
" I think your family was bankrupt and the court didn't leave anything behind for your family. right? Then how can you have money? or you are the one who is having any affairs? uh. so don't put your long nose in others' business. "

after hearing my words she became angry. I could see in her plastic face.

she said " you... "

I advised her again " be calm. don't use your energy more in the morning or you can't able to work hard on the night with your sugar daddy"

she was about to scream.

I said, " be relaxed ."

After talking to her. I started to walk towards the private elevator.

but I was stopped by the receptionist from entering the elevator.

she asked " where are you going, little lady? "

Why are you guys all naming me, little girl or little lady? I hate the word little.

I said, " I want to meet Mr Edmin. '' I can't say that I am the CEO because the whole company no one knows about the CEO or who is their CEO. so I told her I want to meet Mr Edmin as he is important and subordinate to the CEO.

she asked, " do you have an appointment?"

I said without any expression on my face " no "

" Then you won't be able to enter."

I saw my phone. it was broken.

How I will contact Edmin.

I said" can you call Mr Edmin and tell him that Risa is here. "

she saw me with her confused look. I instructed her again " call him. He knows me."

She called Mr Edmin. after she chatted. she hangs up the call.

After a few seconds, Mr Edmin came towards me and said " sorry ma'am, to make you wait. "

I asked him while we were walking " when is the meeting ?."

" Ma'am, it will start within an hr. "

" ok "

I came out of the elevator and went to my office. After I entered, I went to my private bedroom in my office. I took a professional dress from the wardrobe.

After a few minutes, I came out and started to work in front of the desk. I began to recheck the file.

I saw the time. The meeting is about to begin within 15 mins.

Due to the postponement of the meeting, they agreed to hold the meeting in my company. Which reduced my anxiety.


I heard a knock on the door. I gave my reply " come in " while checking the file.

I looked up and saw it was Mr Edmin. he asked " Ma'am, shall we? "

"Of course "

we entered the meeting room. I looked at Mia and she showed her furious face. I sat on the main seat.

After I sat on the chair. All saw me with a complicated look. Mia was shocked. I looked at everyone's face and said in a dominant voice " shall we start the meeting? "

after hearing my words. they saw me with an anxious face.

I shouted, " Shall we ?"

Mia stood up from her place and said " hey, what are you doing here? it's a meeting room, not a playground or your bedroom ."

I said, " ya, I know it is a meeting room and I am here to attend the meeting."

she smirked," what position you are holding, that you can attend the meeting and see where you are sitting In the CEO's seat."

I raised a question " then tell me, what position you are holding. that you have the right to ask me a question?"

" you...."

" tell "

I continued again in a dominant voice " the meeting begins"

The first company ( gold corp. ) started their explanation of their project. while they were explaining, my company staff looked shocked after hearing their explanation of their project. As their project was so similar to the project module which was lost in my company.

After a while, the second company started and the third company...

when the chances came to my company ( Tero ). My company staff was about to stand up to explain the project. I said " wait, Mr Nowak " he looked at me shocked.

I know what he will think 'how I know his name’. I stopped for a second and told " you can take your seat and I will be explaining the project "

my company's staff looked at me astonished.

I stood up and took my file and gave the copies to my secretary. He started to distribute the copies to each company presented in the meeting.

I walked towards the monitor and started to display the plan of my project.

while explaining. I felt someone was staring at me. I saw who it was.

After seeing his face. I found out he was the one who crushed my bike.

Throughout the meeting, he was staring at me as he could swallow me. I felt uncomfortable and disgusted. I adjusted my shirt.

After the meeting, the Walter company announced the result of the meeting within 1 hour of the gap.

Finally, my company got the contract. I felt proud.

The remaining companies left the meeting too. after the result.

both companies signed the contract. After signing we both shook our hands. while I was about to withdraw my hand. He didn't allow me to let go of my hand. It took a lot of effort to take my hand from his grip.

while coming out of the meeting room.

Mia saw me with an indignant face. Near her was that old man who crushed my lovely bike. I moved towards her.

I raised my voice to make sure that he could able to hear my words " is he your sugar daddy? very bad choice."

" you...."

I looked down and slightly tilted my head and asked her with my patience.

" do you want some details about how I made your family bankrupt?"

she looked surprised and asked me " it's you.?"

" yes, it's me," I smirked.