
Risa pov

I couldn't believe this. how could they decide about my marriage without my knowledge? I don't want to be trapped in this marriage.

So I took my final decision. TO ESCAPE.

I have to escape. I have to escape from this stupid marriage.

I took the necessary things and put them into my bag. I took my phone and bike key. I carried my backpack. I saw the time it was 7:00 pm. It will be a perfect time to escape. I jumped down from the window and climbed the barrier. I started to walk towards my bike. Before I start my bike. I called my bestie, Clara. After speaking with my bestie. I drove straight to our apartment.

we arrived at our apartment.

When we settled inside.

I narrated the whole story to her.

" This is too much. you took a good decision to escape from the marriage. what is your next plan? " she said.

" I suppose I will be staying in this house for the next few days. then I will be travelling to the x country on a business trip. "