Chapter 10 The Royal Proposal

Rowan's POV:

For some reason my family has been called to Castle Moonhaven today. We weren't told why, just that it was important. Apparently the Messenger told Pa because he's the guardian of us but we children aren't allowed to know. I tried the "But I'm Not A Child" card and it didn't work, so now I'm left curious. When we were ready and went to go to leave, we noticed a carriage in the front yard. Apparently this reason was important enough to pick us up and let us ride in a luxury. Even my brothers dressed their best when they heard we had been called to the castle and even more when they saw the carriage.

When we arrived we were escorted to the throne room. Pa smiled and the King asked him to join him by the throne and they chatted quietly and every once in a while glanced at me. I'm starting to think I'm in trouble. Next thing you know the Princes come in. At their sight my heart flutters. I sigh and tell myself to bucker up. King Blake then says, “The Princes have chosen their bride and she is the young lady of the McKinely family.” His wife, Queen Marie, then says, “Rowan, darling, would you please step forward?” I freeze but then realize she told me to step forward so I do.

As I step forward thoughts fly through my mind. I know I am the only girl in my family but out of all the girls in the Kingdom the Princes chose me as their bride? Aren't Princes supposed to marry rich, pretty girls who are close to their rank in station? After a few more thoughts I then realize my name is being called. “Rowan? Rowan, hun, snap out of it. Your ok, your just in shock.” I then realize it's my Pa and look up at him and give him a small smile and he smiles back at me and asks if I'm ok which I respond with a yes. Then he turns to the Princes and nods. I then see Kelan and Kendrick come up to me and both get on one knee and each take hold of my hands.

Kelan starts to speak, “Rowan, do you remember when we first met you? The day of the Kingdom welfare check tour?” I nod yes so he continues, “On that first day, when our eyes met, I knew you were the one. When we danced at the ball that was no accident. I bumped into you on purpose so I could dance with you. When I did, it felt like sparks going through me.” I started to cry but then Kendrick starting speaking, “I also felt something for you when I first met you on the day of the tour. I couldn't explain it at first because I didn't know what true love was until I heard my parents story-.” At this he looks up at his parents who smile at each other and him. Then he continues, “-but after I knew you were the one. I also didn't accidentally bump into you at the dance. It was all a plan by me and Kelan. When I danced with you I felt like I was in heaven. What we are trying to ask you is-.” Then at once they both said, “Rowan McKinely will you do us the honor of being our wife and Queen?”

I couldn't stop crying and when I started sobbing they asked me what was wrong. “Aren't you supposed to marry some gorgeous princess instead of some farm girl like me? I could never match your rank or give you a dowry. I’m just me.” At this they both started laughing and looked at me while I glared at them and asked what was funny. They then said, “Rowan, we can marry whoever we want. Look at our parents. Our dad was born into royalty yet he chose our mother, a simple commoner from the Fae Moon Province. And here were are, years later, professing our love to you. We love everything about you from your little button nose to dirty jeans from working on the farm all day.” My face must of shown my shock because they nodded and then asked again, “Rowan, will you be our wife?” As I wiped away my tears and smiled while answering, “Yes.” At this they smiled and they crushed me in a hug and I heard people yelling welcome to the family but all I felt was joy and love around me because my twin Princes accepted me.