
" Please stop!! " I cried out.

" Not now, baby," he said as he inserted his finger inside me again, in and out.

" Please I can't take this anymore. " I screamed.

" Can't wait to have my junior inside you. "He smirked.

" No-No. Please, sir. Please leave me. I will give you anything you want. "

" Anything I want?"

He continued " I want your body. Now I want to rule over it. "

" No. Please, sir. If you leave me. I-I won't c-complain to the police. " I strumbled.

" Oh. Police? Do you think I could get scared of the Police? For now, don't think of getting rid of me," he said as he pressed my neck and inserted his finger in my mouth.

" P-Please leave me. " I struggled.

" No, how can I stop in the middle and from now don't think of seducing another man other than me"

he said as he seized my lips. slowly he removed his lips and moved to my vagina.