Huang Mei expressed his aching eyes, feeling his body hot and wet.
One of the servants in charge had just changed the cold towel when the other arrived with tea.
"Princess, here's the medicine."
When she came over to give the glass to Huang Mei, the princess immediately rejected it.
"I don't want any medicine."
"But princess ..."
"It's just a headache, please don't worry so much."
Huang Mei gave a forced smile trying to contain the pain.
How did she have such a severe migraine?
She felt dizzy and her head was pounding.
Zheng Xi-Wang entered the room abruptly opening the door.
Behind them, the servants were nervous because of a failed attempt to count it.
Even with a pretty face and a nice dress, Zheng Xi-Wang was still scary.
Huang Mei jumped when she saw Zheng Xi-Wang so scared in front of her.
"Mei - ..! I mean, Princess!" She immediately ran to her side.
"Shua... Miss Xiao."
"They said you woke up sick, what's going on?"
"It's just a headache, I'm tired from stress, nothing much."
"Are you sure?" Zheng Xi-Wang looked at the servants around and came closer, speaking quietly. "I can't believe you were so careless! You are so zealous about your health."
Huang Mei just forced another smile.
She could hide her situation from anyone there, but she didn't need to do that to Zheng Xi-Wang.
However, those servants were a problem.
She looked at the four servants and made a face.
"Please, can you leave me and Miss Xiao alone for a moment?"
"Are you sure, princess?"
Gods! How insistent they were!
"I do, if I have a problem, I'll call you."
Kind of reluctant, the servants left anyway.
They could not go against a princess's orders, and Huang Mei was not obliged to give any satisfaction.
Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang waited long seconds until they were sure they were all gone and no one would be listening to that conversation.
"So what ?!" Zheng Xi-Wang looked at Huang Mei in distress.
"I think I was poisoned."
"Poison? Are they crazy?! If something happens to you they could be accused of murder! Are they trying to dig their own grave?"
"I know that! That's why I don't think it's a lethal poison ... not a short-term one."
"Like this?"
"Princess Huang of the South Country is suddenly sick after arriving in the Country of the West? This is obviously suspect, if something happens to me they will have no way of proving their innocence and even the Country of the East will have to be their enemy in the event of a war. "
"Then why?!"
"I don't know, maybe if they are enemies they won't have proof that they are allies in a conspiracy or maybe they really want to cause a war! I really don't know!"
Huang Mei was clearly desperate.
She did not imagine that Emperor Sheng would make such a risky move.
At the beginning of last night she really thought she was just tired, but the pain was too abnormal to be just a discomfort.
And Huang Mei had a reputation for good health.
All she could think of was that Emperor Sheng would have harmed her in some way.
"What about the poison?" Zheng Xi-Wang asked.
"I haven't been able to identify it yet. We have to go back to Central Country and find Zhao Syaoran."
Huang Mei started to get up, but stopped immediately when she felt a stab in the head.
"Argh!" She pressed the leather hair between her fingers.
"Wait!" Zheng Xi-Wang held her, trying to get her to lie down, but Huang Mei stopped her. "Are you sure you want to go back to that state? You are clearly not well."
"If we don't leave today, we won't be able to return to the Celestial Winds Academy for a year, and that's what they want." Huang Mei squeezed Zheng Xi-Wang's fist biting his lip.
Zheng Xi-Wang was starting to really worry about Huang Mei's condition.
She was in so much pain that she couldn't contain her wet eyes.
"Mei Lin ..."
"It is just a headache, a severe headache." Huang Mei took a deep breath. "It will pass, soon, I will be better when we get to Central Country."
Huang Mei then put a strand of hair behind his ear, feeling the pain go slightly.
She then rested her hands on her head and a light blue energy was transmitted.
Using her healing powers would temporarily reduce headaches, it would be long enough to get out of there.
Huang Mei took a deep breath feeling better.
She then looked at Zheng Xi-Wang, who still looked a little dejected but relieved.
"Shuang, did you sleep well? It looks a little haggard."
"Oh ... Me ?!" Zheng Xi-Wang patted his face.
At that moment, the whole scene from the night before came into her mind and she swallowed.
"Shuang?" Huang Mei raised an eyebrow.
Zheng Xi-Wang was now there frozen in thought.
She had never done that.
"Shuang, are you okay?"
"I am! I'm fine!" Zheng Xi-Wang composed himself. "I want to tell you something when we're leaving here, it's important."
Huang Mei frowned.
Zheng Xi-Wang has never spoken in that tone before.
Had something serious happened?
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I do, I just don't think it's safe to say that ... What are we going to do now?"
"We will organize our departure as soon as possible then."
"Right." Even though she was worried about Huang Mei, Zheng Xi-Wang was relieved that she didn't have to stay there any longer.
"Excuse me." One of the servants came to open the door. "Sorry to bother ladies, Princess Sheng asked me to prepare Princess Huang a bath, since she is feeling so bad."
Huang Mei noticed that the servant was carrying a small bag of salts in her hands.
That was curious, since she had never used bath salts since she arrived at the Palace.
And with what was happening now, Sheng Mia was not benevolent enough to do such a treat.
"What are these?"
"Medicinal bath salts, Princess Sheng thought she would help the princess to recover better."
Medicinal salts huh?
Huang Mei almost laughed with disdain for such an obvious act.
"No need, tell Princess Huang that I already feel better and that I thank her for her attention." Huang Mei smiled. "Please call the other servant and help me get dressed."
"Is the Princess going to get up yet? Are you sure ?!" The servant looked at her in surprise.
"Yes, I do, tell Princess Sheng that we will accompany you over breakfast as a way of thanking you."
"Okay, excuse me." The servant then disappeared behind the door again.
Zheng Xi-Wang was surprised at how cynical and persuasive Huang Mei managed to be.
Was that really the sweet and kind Huang Mei she had met?
Now she looked more like a treacherous fox posing as a friendly being.
A personality change so shrill that it completely stunned her.
When Huang Mei and Zheng Xi-Wang went to the dining room, Zheng Xi-Wang completely stopped at the entrance to the door.
Sitting at the table with Sheng Mei were two pairs of eyes piercing her like flaming arrows.
That was none other than Sheng Rei.
The Emperor of the Country of the West.