Chapter 1: Fated.

The knowledge in the world grew far more than expected, and there were some who wanted to acquire all the knowledge they could, these are the collectors. Some of them travel in large groups and others rather travel alone but every one of them seeks knowledge. Some of them even accept job requests in exchange for knowledge.

There was once one large group of collectors, all of them with years of experience and knowledge wrote invaluable books which they carried all the time in their transports.

One day, these collectors were studying the place where the Prophets sealed away the Death itself, DD. What they didn't know was that the Prophets couldn't seal DD completely, they just chained it down to the earth inside a mountain.

One of these collectors had a child, a new-born boy called Chronos, in honor of the God of time. It was the only baby among them and his parents couldn't just leave him. What they didn't know is the mistake they just made.

The collectors knew very well about the dangers awaiting them every time they travel, but this time, they didn't know what kind of ancient danger they were about to face.

It happened in the sunset, when the sun hides behind the mountain, and in a couple of minutes. Everyone was calcinated into black flames, the black flames of DD. The only survivor who was not brutally engulfed by the abrasive dark fire was Chronos. The Emissary of death, a Dragon with the TDW-A01 at its most advanced stage, a Dragon able to kill the Prophets and which couldn't be killed by the gods' gifts, had mercy upon the new-born child whose destiny was marked by death.

The Dragons, a human creation, are able to think and learn, even in small periods of time. They could seldomly attack travelers and eat the scorched corpses and take whatever is left to their nests, but DD, unable to move far away from the mountain only could retain the knowledge of the ones it killed. Dragons, with time, became wiser and could speak and understand just as human beings or even more, DD was not the exception.

The only reason DD had mercy is that there was something in its insides which needed someone to take care of. Also, DD wanted to share its knowledge with someone who could then teach her offspring and protect it until they became mature enough to then live on their own.

Yes, The Death Dragon was relatively close to give birth to her only successor and die because of the divine armor's curse, which chained DD to the earth and consumed her vital energy up to this point. Maybe it was the survival instinct of a dying species which dictated finding someone worth training to protect its offspring.

Chronos was that person, the next emissary of the apocalypse.

18 years later...

A wild boar is spotted by Chronos, it's his opportunity to sneak on the giant beast a kill it with the scales of DD which are sharp and strong enough to kill another dragon. Chronos approaches slowly but surely the Wild boar which was oblivious of his presence, like a good hunter reaching his prey. In a matter of seconds, Chronos sliced the animal's back-legs and it couldn't escape, then it was too late for it, Chronos ended its misery by cutting through the neck, and a few minutes later he found himself carrying the huge animal to the mountain where DD or Mother, the way she denominated herself to Chronos, was patiently waiting for her last meal.

After eating with the last of her energies, DD slowly lays her egg and with a deafening screech, curses Chronos with thousands of years worth of wisdom, Chronos at that moment became a Hero, but wouldn't know until the right time arrived.

When DD dies, the curse is lifted from her motionless body but something weird happens, Chronos beholds how the curse transforms itself to suit the egg. The once-powerful curse which finally ended with DD's life became a blessing with a divine aura that overwhelmed the place. This was not a normal event at all, and every god on earth noticed the energy coming from it. They knew the Death Dragon died and left a successor. This was bound to happen. It was fate.