"The Three Holy Warriors!"

Zhao Kuan was the first to jump out of the carriage.

That morning, many were already gathered at the entrance to the Celestial Winds Academy.

Many carriages passed through the gate and headed towards the main courtyard, where a crowd of young people, now apprentices, were gathered.

Zhao Kuan took a deep breath of fresh air and felt revitalized.

“Finally! Get out of that place!” He said that, only to be hit by a hand on the back of the head as soon as Zheng Xi-Wang came down.

"You should have more respect you know? You ungrateful!"

"Auch! Needed this?"

"You can't stop fighting even for a second can you?" Huang Mei came downstairs, a little embarrassed by her rowdy friends.

"She started it, besides, Long Tian doesn't mind, does he Long Tian?"

"Hmm?" Finally, Long Tian was the last to step out of his carriage.

"Come on! Tell Shuang we're brothers, say!" Zhao Kuan put his arm around Long Tian's neck and pulled him along.

"Zhao Kuan, let go of me." Long Tian spoke nonchalantly.

He sure as hell didn't want to be attached to Zhao Kuan so early in the morning.

"Hey! Let's go!" Zheng Xi-Wang called, already following Huang Mei who was a little ahead.

The four went to the center of the courtyard where everyone was waiting, until Master Yang Feng appeared on the platform.

"Hello everyone!" His voice caught the attention and there was an anxious silence. "Everyone officially welcomes you to Heavenly Winds Academy!"

Master Yang Feng then pulled out a long scroll and opened it on the pedestal.

"I will start announcing the names and their respective classes!"

Master Yang Feng then began to read the names from the parchment...

"An Ming, Mystical Level of Heaven's Ascendancy, 1st Step"

"Lan Qiao, Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy, 1st Step"

"Ren Shu, Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy, 1st Step"

"Jun Jie, Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy, 1st Step..."

Most of the students there were in the First Step class of the Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy.

Students were being divided according to their cultivation levels.

All were distributed among the 5 degrees of Mystic Heaven Ascendancy.

This included people who were at a power level up to a star, with about 1,200 power.

"Zheng Xi-Wang! Mystical Level of Heaven's Ascendancy! 1st Step." A familiar name was said.

Zheng Xi-Wang sighed and Huang Mei placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling slightly.

"Zhao Kuan, Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy! 1st Step."

"Looks like we'll be together then." Zhao Kuan smiled at Zheng Xi-Wang.

"I'd rather die."Zheng Xi-Wang said rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry, with my current level soon they switch me to the second or third grade class, it's a shame you can't see this cute little face for a long time." Zhao Kuan said.


"Long Tian!" Master Yang Feng's voice caught everyone's attention. "Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy, 1st Step."

Long Tian also let out a sad sigh.

Unfortunately for them, the measure of powers was recorded as the last of their test.

Even now having higher levels, they still wouldn't be able to go to majority Turks.

"Liu Jian Yi, Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy!1st Step" Liu Jian Yi's name caught Long Tian's attention.

"Second Step!" Master Yang Feng announced, moving on to the next list of names.

"Huang Mei! Ancestry of Mystic Heaven 2nd Step" Huang Mei's name was said.

Not surprisingly, you'd expect her to be in a superior group anyway.

"Zhou Tai-Yang!" Long Tian heard that boy's name. "Ancestry of the Mystic Heaven, 2nd Step!" Long Tian looked around for the red-haired boy.

He was curious about his declared rival, as the last time he saw him was at the last test.

Long Tian was aware of the Zhou Family's reputation, and Zhou Tai-Yang addressing him directly was minimally interesting.

Later, he saw the redhead with a proud pose, and beside him, Liu Jian Yi and the gray-haired genius, Xu Jiang Ning.

Zhou Tai-Yang looked at Long Tian and smirked.

"Xu Jiang Ning! Mystic Level of Heaven's Ascendancy, 2nd Step!"

The announcements continued for a long half hour.

And like every year, only classes up to the Third Step were formed.

No one there was strong enough to surpass Fourth and Fifth Step power crops.

But Long Tian was convinced that by the end of the year he would be a Divine Expert at the Apex of the Mystic Level.

"As expected from Mei Lin, he's in a high school class," Zhao Kuan said.

"En." Huang Mei smiled.

"I wanted to be with you, better than this idiot." Zheng Xi-Wang said.

"Maybe if you use your head more instead of muscle, you can." Zhao Kuan snapped.

"Please don't fight." Huang Mei was already feeling Zheng Xi-Wang's murderous intent toward Zhao Kuan.

She then looked at Long Tian, who had been standing there in silence for a while.

"Long Gege? Is everything alright?"

"Huh?" He seemed to come back from his thoughts. "Ah! Yeah, I'm fine."

"Brother Long!" Zhao Kuan then walked over and hugged Long Tian around the neck. "Don't worry! We'll soon be on the Third Step! We're strong!"

"You don't mean, Second?" Zheng Xi-Wang asked.

"I dream big," Zhao Kuan said. "And me and Long Tian have been training a lot, we'll soon pass you guys," he said proudly. "Neh, brother Tian?"

Long Tian just looked at him indifferently.

Zheng Xi-Wang rolled his eyes.

After long minutes, the North gate opened. Everyone was directed to the hall in their respective groups.

Long Tian watched Huang Mei from afar and Zhou Tai-Yang, Xu Jiang Ning and Liu Jian Yi later on, all in the same group.

Master Yang Feng then appeared, followed by three high-level Divine Specialists.

"Welcome everyone to the Academy of Heavenly Winds! I'm glad that this year we had the appearance of skillful and strong apprentices!" Master Yang began his speech.

However, Long Tian wasn't paying attention to Master Yang Feng. He just looked at those three Masters and could feel the strong power they emanated.

The first, was a very pretty woman of short stature, she wore a pink floral robe. Her skin was ruddy and she had black hair pulled back in a bun.

The second was a man, very tall and strong. He had dark skin and short blond hair. The thing that drew the most attention was the huge gold shoulder pad and the sun tattoo that was over the other shoulder.

The third and last was a tall, slender woman. She was pale and had gray hair like Huang Mei. She wore a blue robe and had a cool aura.

When Long Tian looked at her, she stared back at him and he saw her pupilless purple eyes stare back at him.

A shiver immediately rose through her body.

It was then that Zhao Kuan nudged him.

"Long Tian..." He whispered in surprise. "Those are..."

"The Three Holy Warriors!" Master Yang Feng said.