Chapter 20: A Dance With Venom

Ogma feels the ground quake beneath her as she slaughters her opponents. Another earthquake shakes the ground and knocks a few warriors off their balance.

"Balor," She spits as her eyes turn to the towering giant Fomorian king, his one eye focused on his grandson approaching him with the spear of Gorias clutched.

Ogma set her gaze on Nuadu, warriors around him and Bres as they engaged in a duel to the death.

"My lord!" She screamed and charged to his side. They could not afford to lose Nuadu, not again, her people had lost him once but most importantly, she had lost him and she would have it again

"She was always the strongest among us," Abhartach said as he watched Ogma tear through every Fomorian in her path she desperately wanted to save Nuadu.

"I thought Lugh was," I respond.

"Well, yes but only when you include magic. In terms of physical strength, hand to hand combat and general understanding, she was always a step further. She even made the Gaelic language."

"Wow, she is amazing," I say as I watch her in awe. She uses a sword and shield but the way she uses her shield may as well be another sword.

"She was the only Danann to not surrender when the Fomorians enslaved us, she is the god of water,"

"Stay back!" Nuadu screams at her as he puts some distance between him and Bres. "This is tradition, if I lose it would have been of my own doing and if that happens, lead them."

"Parting words?" Bres mocks as he allows them to have their conversation.

"No, you can't. Your people need you,"

"I would gladly fight for them and die in battle, it is alright, Ogma. I will not lose."

"You better not because I need you," She said with her voice cracking.

"You have always been there for me, even when I had hit my lowest point and I love you, more than anything, so let me fight for you."

"I love you too, my king but I wish you would have let me fight for you instead," Ogma said as tears fell down her cheeks.

She carried herself once more, standing up straight, she wiped the tears from her face and ran from the scene. She had her part to play and with that, she raced to aid Lugh in his battle.

Bres smirked and sent a mix of a laugh and a growl at Nuadu, "It seems your little slut has always had a soft spot for you, I should have taken her to my quarters and made her bear little Fomorians, that would have broken you," He says pointing Excalibur. I see him for what he is, sadistic, hungry and truly evil, I do not even know what he wants.

"You deserve to die like the pig you are, rotting in your faeces," Nuadu spits.

He removes his gauntlet and lower-vambrace to stop his cut from bleeding, he tosses the damaged parts to the ground and switches the sword to his right hand.

"If I remember correctly, you are left-handed," Bres taunts.

"I can bitch you around with any side I use, Bres."

Bres rushes in to attack, his sword hitting against Nuadu's, swiftly, the two dance, both their gazes locked on their target. The soldiers spectating could only see sparks and hear clinks as the two men ferociously attacked each other. Nuadu slashes vertically at the air and sends a wave of light energy at Bres. He does a twirl flip forward above and changes the grip of his blade to a reverse grip and attacks. His blade lights up as it slashes across Nuadu's chest.

He stumbles back two paces, his chest plate wide open and blood gushing out. Bres turns and slashes him again diagonally in the same spot and makes a criss-cross with his attacks. Nuadu groans and the Fomorians among the soldiers encircling them cheer for their champion.

"Slay the swine!"

Nuadu grips the hilt of his blade as hard as he can with his right hand and whispers under his breath.

"A king does not take, he gives. A king does not yield to save himself, he fights to protects his people. I am a King," Nuadu chants.

His hilt turns golden, the air around him becomes sharp and violent as energy is absorbed from around him. He charges, howling at Bres, his chest and arm are in pain, he feels it sting as air hits against his wounds but he powers through, he attacks. Bres feels the impact of Nuadu's sword clashing with his blade, the shock pushes his back, tearing through the ground beneath his feet.

No words escape his mouth, he focuses and instead, dodges Nuadu's net attack. Bres moves aside and lets Nuadu's sword slide to the ground.

Nuadu moves his sword to the side, following Bres' movements, he wants him. Bres blocks the attack with a loud clang, the blade almost split his top from his bottom. The two continue to exchange attacks, perfectly in sync but Bres can feel it. The pressure, he is being slowly pushed into a corner, small slashes form a few times between the attacks on Bres' bodice.

"No!" Bres cries out as his sword lights up once more and shoves Nuadu a safe distance away. The sword begins to change and form around his skin as it pushes off the armour in his arms. His eyes turn into a threatening red and his voice changes.

"I am no king, Nuadu. I possess knowledge from all that have wielded this blade, their essence. I am god,"

"You are delusional," Nuadu retorts as he harnesses his blade. The blade begins to channel all the energy from around him, Nuadu feels the magic as it forms in the hilt and expands to the blade and his body. He feels it.

Bres feels the blade awaken, he feels it conjure something in his soul, he sees all the past users, their backs turned, he may be worthy but they see him as an abomination.

"What do you want, half-blood?" Arthur inquires as he is the only one that will even look at him.

"Your guidance," Bres demands.

"We will not help a murderer."

"I wasn't asking, old king. I will take it."

Bres calms down as he takes taps into the sword fully, at last.