"All right." Li Ming-Yue said as she finished making her preparations, placing the needle case carefully beside her.
The room was closed, with a faint light coming through the curtains, giving a view to two silhouettes.
Li Ming-Yue took a small vial from her pocket, spilling some silver powder into her hand and pouring it over the once red, now blue lamp fire, releasing a strong sweet aroma.
"Ready?" She looked at Long Tian who was sitting in front of her, watching her make her preparations in total silence, he just nodded in confirmation and Li Ming-Yue continued.
He didn't look nervous, on the contrary, he was quite calm.
From her needle case, she picked one up delicately with her index finger and thumb, holding that thin silver metal with a bluish tinge with the tip.
She held it in front of her face and looked at Long Tian.