"Miss Liu!"

"Urgh!" Liu Jian Yi blocked Long Tian's attack with his arm and backed away.

"You are skilled." Long Tian said, stepping back also panting.

"I know that." Liu Jian Yi again took up an attacking stance.

Those two were already there for long minutes, so far, using only their physical abilities.

Long Tian has been watching Liu Jian Yi throughout the battle and it has gotten his attention.

Although Liu Jian Yi usually acts arrogantly, she is very skilled in combat.

At that moment, Liu Jian Yi faced Long Tian with great murderous intent that made him feel not a cold aura, but a hot aura of fury.

"No wonder she hangs out with that Zhou Tai-Yang." Long Tian thought, taking a defensive stance.

Liu Jian Yi wasted no time and attacked Long Tian again.

Long Tian however dodged all attacks and when he counterattacked, Liu Jian Yi used frightening dexterity to block them all.

"She's fast...Looks a bit like Zhao Kuan...And strong. Even though I use heavy attacks she seems to hold up well." Long Tian analyzed.

Liu Jian Yi then spun to block another left strike and turned again attacking Long Tian from the other side. As soon as he dodged to the side, Liu Jian Yi crouched and tripped Long Tian.

However, he was also quick and jumped up, launching a kick against Liu Jian Yi, who to Long Tian's surprise, turned his body backwards and reciprocated with a high kick to his chin, which by a few centimeters he had diverted.

Liu Jian Yi then spun around and stood up, facing Long Tian, panting.

The two stared at each other for long seconds again, but this time, no one had any intention of attacking...

"Stop!" Li Ming-Yue's voice yelled loudly.

Everyone then began to back away wearily and drop their sticks.

Liu Jian Yi straightened his position and brushed the hair out of his face behind his ear, and all that fury disappeared giving way to a serene and seductive face.

"Thanks for the training, Young Master Long Tian." Liu Jian Yi then walked past Long Tian towards the balcony like the others.

"It was a good practice," Long Tian replied without looking at her as she walked past him.

Liu Jian Yi quickly looked back, already expecting a neutral response and just went on his way.

"Miss Liu." Long Tian's voice calling her stopped her suddenly.

She just remained still without turning her back.

"I hope we can fight again someday." Long Tian said.

Liu Jian Yi quickly looked back and saw Long Tian staring straight at her and it made her cheeks blush.

She couldn't come up with an answer, instead she just walked back and walked away.


"I see that many of you still need to improve your skills." Li Ming-Yue said in a disappointed tone.

She was in front of the porch and in front of her, all the students gathered.

"Now, since I've been able to analyze each one's performance, let's begin the real training." Li Ming-Yue continued.

"The Winter Crest?" Murmurs started among the students.

"The Winter Crest is an exam where we will be selected and sent to one of the 4 great academies." Someone said.

"And possibly one of the great guardians will choose some of us as their apprentices."

All students were now excited.

Just imagine! Apprentice to a great Divine Guardian Specialist?!

"I will give you some instructions in the next few days, but your cultivation will be completely in your hands." Li Ming-Yue said. "You can use all the Academy facilities for your studies and training, just don't let me down." Ming-Yue stared at everyone seriously, which sent a shiver down your spine.


Another day was over.

Long Tian sought out Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang.

Although she didn't like to admit it, she was feeling comfortable in their company.

When she finally found them, Zhao Kuan was crouched down holding his stomach.

“You really are an idiot!” Zheng Xi-Wang however, as she was always scolding him.

"What happened?" Long Tian approached. "Is Zhao Kuan hurt?"

"He just went too far in training." Zheng Xi-Wang replied.

"You kicked me hard!" Zhao Kuan spoke between moans of pain.

"It was your fault!"

"Are your bruises hurting?" Long Tian walked over and pulled Zhao Kuan close.

"Oh oh oh! That hurts!" Zhao Kuan stood up and felt the bruises on his stomach hurt even more.

Long Tian then opened his tunic revealing his entire front.

"O-Oe! What are you doing?!" Zhao Kuan tried to back away blushing a little and surprised by Long Tian's sudden action. "Hey Long Tian! Buy me a meal until at least!"

Long Tian gripped his arm tightly with a grimace and didn't let him back down.

"Be quiet." Long Tian said seriously staring back at Zhao Kuan.

Zhao Kuan's stomach and chest still had the bruises, and he could see some of the red bruises underneath.

Long Tian then placed his other hand on Zhao Kuan's stomach.

"Urgh!" Zhao Kuan felt Long Tian's hand was very cold and it hurt a little.

Soon, a blue aura took Long Tian's hand and Zhao Kuan could feel that energy penetrate his skin, which was gradually relieving the pain.

"Hmm? Ah!" Zhao Kuan was soon no longer in pain.

"Is it better?" Long Tian asked.


"Good." Long Tian then released him and walked away. "Come on."

He walked ahead, leaving Zhao Kuan and Zheng Xi-Wang confused.

Long Tian used healing powers?

When had he learned that?

"O-Oe!" Zhao Kuan called. He wanted explanations.

Long Tian suddenly stopped and looked at Zhao Kuan.

"By the way, I would never want to have anything to do with you."

"Have you stopped just to explain?"Zhao Kuan smiled.

Long Tian blew air through his nose and started walking again.

"I know I'm irresistible, don't be shy, but next time don't be too invasive." Zhao Kuan spoke mockingly.

"Idiot!" Long Tian yelled.

Zhao Kuan saw him go even further away, when he looked to the side, Zheng Xi-Wang was also gone and was there in front.

"Hey! Shuang! Help me walk!" He called running to her.

"Walk alone!" She yelled rudely and ignored him.

Zhao Kuan was quite confused.

What got into her?