I will kill him on the spot

I went to my room and began to work. I can't lose this project. This single project can change the status of my company. so I began to work... After a few hrs, I saw the time it was 4: 00 am. But I can't able to complete it. It still needs 3 days to complete this project if it is done by a single person.

After seeing the time I thought of sleeping but I have to get this project at any cost. so I resume my work.






I heard a noise from outside. I went out and saw my father. After seeing me he asked" Risa, do you have classes today? "

I saw the time it was 9:00 am. oh shit. I got a plan. " Yes, Dad but I have stomach pain. so I couldn't able to go to classes, dad * acting in pain* "

my father observed me " Ok, dear. take rest. Do you want to go to the hospital? "

I said " Dad, you know I hate to go to the hospital then why are you asking me and it is a small pain. so it will be alright after sometimes "

he said " ok, dear. go and have some rest "

" yes, dad," I moaned in pain.

when I entered. I quickly locked the door and resumed work.

while working I heard some noise. I turned back but couldn't find it.

after a few seconds, I heard the same noise then I found out it was coming from my stomach, * haha * how stupid I am. I saw the time it was 3:00 pm. I didn't have my breakfast. I made a call to the kitchen and asked for something for my lunch.

After a few minutes, I heard a clicking noise. it was from my food elevator. When I was 16 years old. I often feel sick if I don't take my food at the correct time. so they installed a food elevator. so they will send the food at the time so I won't fall sick and there is another problem. I am so lazy to go down and have my food. so I always had my food in my bedroom.

I opened the door and took the food. After eating the food I keep the plates in the food elevator.

I again fall into the world of work. I don't know when time started to fly...

While working I heard a noise. I looked towards the window. it was open. I didn't panic. a pair of hands closed my eyes. I heard a voice " baby, say who am I ?"

After hearing the voice. I found who that was. I said " oh. I know who it is. Your name is Mr Dumb Carlos Carson. "

After hearing my answer he took his hand and told me with an irritated face " I am not dumb "

" ya. ya, you are not fully boiled dumb but a half-boiled dumb * haha* "

he didn't utter anything.

I asked " why did you come here? "

he asked " what do you want to know the truth or false? "

" truth "

" I missed you so much without your presence in the classroom. so I came to find you"

" It's better to hear false," I murmured.

I kept my hand in my forehand and I looked up to see him. He was smiling like an idiot.

I didn't tell him anything. I can't keep my work pending for him. so I began my work. He was standing like a statue in the same place. After a few minutes, he was still staring at my back and started to roam around my room and started to take something from the shelf and toss it down.


An unpleasant noise rang in my ears.

I got irritated by the sound. but I didn't take his present as important as I can. again I hear some noise. for half an hour he was making enough noise to disturb me. I lost my patience. I turned my face to see what the hell he was doing. When I turned my face I saw he was walking like a chimpanzee. I thought where they found this creature.

I said, "can you stop your monkey behaviour."

he was acting like he was about to cry " my baby told me that I have monkey behaviour. I can't take this into my heart "

" what do you want and why are you torturing me?"

" I came here to ask why you are absent and I want to give you my classes notes for you to copy "

I said, "I had stomach pain, and thanks for your notes."

I scratched the note from him.

" Now you can go and don't come tomorrow like this."

" Then are you not coming tomorrow also..?"

"yes and now you can go "

" but-"

" no, but. bye " I pushed him towards the window. while he was going out of the window. He twisted his leg. The next moment he was lying down on the ground. " are you alright?"

" wow! now only my baby is taking my presence seriously."

I was so angry after hearing his words. I said " if you get any damage I have to pay for your hospital bill. "

" baby you don't have to worry about me " after saying, he gave me a flying kiss. I showed my furious face. when he was about to say something. but he was interpreted by the security " who are you, sir, and what are you doing? ". he saw him and began to run after seeing him... I started to laugh after seeing how he was running.

I locked the window. When I turned and I saw the whole room was in a mess. I screamed " whenever I see this idiot I get some sort of trouble always. if I again lose my patience hereafter I will kill him on the spot. "


Hi everyone...

I have to thank all who are continuously supporting my book .....

if you want to contact me.

my Instagram id: author_.cat