" Huang Mei's Purpose for the Central Country "

Just over two hours later, when they finally arrived at the Long Mansion, the carriages passed through the entrance gates.

Zhao Syaoran and Zheng Xi-Wang looked at the courtyard with curiosity.

Some servants were walking on the porch and as soon as they saw Long Tian and Huang Mei's carriage, they immediately ran inside.


Long Zhu and the elders were in the meeting room.

One of the servants came over and said something in Long Zhu's ear that caused him to drop his pipe.

"It can not be!"

Long Zhu and the other elders ran outside.

When Long Tian got out of the carriage, his mother was waiting for him outside.

"My mom," he paid a brief respect.

"Long Tian ...!" Meng Lin Huo had a troubled countenance. "What does that mean ?!

"Master Long Zhu!" Huang Mei waved as he stepped out of the carriage.

Long Tian then turned, and saw his father approaching him anxiously.

His reactions were worse than Long Tian imagined.

"Imperial Princess Huang Mei! The leader of the house salutes Princess Huang! May she live another thousand years!"

Long Zhu immediately knelt before Huang Mei, followed by the other elders, he paid a brief respect.

"Thank you for having us, this Princess is grateful for the Master's hospitality."

Long Zhu got up. "Quick! Get Princess Huang a room, and get a bath and a meal!"

The servants immediately ran.

Huang Mei sighed.

It was the tags, but even so, she still hated them.

Huang Mei got out of the carriage followed by Zhao Syaoran and Zheng Xi-Wang.

Meng Lin Huo then came over and paid a brief respect.

"Imperial Princess Huang Mei! The Host Lady greets Princess Huang! May the princess live for another thousand years!"

"Ms. Meng Lin Huo ..." Huang Mei was a little awkward.

Meng Lin Huo as she was always very beautiful.

But knowing her personality, it was difficult to be comfortable with this docile behavior.

"I ... I'm happy to see you, Aunt Meng Lin Huo" Huang Mei whispered.

"Please, you can call me Mother Huo." Meng Lin Huo smiled. "And who are these two?" She looked at Zhao Syaoran and Zheng Xi-Wang.

Until then these two were quite stunned by such treatment with Huang Mei, but now they were even more frightened by this woman's behavior.

Unlike the others, she still treated Huang Mei with a certain intimacy.

Long Zhu then approached Long Tian, he had a very scared face.

"Why didn't you tell me that Mei Lin would come with you ?!"

"How could I?! She just decided to follow me here."

"Gods! And I couldn't even prepare a good reception for my little Mei Lin!" Long Zhu spoke in a sad tone.

"Is that what you're worried about ?! You look more like her father than Emperor Huang himself."

"She is adorable, and I wish we had a more delicate aura in our home." Long Zhu whispered the last sentence, looking for Meng Lin Huo who was talking to Huang Mei.

Long Tian shivered down his spine as he looked at Meng Lin Huo.

"Urgh ... Why did I have to end up being involved in this?"

Long Zhu smiled slightly.

But his face soon became somber.

"You have to convince her to go as soon as possible, you know how dangerous it is for us if that person finds out that she is here."

"Don't worry, I will talk to her, I won't let it happen again."

"Good." Long Zhu smiled slightly. "But I'm happy to see you again."


"So Mei Lin, I heard that she became a True Divine Specialist." Long Zhu now spoke more intimately.

Long Tian, Huang Mei, Long Zhu and Meng Lin Huo were now in one of the tea rooms.

Zheng Xi-Wang and Zhao Syaoran also accompanied them, but were still trying to digest the situation with tea.

One of the servants had just delivered the meal.

Huang Mei was now relieved of all those courtesies.

She understood that for the outside audience, Long Zhu and Meng Lin Huo needed to maintain their image and respect.

Be careful that this doesn't reach Emperor Sheng's ears.

To tell you the truth, only Huang Mei's arrival there could be a problem.

Due to past conflicts, Emperor Sheng discovering that the Long Family has ties to the Imperial Huang Family would be a major problem.

In fact, she felt a little bad about going there so deliberately.

But she really wanted to see how Long Zhu and Meng Lin Huo were doing.

They were like second parents to her.

"Oh yes!" Huang Mei took a sip of tea. "A few months ago I completed my training, but Master Wong said that I should try as a Divine Guardian Apprentice with the lineage I have."

"I see, you do have a powerful lineage, don't it was less than expected." Long Zhu sighed. "But I imagine you shouldn't have come to Central Country because of an exam."

Huang Mei put the cup down on the table.



"My father ... He sent me as a spy for the Imperial Sheng Palace."

Long Zhu was a little stunned.

Spy ?! Wasn't that too risky ?!

"Spy? Why ...? What's going on?"

"The conflict between the Country of the South and the Country of the East has started to worsen, my father fears that the other countries will join with them or in some way cause a war."

Huang Mei started to explain.

"I thought the East Country and the South Country had made a non-aggression deal." Meng Lin Huo raised an eyebrow. "Even more after that damn Emperor Sheng and that Emperor Ying did to us."

* Crack

Meng Lin Huo cracked the cup in his hands.

Long Zhu then rested his hand on hers and soothed her.

"Yes ... But for some reason the East Country has broken the agreement and is attacking our country," Huang Mei continued.

"And why were you sent as a spy to the Country of the West? Shouldn't it be the country of the East?"

"My father believes that in some way, Emperor Sheng is somehow influencing this due to some clues that we got."

"That spiteful bastard! He still hasn't given up on ending us even after the war!"

"So I am here as an alliance excuse to infiltrate the Palace and try to find out something."

"I'm going with you!" Long Tian stood up.

"No, Long Tian" Long Zhu said.

"But I want to help!"

"We can make things worse if the Emperor finds out that we are involved in this."


"Uncle Long Zhu!" Huang Mei called attention, "I have one more thing."

"I know I brought risks to your family when I came here in person, but I really couldn't let this information leak out when only me and my two companions know about this mission." Huang Mei had a determined look.

Now she was a woman very different from her sweet and gentle appearance.

"I want you to help me get all the information from the past between Emperor Sheng's relationship with Empress Ying."

"Okay, I'm going to arrange this ... What about your presence here? How are you going to hide the fact that we have all contact?"

Haung Mei then smiled and turned to Zhao Syaoran

"Zhao Syaoran, I will need you to do me in favor."