. Peige." Violet calls for some agents on their in-ears, "Agents, in here."

Eric came rushing in, "Jackpot."

"This is what I like! A successful mission for everyone. Let's celebrate!" Eric put his arms on Violet and Hugo's shoulders. He's like an excited child going for ice cream.


Violet observed the people inside the Peige's mansion. Mr. Ronaldo Peige throws a party for the successful operation they had.

"Come on, Violet. Loosen up!" Eric asked her to wander around and get acquainted with people but she chose to eat and drink Mexican tequila than socializing with people who don't even know her.

"Agents." Mr. Ronaldo Peige went to their table along with his son Hugo. "Thank you so much for your work. I have transferred the amount of money you all agents deserve. Thank you for catching El Gato," the older Peige gratefully said.

Violet exhaled and took a sip of her own tequila, paying attention to the band that's playing some mariachi music. "You are most welcome, Sir," Eric said and smiled at them.

"Excuse me for a while." Mr. Ronaldo excused himself and proceeds to walk towards some more agents.

Hugo took a seat right next to Violet. He then held Violet's hand and she looked at his hand that was hovering over hers.

"I don't want to beat around the bush, Agent Violet." Hugo started. "Would you like to go out with me tomorrow and be my date?"