Chapter 14: The Sword In The Stone

Albert stares at me with dread in his eye. His grip tightens around his sword and each step he barely takes is a stagger. He plants his sword into the ground and rests his torso on its hilt.

"You are stronger than you were when this fight began. It would appear there is more to your power than meets the eye. Another thing I hate about those damned Danann, they are the personification of a dues-ex machina." Albert spat as he pointed at me.

"I won, this war is over, Albert." I say calmly at him.

"This war isn't over, in fact it has just begun. Our battle here has rung the dinner bell and my kind will feast on yours." Albert picked himself up, clasped tightly around his sword and with a bright light he teleported away.

I rushed to Carol's side and laid her in my lap.


Is the first thought that runs through me. I apply pressure to her wound to stop her bleeding.

"I'll be fine, Angy," She says smiling.

"You are bleeding."

"Really? I hadn't noticed," She says sarcastically with a giggle that turns into a cough.

"Dude, I'm not in the mood for this."

"You are so sweet. This wound isn't enough to kill me though. Give me a moment." She said and a vine sprouted from the ground. This one was different from the usual ones. It had white coloured flowers on it and the vine itself was a deep yellow colour.

The vine sprawled over her cut and sealed it up miraculously. As if she hadn't been cut.

"One of my abilities. I can heal almost any wound. Though it takes time to prepare."

The relief hits hard and exhaustion sets in. I was so worried.

She pulls my face closer to hers and lightly kisses me and I taste her. Always exquisite, always refreshing, always loving.

She pulls away then points to where a sword in embedded in a stone with weeds around it.

"We still have to get that out of here."

We both stare at the blade and Carol steps forward, clasping her hands around it.

"If this is Excalibur doesn't that mean you have to be worthy to lift it. Like Thor with mjolnir or something?" She checks before attempting anything yet.

"Well, sort of but more of individual worthiness rather than just general worthiness. You have to be resolved, to be willing to do what it takes for what it is you want. It's what I saw in Abhartach's memories." I say to her.

She sighs and hesitates to try pulling it out.

"I don't think there's anyone more fit for this than you, believe, Carol."

She nods at my words and attempts to pry out the sword. The sword shifts a little at her tugging but remains planted. She calls vines to wrap around and still pulls.


She looks disappointed steps away from it.

"It would appear this isn't my forte. Guess being badass doesn't open all door. Give it a go." She says at me with a humorous tone

I like this about her. She doesn't fuss over things that were never meant to be. She does throw tantrums once in a while for losing though and that's cute.


I put my hands around the sword. A voice speaks to me.

"You have arrived at last. Destiny has called out to you. Now grab it and make it your own."

I pull the sword out effortlessly. It feels light. Solid but light. The refinement of the blade is astonishing, not a single stain on it. The hilt blue like the one I saw in Abhartach's memories with designs on it as well.

I try to take a closer look and gravity overwhelms me. The force drops me to my knees and the sword begins to glow.

"Abhartach what is happening?"

"I am unholy, the sword is pure. It is trying to get rid of me!." He says while howling in pain.

"Stop! Abhartach stays." I speak to the sword and it yields its attack. Then changes its appearance. The blade becomes more refined than before, ever stainless. The hilt turns silver, mimicking the dagger I carry.

The blades accustomed to each other form matching sheaths. The sword on my back and the dagger on my waist.

Carol looks at me befuddled at what just happened but shrugs it off and we make our way to Ireland.