Sugar Daddy

unknown persons pov

After a long time. I found you. I am so happy to see her. she was so beautiful than before...

I think she would have forgotten me but I won't. I am still waiting for you. ........he grinned...

Risa pov

I went to college. I parked my car in the parking lot and I went to the canteen to have my breakfast as I have more time left before my class gets started. while I was having breakfast. I saw mia coming towards me. when she saw me I saw seeing her. she said " slut, what have you done?"

I also played with her saying that " what I have done?"

" don't act."

" I really didn't act."

"you... because of you, my family went bankrupt."

" you really know that I don't have any power, then how can you say because of me your family went bankrupt."

" you... "

she continued" because you are a slut and having a sugar daddy."

Due to her shouting. all the students in the canteen turned towards us.

I saw her with a side look. her thinking process is too much for a simple thing.

I didn't say anything and continued my eating work as if I didn't get what she was saying . for her, I can't make my stomach hungry.

she started to shout but I didn't reply to her even a single word. I can see she got angry that I didn't reply to her. " are you acting like a deaf?"

I looked up and saw her.

I said " if I am deaf. why are you caring for me?"

she said " you..."

I completed my breakfast while she was singing. I got up from the place. she said, " where are you going bitch? I didn't complete my talk ".

I said, " then continue your talk."

After saying I started to walk. I heard the noise approached me.

I felt something was poured on me. I saw it was mia. she was holding an empty cup.

she said, " you deserve it, slut."

I didn't say anything and started to move towards the restroom.

I could still hear her shouting.

I smelled myself and thought it's my favorite coffee but I hate the smell of it.

the coffee was not so hot.... just missed if the coffee was hot then I will be in a burning sensation.

I threw my jacket in the dustbin as it was fully covered with the coffee.

now I smelled myself it was not so strong as before.

before coming out of the restroom I washed my face and hand.

when I opened the door. I looked up and I got scared. The figure which made me scare, it was Carlos. I saw him angrily because of him I got scared. I asked him with an arrogant tone, " what do you want?"

he was about to tell me something but I didn't listen to him and I turned away and started to walk. I felt something was missing. so I search my bag and found out what I forgot. I forgot to take my phone from the place where I was eating my breakfast. I turned to walk toward the canteen and passed Carlos. when I was passing he said " Do want your phone?" after saying he showed me my phone.

I scratched from him and said " thanks again " and started to walk towards my classroom...

during class... I started to feel someone was staring at me. I turned and saw but I didn't catch that culprit. after some time I felt again someone was staring at me. I instantly turned and saw it was Carlos. I showed frowned at him and turned my face towards the board.

after class over, he came forward to talk but I didn't listen to him. I put on my headphone and started to listen to the songs and I moved away as if I didn't see anyone in front of me.

I directly went to the house and I took some food from the refrigerator. I moved towards my room and directly went to the bathroom. after an hr, I can back and sit in front of my dressing mirror. I felt relaxed after taking the bath.

After dressing myself. I got up and sat on the bed and started to watch tv with my snacks. today I don't feel like working. After watching a horror movie. I saw the time it was 11: 00 pm. I thought it's not the perfect time to sleep. so I went out through my window. I saw the security man coming for rounds. I quickly walked away without making any noise. I was roaming in the street. while I am roaming I felt something was on my shoulder. I didn't see who it was I started to attack the person. the unknown person said, " it me, Carlos."

Then I stopped attacking him.

I asked him "why are you here? "

" I am your neighbor and I saw you were roaming in the street."

" ohhh. for that what? "

" you are roaming at this hour if anything happens to you..."

I cut him in the middle while he was saying. I told " you don't have to care about me. if you still care about me that I am not safe. I can demonstrate to you how I am defending myself .are you ready?"

" noooo. I got a trial now that how you are strong. so you don't have to demonstrate on me again and waste your energy on me."

" ok " and started to walk away from him.

I heard him saying " why are you avoiding me?"

I said " I didn't avoid you. I just don't want to talk about silly things."

after saying I again started to walk...